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Last updated:
Fic: November 28, 2008
Art: September 20, 2008
Vid: No video work

A Love Letter (AAMRN)

A Game of Truths (AAMRN)

Lost Thoughts (AAMRN)

It's Never Too Late... (AAMRN)

Codename: ASHURA (Gen.)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -

The Truth in a Kiss (AAMRN)

The Cycle (AAMRN)

Through the Eyes of Misty Rocket (TR)

Parts:   Prologue  -   1  -   2  -   3  -

The Anniversary (AAMRN)

Summary for A Love Letter: After another terrible argument, Misty decides it is best to leave. So she feels the only way to tell Ash what's really in her heart is, through a letter.

Summary for A Game of Truths: A simple game of honesty, allows Ash and Misty's true feelings to shine through.

Summary for Codename: ASHURA: Secret spies, a deadly diseases, guns, martial arts, and romance are all elements in this Pokemon/Mission Impossible story.

Summary for It's Never Too Late...: Having second thoughts about her up and coming marriage. Misty is visited by a friend from the past.

Summary for The Truth in a Kiss: Ash's number one dream has always to been to be a pokemon master. But when he fails, can a another hidden dream come true?

Summary for The Cycle: It's funny how much someone one means to you when they are gone...

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