*tapping foot*
DIDNT I tell you to write? Yeah, you! Hehe, no, just kidding. The
peeps who read the first one and DIDNT write about it are
probably not reading this now. Yaay, it gets exciting! But Part 3 is
da best. Ya. So far, anyway. Ya. Heehee, I can’t believe you’re
reading this.. No! Wait! Keep reading! I am EXTREMELY sure
Part 3’s coming soon. Maybe today, if I can type fast enough.
(moving right along) Ok, so, here is my email address:
k. I’ll repeat it at the end of this short chapter, just to be annoying.
And I have gotten NO mail, whatsoever! Not even from my family!
(*heehee, snort, what a nerd*) And I’m 13. (heh, a bit too old?) I
don’t care, I’m still writing (and drawing- visit my art sec.!) so
THERE. 0o0 man, I wrote a lil’ too much. Scottland rules! (no, I’m
not in or from Scottland, it’s just kewl. ^_^) ya. On with the story!
Part 1
5:11am, route 103
The Pokeball, obviously, opened, exposing a rather stubby
Pokemon, with big, innocent, deep green eyes, with a half dark,
half light face and a dart streak, like a teardrop, on the lighter half.
*snort*, made you think it was some cool new Pokemon, huh? Out
came a Bulbasaur.
“Hallo!” replied Bianu
“My name’s Tiraga!”
“I’m Bianu.”
“.. I’m Sauve.”
The marks on his face were obviously meant to look like a
Nautilus (a rare, water-type Yin-Yang Pokemon), which was rare,
only two sighted, both at the same time, coincidentally. There was
a trend becoming popular.. well, Pokemon with random marks all
over its body (so far only Bulbasaur and its evolutions... I think)
can be bred so that their marks resemble, uh, things or other
Pokemon. And some people are very cruel about it. Sadly, it is
common for people to starve or even kill the un-marked ones, and
sell the marked ones (that’s what they’re called) Most fiends were
never caught. And there are alot of rumors that certain marks will
make them evolve into a new Pokemon. Anyway, Tiraga grinned
at us, though its markings made it look a bit odd.
Dumbstruck, I said nothing. Bianu, though, was quite
“Was that brown-furred guy your trainer?”
“Who? Oh, Jaren? No, he wasn’t my trainer
“then who was?”
He ‘shrugged’ “I didn’t know her name”
“Well, welcome!”
I wasn’t sure how to tell a Pokemon’s age, but this one
seemed just out of toddler stage. Bianu was obviously older, and
was already taking the role of ‘big brother’, telling him things
about me and my home.
I smiled, and wondered when the sibling rivalry would begin.
It was hard to imagine them fighting, though, let alone getting into
a Pokemon leage, either. I wasn’t sure I wanted to, though, when
the past 3 masters were murdered. So now there is no current
champion. (yeah, that’ll fix anything)
“Augh!” I cried out, and everything went black.
Dream Sequence
A girl was backed up against the wall, there seemed to be no
hope for her. There were rock and ground types surrounding her,
and a small scream came from behind her.
The black-haired girl took out a green-handled sword, and began
swinging it with passion, but it is very hard to slice rock or ground
Two others lie near her, apparently dead.
Tears streaked down her face as a large creature falls, after much
battle, near her. A bird, then, hovers over behind the girl, then
quickly out of the caves, trying not to hear the last scream of her
life-long companion.
Dream Sequence Over
Sauve woke up to somewhat loud humming, and didn’t
remember her previous dream. Did Pokemon hum? They should.
She sat up, and saw a girl hanging some clothes not a yard away,
and humming. She spun around. “Ach! Yer up, ya?” she said, with
something of a Scottish accent (*I know, there is no Scottland in
the Pokemon world, but how else can I explain it?*)
She had thicker arms than most, wavy brown-red hair, and
green eyes. All her clothes, even the ones on the clothes line
were a deep red with the exception of a few white shirts, which
she wore under a small red jacket, and a black belt, which held up
her thick, red, knee-length skirt.
Sauve felt at a bandage on her head.
“Uh, hello.”
“Aren’t ya goin’ te thank meh?”
“Oh, of course! I really owe you... but what happened?”
She grinned. “Quite funny, achtua’y! ‘N angry Soodowoodo
hit yeh in the back of yer head! Methinks you did sumtin’ to make
‘im angry, ya?”
“’Course not! I woul-... ohh...”
She remembered being at the docks, and on a faraway cliff,
oddly, a man jumped into the ocean, and a rampaging
Soodowoodo right in after him.. After all, Soodowoodo hate water,
and I was laughing pretty hard.
“No ma’er! I know Soodowoodo are a strange bunch, no
doubt! Well, me name’s Lind! She pulled off all the clothes and the
clothesline, surprisingly fast, and somehow stored them in her
“Well, I’ better git goin’ then. You take care, now, and you
can take ‘at bandid off ‘morrow!”
“Yes! And I hope we meet again!”
“Don’ worry, we will! Farewell!”
And so that meeting was over.
I was going to give Tiraga a Prof. Chime Berry, though it was
clear he didn’t need it (Prof. Chime Berries expand the vocal side
of a Pokemon’s brain, allowing it to learn and speak the human
language within a span of 2 weeks), but was rudely interrupted by
a large explosion being hurled through the air towards us.
yaay.. Don’t worry, the 3 part is better (or so I’ve heard) I just had
to squeeze that Scottish gal in somewhere! Anyway, next part
might have a GUY in it! Yaay! Ok. Like I said, here’s my email
AND WRITE ALREADY!! flames, I don’t care, I really don’t. And
I’ll reply, hows about that?? Hows about them apples???? Ya. Ok.
So you have fun... Y’all cum back now, hear?
Durjacht (ah likes to read!)