Look up, the Leaves are Falling
By Durjacht
ok, I sorta got off track off “Falling for Seashells” aaand here’s the result. I like
writing this story, and, as always, I write it by hand in my mysterious little
notebooks. Ya. Well, at least READ the story. I find it quite interesting (gee, I
can’t imagine why..) anyway, this story (chapter, anyways) is my version of how
things came to be. Celebi, and other legends.. (saying the others would give it
away!) aaaand .... you knew it was coming. I have gotten NO MAIL
WHATSOEVER so spare yourselves and just write something.. flames, whatever!
It’s all good! email me at seiyamanchan@aol.com how special. On with the
story!! (I do not own Pokemon..... but I own all the settings and, uh, possibly the
characters.. except Celebi. I won’t tell you yet, but you can probably figure it out.)
Once, a long time ago, when creatures unimaginable existed, there was one
that stood out from the others, one rather odd one. The reason it was, was because
of it’s immense strength and endless knowlege. He was a psychic type, among
others.. he was parented by a great bird, his mother, and his father, who at the
time, anyways, was the most powerful creature to exist. He was also a
psychic-type. All 3 were thought of as pure segend, until it all happened. And for a
fleeting second, they saw the bird in all her glory, then she disappeared.
Then, all the existing creatures just knew she and the others existed. They
waited and waited, but found no trace of any of them again. But their faith had not
wavered. They wanted so much to see hte other two, especially the little one, and
to speak to them, even.. They had no idea what the little one looked like. But they
were afraid, afraid of the father. The strength of it, they knew, was more than they
could comprehend. They knew where they were, of course, the island.. which was
surrounded by horribly rough patches of water, called ‘roughtide way’. It was
across there that they knew something strange existed, because the water seemed
to be controlled, and the weather grew odd whenever, however rare it was,
somebody got near enough to the island. That was the problem. Only one had gone
there, a Skiploom, which was called Popokko back then, was reportedly seen
landing on the island by a finnicky fisherman. She never came back. they had tried
everything, but to no avail. It seemed hopeless, and many were startingto lose
hope of ever getting there.
Eventually, the young grew old and the old died. “Metzo” and
Phvi”, which the powerful one and the bird were called, thou their real names were
never recorded, grew more and more careless, yet they were still too wary for any
humans to enter their island, Okopo. The Popokko was kept as a pet for their son.
The couple were very happy. However, Phvi’s two sisters, Shindell and Kane,
were quite upset. They argued that Phvi was not performing her rightful duties.
Metzo often said that them taking care of their son was the only true duty that
mattered to them. Phvi managed to perform both duties quite well, though, and it
seemed that Shindell and Kane simply didn’t like Metzo. Though he was a pit
protective of his family, nothing about him was unbearable. All her sisters did was
make her wonder if she should quit her duties altogether, but that thought was
quickly pushed out of her mind, as it was unthinkable.
Meanwhile, their son, who is called Silhuecis, is a teen after about 30,000
years. While his parents are busy with their duties, which Silhuecis knows nothing
of except that when he became of age, he too would need to perform duties. He
gave his pet Popokko Echatei Milk, to become immortal, every year on the dot.
She was the happiest mortal creature that has ever and will ever live, as Silhuecis
was kind to other creatures, and understood that a life is a life, and when you die
that is all you’ll ever be, a separated life. Anyway, he decided to visit the Forest
Sky, a mysterious floating forest which you could only see and get to from a
certain place on the Okopo islands (yes, there were four islands).
The forest didn’t have a bottom or top, just small mossy “islands” created
between trees. A childhood friend, long separated, lived up here all alone, without
parents. An orphan Pokemon. Nobody dared talk to her. In fact, Silhuecis’ parents
hadn’t even known she came to visit, as she always disappeared before they
returned. He was smart enough, even then, to realize she didn’t want to be found.
He would see her again. Then the gathering came, where they all shared
suggestions about whatever it is they do, and agree on things.
Silhuecis had wings, and Popokko could fly, so they went into their parent’s
section of their home and flew up. Civis, the mysterious girl, told him about the
entrance, and many fantastic adventures about it. She promised to tell him about
herself when he came. He sensed a barrier near and saw that it was a sort of mirror,
liquidy and smoothe. Summoning his courage, Silhuecis flew through the barrier,
Popokko close behind. His father could sense it.
Light seemed to burst from all directions of the forest. It was raining
slightly, and strange caalls surrounded him. Down, he could recognize Metzo and
Phvi’s quarters, and even his own. But the trees, somehow, didnt seem to end. And
there were many different kinds, but there are no names for them back on the
planet. There were white trees, black trees, brown-gold trees, green-purple ones..
Even a gray one with bluish leaves. That was Silhuecis’ favorite. All were long
and thin. Then he looked at the small, grass “islands”, like upside-down pyramids,
of many sizes.
Popokko squealed with glee. And someone was singing- a female, it
seemed. No words, just a clear, ringing, rather sad song. Or maybe it was religous.
Silhuecis tried to follow the sound. Then a huge “island” came to view, one that
seemed to be inhavited. IT was stunning, flying through the forest with light
shining all around you, the rain cooling your skin.. Then, as Silhuecis grew closer,
the unnatural light faded away, and the “sun”, or whatever it was, was directly
overhead. But it couldn’t be the sun, which would be in the east. Anyway, it was
prabably for convenience, without that light around you constantly. He landed on
the island, which was cluttered with books of the legendary language, and many
other kinds. Popokko landed on a particularly tall stack. The books were grouped,
each pile with a small desk nearby, the size for a human. Then, there was an
unusual sight. A tree, not an endless one- a willow, maybe.. exactly in the middle
of the trunk was a smooth, ivory-looking puddle, almost similar to the one
Silhueces used to enter the forest, except for the color, and it was a perfect oval.
There was a desk in front of that, too, with Civis on a chair, her head in her arms..
Asleep, maybe? Parylized? Or worse..? Silhuecis called out to her, but no
reply. Speechless, he just stared. There was a sketch, on clear white paper, that
was unmistakably the ivory portal. In Civis’ hand was a pencil. Popokko, who was
also quiet, walked over, fascinated by the portal, and the singing coming from it.
She touched it.
In a flash, Metzo appeared, with Sphvi, in their quarters, and sped towards his area
(his home was magiked so that no attacks could be used in their home). The
amazing features of their home whizzed past, then he was there. Metzo and Sphvi
could see the Belmos barrier. How could Silhuecis have gotten through? The other
legends were quite surprised when they left, adn hurried after. “Soon, they were all
looking up. They needed share no words, they could all use telepathy with the
others, even if they were not all psychic, like Sphvi, whose psychic powers
depended on Metzo. Slowly, they all rose into the sky.
Silhuecis was still not sure if the girl was dead or not, but he was extremely
worried. He didn’t even notice Popokko going in the portal and being spat out
again, with the ivory liquid covering her. She couldn’t cry out in the extreme pain
she was feeling. Then , the ivory turned green, like she usually was, and grew into
a different creature. The portal grew misty. It was a curse, Silhuecis though. It
compells you to draw it, then you die... or are parylized.... he closed his eyes, in
grief because of his playful friend’s state, he must take her to his father, no matter
how angry he would be.
Popokko was thrashing around, finally catching Silhuecis’ attention. She
had completely changed forms. She cried out in pain, and grabbed one of
Silhuecis’ wings. Her touch burned the teen, though she didn’t mean to, and his
wings disappeared. There was a small explosion, the remaining “ivory” on
Popokko had touched Silhuecis, and while he was skidding across the island, he
evolved, too, but still had no wings. He was thrust off the island, and started to
fall. Luckily, though, Metzo caught his unconcious son. Sphvi cried out, pointing
at Popokko. She returned her gaze. Popokko was still a grass type. The portal had
turned into a stone, no pigger that a half-dollar (uh, to all you peeps in England,
etc., it is small.... :P) with mist pouring out of a small hole in the top.
“Sere, sere, .. Celebi!!” cried Popokko.
yaaaay! The first part! neet! Sorry, none of my chapters are very long... but I try to
make them interesting! Really! well, once again, email me!! please!!!!! I’m
begging you! And don’t forget to thank Jolt on your way out! ^_^:;