Disclaimer: I don’t own
Pokemon and I didn’t write the Animorphs.
Animorph Pokemon Journey
By: Lone Gyarados Rider
Part 1
my name is Tobias. It was just another day, another mission. We were fighting
the yeerks and beating them again. Now your probably thinking, Ok, this kid is
crazy, right. Well I’m not. Yeerks are
parasitic gray slugs that crawl into your brain and take complete control of
your body. You can’t do anything without them doing it for you. You’re probably
thinking, well if I ask really politely they will do what I ask them
to, well you’re wrong. They are an evil
race of aliens who are determined to rule the universe. They have already taken
over the Hork-Bajir home world, and the Taxxon home world. A Taxxon is the
universes dedicated cannibal because if given the chance they will
eat themselves.
Hork-Bajir is a walking, talking razor blade shop. Right now on earth there is
only 5 humans, 1 sunling, 1 plutation, and 1 andalite fighting the war for
earth. Now to explain what a sunling, plutation, and an andalite are. A sunling
is someone from the sun, so if you see one walking down the street don’t throw
water on them. A plutation is from Pluto, so don’t try to warm them with a nice
fire if you see one. An andalite looks like a human, a deer, and a scorpion
rolled into one, plus they have no mouth so they speak through thought and eat
and drink through their hooves and they have stalk eyes. Their actually 2
andalites on earth but one is controlled by a yeerk whoose rank is visser
that I told you all that I shall tell you about my friends who are fighting
alongside me in this war. First is Michael Walker the brains of the team he is
a sunling and he is not any sunling he is the one hundred and first prince and
heir to the throne of the sun. Next is Danny Walker he is a plutation and he is
not any plutation he is the one hundred and first prince and heir to the throne
of Pluto. Next is Aximili–Esgarrouth–Isthill,
he is an andalite and is brother to Prince Elfangor.
is Cassie she is the one who supplies with our morphs because her mom works The
Gardens and her dad runs an animal rehabilitation clinic in their barn. There
is also Rachel who looks like a she could be a super model but acts like Xenon:
Warrior Princess. Next is Jake our
unofficial leader his brother is one of them, a controller. Last is Marco he’s
the joker of the group always cracking jokes that don’t make sense.
Oh yeah, I for got to talk about myself well I’m a
human yet I’m a red-tailed hawk. I’m what andalites called a nothlit. Which is basically someone who is trapped in morph.
Author’s note: I will update
things A.S.A.P. okay.