All the fictional characters or places (towns, islands, regions, etc.) in this story are mine and mine alone, except for my friends’ characters which may be making an appearance later in the story.
Copyright Nariko-Kun 2007 ©
Author’s Notes: Hello, readers! Now, I know you’re probably thinking what the hell is up with me and why I keep deleting my stories and waiting ages before I put them back up, only to delete them once again. Truth is, I’m never really satisfied with my writing. But I swear, starting from this story on, I won’t do that anymore. I know it probably gets really annoying for all of you (believe me, it annoys me to). Anyway, here’s the first chapter (or should I say Prologue) of my Pokemon story: The Legend of Dragonsky Island. I hope you all enjoy it. It was actually based off a dream that I had a while back, so forgive me if I eventually run out of ideas for it.
Many mysteries surround the world of Pokemon, the majority of which have never been solved and probably were never meant to be.
One mystery, or should I say legend, is the one that’s come to be known by all as The Legend of Dragonsky Island. This story has been told and revised so many times since its occurrence that no one really knows which parts of the legend actually happened and which parts were made up to make the story sound more epic and exciting.
The tale takes place thousands of years ago. Long before the invention of the hi-tech devices known as the pokedex and pokeball. Long before we had Pokemon Centers to heal our wounded Pokemon. Even before Pokemon were dubbed with such a name.
Everyone of course, knows that the name Pokemon was derived from the words "pocket" and "monster". Without pokeballs, Pokemon certainly weren't able to fit in one's pockets. Back then, Pokemon were known simply as "monsters". Wild beasts tamed by humans for companionship. Some even used the powers of these monsters to prove their strength and skills in what we now call Pokemon Battles. But, back then humans and Pokemon just did that for fun. There was no purpose for it. There weren't any gyms or a Pokemon League. People didn't strive to be the best. All they wanted was a happy, peaceful life with their friends and family.
In those times, humans and Pokemon got along as if they were all the same. No one would seek out legendaries to harness their power so one could take over the world. No one hunted Sableye for the priceless gems embedded in their bodies, or Kangaskhan for the luxurious ivory that its bones were made of. Everyone and everything lived together peacefully, in harmony and without fear of one another. That's how life should have lasted throughout eternity, but sadly, not everything turns out the way we'd hoped.
And so, our story begins on a small island known as Dragonsky Island, that existed thousands of years ago. In a strange turn of events, four friends find themselves on a mission to save their hometown and the world from complete and utter destruction....