2 in 1 By: Lucarioblaze AAMRN Ash: 40 Misty: 42 Stone/Lilly/people in class: 12 --Chapter 2-- “Dad...what was mom’s name?” Stone asked carefully, making sure Ash did not fall into his daydream once more. “Stone, your mother’s name was Misty. Misty Waterflower.” “MOMMY! I’m home!” Lilly hollered as her words echoed in the mansion. “Oh! Hi honey. I have some food for you.” Misty calmly replied as she gave Lilly a hug. “Mommy, I have a question.” Lilly started. “Ok, tell me whatever you need to ask.” Misty replied with a worried look. “Why don’t I have a dad?” Lilly inquired. “L-Let’s change the topic.” I knew she was going to ask someday. Well, here it is! What should I tell her? “Y-You can’t blame me for asking!” Lilly muttered as tears were welling up in her eyes. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.” Misty said. “Schooltime! Writing workshop is now.” The teacher bellowed. “We will be learning about adverbs in this lesson. Can anyone tell me what an adverb is?” The teacher asked. Lilly’s hand shot up into the air like a rocket while everyone else had no clue whatsoever. “Yes, Lilly...” The teacher answered glumly. “An adverb is something that describes a verb.” Lilly explained. “That is correct!” The teacher blurted joyfully. “That’s correct! Whoo hoo! THAT’S CORRECT!!” Now the teacher was practically screaming. She was apparently amazed that someone was able to answer the question instead of her answering it herself. She was amazed that she had someone smart in her class. "Ring ring! Lunch!" The intercom blared. Everyone ran outside of the classroom and on to the playground.