Disclaimer: ahem, I currently do not own Pokemon, but after my evil plan, well.. we'll just see about that! BWAHAHAHA! Cough Okay, theirs no evil plan! I don't own Pokemon, However, The actually Pokemon as CHARECTERS belong to me, Chariflame and Fushi. Misteon Belongs to Fushi, and the Jewel of Howigowah (comes in later on) belongs to Chariflame a.k.a Fae.
The Simple Life Of Training Pokemon
By Lil Espeh
Chapter One Start every day, with a BOOGIE!
A figure grumbled underneath white cotton sheets, twisting and curling about, like a cat would. "Mmmff...." It grumbled, in a sort of husky voice. A girl smiled underneath them, contently. "What could go wrong today? It's so peaceful..." She mused, in deep sleep. Then- "WAKEY WAAKEEEEYYYY!!!" A horridly high voice screeched, obviously put on for a specific reason. The bed covers seemed to shoot up, as it's inhabitant shot up into the air. It was a girl, with brown, almost black waist length out hair, slightly pale skin, and green eyes. However, at this particular moment, her eyes were clamped shut, in shock and horror. She seemed to have been catapulted into the air, and landed back on the bed with a "THUMP". However, this wasn't enough wake her properly, and she simply growled slightly, and grabbed the now back to earth Sheet, and tried to go back to sleep.
A black, cat like Pokemon walked out of the shadows of the room, with a huge grin on its face. It was an Umbreon, and it was now nearly nose-to-nose with the again, sleeping Lauren. "Oooh. So THAT'S how you'll play eh? Fine.. I can deal with that..." It muttered, female obviously with it's slightly deep, and enchanting voice echoing. Then, suddenly it's rings changed to purple, symbolizing that it was feeling mischievous. The thing was, that this Umbreon wasn't ordinary, unlike any of the other Pokemon that lived in the house. You see, This Umbreon has the ability, that deepening on her emotion, her ring color will change. A different color for each emotion. And for each color, they're a type of Pokemon attacks. So, if the Umbreon had yellow rings, if it was happy, it would use electric type attacks... However, they were purple.. A bucket made its way through the air, surrounded with a blue, glow, showing psychic energy. It covered above an Unsuspecting Lauren for a few moments when- GUUSSSHHH!!! "IIYYYAAAHHH!! COLD COLD COLD COOOOOOOLLD!!!"
The girl once more, jumped very high out of the bed, except now soaked head to toe. The Umbreon Laughed, now doing little bows. "Thank you, thank you! I'm here all week folks!" It however stopped, when it saw a very angry Lauren, scowling. Its ears drooped, as her rings turned to brown. Fear. "Uh-oh.." She muttered.. Before running for her life. "KAPAR-IIIIIEEE!!!" The girl screeched, taking off after her. Kapari laughed, her fear now gone, smashing a Radio down as she fled. Music boomed into the house. A single voice sang out, alone.
"I'm caught up in the middle Jumping through the riddle! I'm falling just a little tonight, uh uh! Cos everybody's making trouble, Someone's burst their bubble! But we'll be getting by alright uh uh uh!"
Suddenly, a loud backing beat of a drum kicked in, crashing sounds now coming from downstairs, as Lauren continued on her pursuit of rage at her Pokemon, who was simply laughing at it all. "Isn't this FUN?" She shouted, still running at full speed. Lauren glared at her. "NO!" Again, the Umbreon just chuckled, her rings turning to a yellow hue. As the beat thicken in the music, Kapari joined in.
"I'm caught up in the middle Jumping through the riddle! I'm falling just a little tonight, uh uh!!! Cos everybody's making trouble, Someone's burst their bubble!!! But we'll be getting by alright uh uh uh!!!!"
The music was getting louder and louder, the "Every bodies making trouble!" Part especially loud, as Kapari sung her fav line with enthusiasm. There was a shout from upstairs, and a rush of feet, as another girl tumbled down the stairs. It was Fushi. "What's going on?" She cried, covering her ears slightly from the music. She was followed by A Vaporeon, A misteon that was looking less than happy, A breloom that was jerking about wildly to the music, a sneasel who was simply smiling as always, and a Shiney Mew that was now trying to hover around quickly enough to perk on Laurens head. Kapari took no notice of all the new faces, and simply beamed at the music thickened. "Oh, this is my fav part! Come on everyone!" She cried, grabbing Fushi, along with Aqua Neko and Blizzard, the Vaporeon and Misteon. Arashi the sneasel with a big heart simply followed and started dancing happily, unlike the others who had been forced too. Even Shrumi the breloom was dancing in a way.. If you could call bouncing up and down in time to the music dancing. Lauren sighed, as she watched Myuu go to join the dancing group. The living room had nearly been torn to pieces, she'd been awoken harshly by Kapari, who had turned a Radio onto Supersonic levels in sound waves, and somehow got everyone to simply dance if off.... Lauren shrugged. "Normal day so far!" She laughed, then smiling and ran over to join them in the boogying. Hell, even if she was wearing her "Pretty Eevee" PJ's, who would miss out on this..
Fushi laughed, as she began to "Twist and Shake" With AquaNeko and Blizzard, who were smiling broadly. Lauren in the mean whilst, was doing a sort of funky groove with Arashi holding one hand with a claw, followed by Lauren spinning her around, whilst Kapari randomly Flipped Myuu into the air. Myuu suddenly beamed, and started to glow a blue color. This psychic energy light was MUCH more stronger than Kapari's had been, and instantly the living room was once again spotless, with the radio on a table, still on. But still, he didn't feel this was good enough. He suddenly giggled, and began to glow blue again--- along with everyone else! With a look of wonder on all faces, Pokemon and human alike were lifted into the air for the ultimate dance experience. Suddenly, the song finished, and the announcer began to talk. "Hello and good morning! I'm your host Tal K.Toomucha! And welcome to our breakfast show! Now, why not start everyday with a song and dance, so here's one for all you dancers at heart out there! Get ready to Cha Cha Slide!" There was a chorus of laughter, as the dance went on through the morning, smiling faces everywhere.