Pokemon Ultima Part Two,
Giovanni's Master Plan
Written by: Kyle P.
Email: Kp606@AOL.com
Please send a review people, it would make me SO happy! Thank you!
And the Disclaimer: The disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. I am not affiliated with 4kids entertainment, Nintendo, Gamefreak, or Wizards of the Coast. All of the characters appearing in this story that appear in the Anime or Manga belong to their respectful owners.
The three kids stood there staring at the helicopter as it came to a still landing right in front of them off the path. Prof. oak jumped off and approached Ash, Misty, and Brock.
"P-Professor Oak," said Ash dumb-foundately, "how-how did you find us, and why?"
Prof. Oak laughed. "You think we send 10-year-olds galavanting around without any type of protection? The pokedex, it has a built in sensor. I tracked you from the lab."
Oh, well cool," Ash replied, "Um...if you don't mind us asking Professor, what are you doing here?"
"Oh yes well. To tell you in one standing would not be easy. I will explain on our ride in the chopper. Get in please." Prof. Oak was climbing his way up and gestured for the three kids to follow him. They did and in side they saw a pilot and five empty chairs. Ash sat in the middle, Misty to his right, Brock to his left. Togepi and Pikachu were strapped in the fourth in chair and Prof. Oak took the chair right behind the pilot seat.
"Okay David take us away" Prof. Oak said as he put on his seat belt. The pilot waved from his side and pushed a few buttons. The doors closed automatically and the blades began too spin. Before long, the helicopter was slowly beginings to rise up and into the sky.
The man in the blue tuxedo whistled. "Four minutes to departure" he said. Everyone was scrambling onto the bridge which brought them onto the ferry. However, not everyone was using this particular entry.
" OUCH ! Jess that was my hand!" holared James.
"Forgive me!" said Jessie sarcastically, "If this small box dosen't give you enough room to breath!"
The three were hinding in a large wooden box marked 'rations'. They had enough money to get on the ship properly, but according to Jessie "bad guys don't pay if they don't have too". James and Meowth were too afraid to say anything back.
"Wait," whispered Meowth, "I think the coast is clear. Let me take a peak." Meowth slowly popped his head up out of the box to see is anyone was there. "Nope, no one here okay you two, let's move!"
Everyone scrambled out so fast, the box tumbled over. They each made a 'Shh' sign only to find out it wasn't them. They all got up and looked around.
"Ooh!" shouted James "It looks like where in a storage, for food.
Jessie and Meowth also let out 'Oohs' and in a matter of seconds, they pryed open a box of food and began to pig out.
Back in the helicopter...
"Where should I begin," began Prof., Oak "Well, from the begining I guess. It all started two weeks ago. We recieved a mysterious phone call from someone dropping a tip about Team Rocket. The person told us that they were having a meeting. A large meeting. Inviting the Teams from all over the World. And other Pokemon thieves as well. The person said the meeting was going to address a major topic. One that invovles Pokemon. We later received more tips regarding many topics to this issue. The location, the people, the leader of this meeting, but more importantly the issue it's going to address."
"So where's this meeting going to be held," asked Brock.
"Some where either in the Hoenn or Jhoto region. This we are sure"
"And the people?" piped Misty.
The 'team' orginazations from all over the world. Team Rocket I mean, they are however called different things according to their region. Team Rocket in most, Team Helicopter in upper America, Team Jet in Africa, some French even call it Team Air Balloon."
"And the issue?" asked Ash.
Prof. Oak let out a heavy sigh. "If I could sacrafice my other knowledge of this event to know what it's about, I would. We have several leads though. Genetics, Mutations, Cloning, Doubling, Enhancing, even Pokemon selling, we'll believe anything, it is Team Rocket after all."
The air in the helicopter seemed to chill after that. Pikachu, who couldn't speak human but understood most of it, seemed to loose most of the coloring in its mostly bright red cheeks. It didn't move much or say anything. Togepi's innocence, on the other hand, seemed to preceed it's knowledge of the human language, for it just sat there, bopped up and down and said "Tokapriii!" loudly. After a second or two's pause Brock opened his mouth to speak.
"What do we have to do with this?" he said?
Prof. Oak looked at him. "This will take more explaining, alot more..."
Back on the Ferry...
It only took two and a half hours to get to Goldenrod City. By this time, Jessie and James cleared almost all shreds of food there was while Meowth seemed to be busy shining his charm with some wax he found in the corner. The whistle sounded and all three of them jumped, they got to their feet and hurried upstairs. They didn't have to sneak, most of the staff were out on deck making docking preperations. Jessie, James, and Meowth weaved themselves into the crowd to avoid detection. As the the three were walking over the bridge a large man, quite possibly the captain, stopped them.
"Hey you!" he said. The three jumped thinking they had been discovered but the man smiled, "You look pale, there's a pharmacy down the street they have an excellent cure for nausea."
"Oh well," said Jessie, "Th-Thank you..." she said and with that her, James, and Meowth ran as quick as they could in the direction he pointed. Amazing though it was on that very street (right next to the pharmacy) where the house they needed to find was. The number on the door matched the one on the note. The went up to knock on the door. It was a second before a woman with orange hair opened the door up a smidge.
"What do you want?" her voice was croaky and old.
"Where the Farfetch'd fly?" replied James. To his astonishment however she mearly opened the door and let them in without a word. She them moved them over to a table with a man and a houndoom next to it. "Please sign your name." he said. They did, including Meowth who put a paw mark and Jessie filled his name next to it.
"Good very good," said the lady, "okay, Angela, take over i'm bringin these three down, follow me you three." She went up to the fireplace, said "Leaf Stone" and a staircase appeared. the walked down it only to find an elevator. They all went in and the lady pushed a button. The doors closed and the elevator began to move.
"Wow I am puckered," she said "this has been such a long ordeal for me and the others. For four days now people have been comin' in" she said as she wiped her brow.
"Are we late then?" said James.
"No not at all. They tracked your postions and sent out letters accordingly. The closer you were, the later your letter came. Heck they've been sending lettes out all week . Some people are coming from other countries.
"Where exactly are we going?" piped Jessie.
"Actual locations is a secret. This elevator was here when we came and we just did what we were told to do. It's a pretty big place though. It's accomadating a little over 300,000 people."
Jessie, James, and Meowths mouths seemed to hang down after that. It was only a few seconds later that the elevator stopped. As the three walked out the lady with the orange hair pushed a button in the elevator and said, "Nice meeting you", and the door closed. What they saw before them astonished them. Thousands of chairs and even more people, all in the distintive black costumes with the "R" on them.As they continued to walk they saw a sign. It read:
Welcome! One and all to the Team Rocket Meeting of the century! Tonights topic: Giovanni's master plan!
Now that Jessie, James, and Meowth know what the meeting's about, whats Giovanni's Master Plan, and why are our heroes getting dragged into this whole affair? Find out in Part Three: Before the Pokemon League!