Pokemon Ultima, Part 3

Pokemon Ultima Part Three,

Before the Pokemon League

Written by: Kyle Picone

Email: Kp606@AOL.com

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The Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. I am not affiliated with 4kids entertainment, Nintendo, Gamefreak, or Wizards of the Coast. All of the characters appearing in this story that appear in the Anime or Manga belong to their respectful owners.

After reading the sign a man in a red tux with the "R" sign on the sleeve came up to the Jessie, James, and Meowth.

"Follow me please," he said.

The three of them followed quickly, not wanting to get lost. "Right this way, we're going up these stairs to balcony four." said the man.

After going up eight flights of stairs they got to where they were supposed to be. "Uh-oh..." said the man. "Uh...there having a pokemon battle, that's not allowed. You guys are in row MM seats 14-16. Sorry you'll have to find it yourself." and with that the man dashed down the stairs and away from sight.

"I'm starvin' Jess," said Meowth as he rubbed his stomach. "can I go get some food back in the lobby?"

"Meowth you just ate for crying out loud!"

"I only ate a little bit, then I found the polish, please Jessie." Meowth whined.

"Okay fine..." said Jessie, "just hurry up."

And with that Meowth fled down the stairs. James and Jessie went over to the seats. They both sat down and James let out a large sigh.

"I am so tired," he said, "all of that work, and eating."

"Oh stop complaining." said Jess. She put her haid back on the seat and tried to sleep, it was way to loud though so she really couldn't.

Meowth came back with a bag of Popcorn and a large soda. They all talked and waited for about an hour and a half. All of the empty seats pretty much filled up by then. Eventually however the large stage in the front of the auditorium opened up and there were 4 men all sitting in chairs. The one in the biggest chair was the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni.He stood up and there was a great wave of applause. He proceeded to the front podium where he raised his hand and silenced the crowd. The lights dimmed themselves, and Giovanni cleared his throat.

"Welcome one and all," he said, "to perhaps one of the biggest and one of the most important Team Rocket meetings of probably your entire careers. I am happy to see you all here. I see many familiar faces and some new ones. My word to all the newbies, you have made a good choice." There was a loud wave of cheers and applause. Giovanni smiled and raised his hand again to silence the crowd. "As you all know team Rocket was established twenty-three years ago by my father. He had dreams of dominations and control. To take the world over with the power nature has provided us. The power of POKEMON! Yes my fellow Rocket members, that is our dream here. But I can tell you this, it hasn't been easily realized. Oh no, not at all. My father had many hardships. He only started with six members. And back then, the police force was twice as persistent. But alas, as you can see something went right. Right enough for us to be here tonight. Now you're probably wondering what you are all doing here tonight. Well I stand before you to tell you that, yes, it invovles pokemon. But more than pokemon, all the pokemon. From Alakazam to Zapdos. Yes my fellow Rocket Memebers, we have organized a plan to steal ALL of the pokemon. Why you ask? Why do sush a hard an strenuous task just for weak, rare, hard to get, and sometimes worthless pokemon. I will show you why."

Giovanni looked down at the podium and pushed a button. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. A large screen dropped down behind Giovanni. The lights shut off completely.

"As you can see," said Giovanni pointing to the screen, "this is the DNA of a Lapras, now a Pikachu (Jessie, James, and Meowth flinched), Ampharos, Swablu, Steelix, now a Slugma. Are you noticing something? Complicity, each DNA strand is unique with its own properites. Now this has been the main obstacle of our plan. Until."

The screen went blank and then it showed another DNA strand. But it didn't look like any of the others. It was simply a strand.

"See a difference?" He said. "It has no defined shape. This my friends, is the DNA strand, of a Ditto. With this our plans will come to action. We our going to inject EVERY DNA strand of EVERY pokemon into a special mutatued Ditto. With special radiation, this Ditto will become an invincible pokemon. So powerful my fellow Rocket Members, that we are preparing for A NEW WORLD ORDER!"

The applause was so loud and so penetrating, Meowth (who has sensitive hearing) practically fainted. It really was amazing. Everyone clapped. There were so happy. They were going to rule. All of their hard work was going to pay off.

"Pretty cool huh, Jess" said James. "All this time we waited for Team Rocket to rise to power like this and now they will."

Jessie apparently was to bemused to talk. He eyes so of rolled back as she madly applauded. Meowth was still on the floor.

"Now," said Givoanni, "please proceed to the front lobby so that you may be assingned your mission. These missions are cruciual since you are all be assigned different pokemon. Please keep this in mind: ROCKETS WILL RISE UP."

Determined not to get stuck in the traffic jam, Jessie, James, and Meowth all went to the stairs so that they could be one of the first to the lobby...

Back on the helicopter...

"Yes well, this is a hard quesiotn to answer, but I will answer it any way." said Prof. Oak. His tone became solemn and he appeared to be a little embarassed.

"You see it all began when we got this rumor in the first place. After looking into it we figured it may be potentially dangerous. So they started to recruit people for the job. However some of the member's of U.P.A.-"

"U.P. what?" interupted Misty.

"The United Pokemon Association," answered Prof. Oak., "any way they thought it would be better if they hired more experienced people. People with no official training but who had expirience in Pokemon Phenomena. So I uh...(he coughed) recomended you three."

Ash's mouth hung open. Misty sat there just staring and Brock went "really?!".

"Oh I know" Prof. Oak added, "your're wondering why I did what I did, are you not? Well it's because of all the rare pokemon you have seen. They seemed to take an interest to this and well. Oh...you get it don't you?"

"Still," Misty said quietly, "you should have asked us first."

"I know," responded Prof. Oak, "but it really is the oppurtunity of a life time. Besides, you are all more than capable. Oh and you're probably wondering where we're going." The three kids shooks their heads "yes" in response. "Well, I am bringing you three before the Pokemon League."

"B-Before the Pokeon League?" Ash sttutered, "Wow I-I don't know what to say. This is pretty big...Wow..."

Can Team Rocket really pull of this huge stunt? And what technically does it mean to go Before the Pokemon League? Find out in Part Four "Trial of the Legenderies!"