The two teams walked down the street as they faced each other. Finally a member of Team Magma spoke up. "Go Charmeleon." he yelled sending out his pokemon. "Give those Aqua skum your Fire Blast."
"I think not." A member of Team Aqua said. "Go Seaking, Horn Attack." he said as the Seaking missed the Fire Blast and gave the Charmeleon its Horn Attack making it faint, as the Fire Blast flew.into a nearby building, blowing a huge hole in it.
"What are you three fools looking at release your pokemon." the Team Magma member said as the rest were about to send out their pokemon until a black Mustang pulled out in front of them.
"Who the hell? Get out the way!" One of the members of Team Aqua yelled as Curt and Tim came out.
"Get out of the way. Your interfering with our battle." one of the members from Team Magma said.
"Well, we're here to stop it." Curt said taking out a pokeball. "Hey Tim I'll take them." Curt said pointing towards Team Magma.
"Fine by me." Tim said as he faced Team Aqua. "I guess I'll be nice and let you guys choose first."
"That will be your down fall." the trainer with the Seaking said as 7 pokeballs came flying from him and the four trainers. Out came a Geodude, Poliwhirl, Beedrill, Ledian, Mankey, Staryu and a Blastiose.
"Amutures." Tim said smiling as he took out a dark red and black pokeball. "Go Inferno." Tim said as a the huge dark red Charizard materilized.
"One pokemon. This should be easy." the leader said smirking. "Seaking, Blastiose,Poliwhirl, Staryu Hydro Pump. Geodude Rock Throw. Mankey Mega Kick. Beedrill, Ledian Tackle." the leader said as all the pokemon used their attacks.
"Oh give me a break, Inferno Fire Barrier." Tim said as Inferno Crated a fire barrier between itself and its master. In the process Mankey, Beedrill, and Ledian fainted and got burned. "Good job Inferno. Now finish the rest of them Hell's Fire." Tim said as the sky's began to go dark and Inferno's emerald eyes were now filled with a blood red energy adn began to form a circle of fire around the rest of the enemy pokrmon. "Now Inferno!" Tim yelled as Inferno roared as the circle of fire became a tornado and making the pokemon inside faint.
"No. That's cheating." the leader of Team Aqua said fusrated as the trainers recalled thier pokemon. "Wait until we tell our leader. Team Aqua retreat" the leader said as they began to run.
"I don't think so, Go Flora." Tim said calling out his Victrebell. "Grasping Vine and Sleep Powder." Tim said as his Victrebel extended its vines grasping all the members of Team Aqua and putting them to sleep. "Nice work, Flora. Now real them in watch them until the police come. I'm going to check on Curtis." Tim said as he recalled Inferno and went to check for Curtis.
As he walked he saw all four trainers of Team Magma agianst the wall of the building and from what Tim saw they were all knocked out. Finally Tim spotted Curtis sitting on the curb.
"I see you took the physical appoarch." Tim said sitting down next to him and taking out a cigeratte, lighting it.
"What makes you say that?" Curt said as he reached for Tim's pack and took one out and lit it.
"Well," Tim said exhaling the smoke. "The lumps on their heads explain alot."
"You can thank Hitmonlee for that." Curt said as he inhaled the smoke and then exhaling.
After about five minutes the police arrive. "Well here comes the calvary." Tim said getting up and putting out his cigeratte.
"Well we better get back to HQ." Curt said stopping on his cigeratte.
"Hey Curt?" Tim asked as curtis unlocked the door.
"Yeh." Curt said as they got in.
"I did'nt know you smoked." Tim said shutting the door.
"There are alot of things you don't know about me?" he said as they sped off towards the Headquarters.
"And I don't want to know. Now drive on butler." Tim said.
"You and Simon have been hanging out together to much." Curt said.