Pokemon Ultima, Part One,
A Cry of Omens
Written by: Kyle Picone
Email: Kp606@AOL.com
Hey everyone this is my first fanfic and well i'm pretty psyched. If you could send me a review that would be great.
The disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. I am not affiliated with 4kids entertainment, Nintendo, Gamefreak, or Wizards of the Coast. All of the characters appearing in this story that appear in the Anime or Manga belong to their respectful owners.
Ash, Misty, and Brock were on there way to the Silver Conference. Having just returned Larvitar, Ash wasn't himself.
"Ash," Misty said, "are you alright? You've been acting really strage."
"Hmm? What...Oh no of course i'm fine. Don't worry about me Misty." Ash repsponded waving his hands back in forth. "It's just, well..."
"Ash your about to go into the Silver Conference." implied Brock, "Something like this may impair your judgement while you're battling. If you have something thats bothering you than you should get it off your chest."
"Well...it's just something is...bothering me...I mean I feel like something bad is gonna happen..." Just as Ash spoke these words Pikachu and Togepi let out large cries, Almost as in response Ash, Misty, and Brock could hear a large thunderous sound. It was the sound of Pokemon, shouting, maybe even crying. Bird Pokemon were flying into the sky, bug pokemon were weaving in and out of trees. Water pokemon were jumping up and down in the river nearby.
"Heck, what just happened?" said Ash as he looked up to see a fearow and its baby spearow flying into the sun...
"So let me get this straight," said Jessie, "you got a letter from Delibird telling you what now?"
The scene was three people walking down a dirt road. The woman was named Jessie. She had bright red hair and it had a unique comet shape to it. There was a boy standing on her other side who had long purplr hair. And in the middle was a Meowth, a walking talking Meowth holding a piece of paper.
"I dont wanna read it again Jess, here you read it, if you can!" said Meowth sarcastically.
Jessie wacked Meowth with her fist and grabbed the note as it flew into the air. It read:
To all Team Rocket Members: You are instructed immeadiately to head to Goldenrod City, located in the Johto region. Head to house 347 and talk to the woman with the orange hair. Speak the words "Where the Farfethc'd fly" and listen to the instructions carefully. The Team Rocket Head Association.
"What do you think this could be about?" asked James.
"Who knows," responded Jessie, "my best guess is maybe it's a meeting or something. Wait a minute, how far away is Goldenrod!?"
Meowth, who was masaging his head from Jessie's point of contact, pointed to a sign up ahead.
"Violet City ferry," said Meowth, "two miles."
"Well, what are we waiting for," asked Jessie, "lets GO!"
Back with our heroes...
Ash, Misty, and Brock were transfixed where they were. They couldn't move. Whatever they heard, it was out of place. There was no way in the world that the Pokemon would all do that at the exact same time. Even Togepi and Pikachu, who had also made the cries, looked stunned at what they had did. But as the three were recooperating, they heard something like wings flapping. The sound got louder and louder and they realized whatever it was, it was to the left of them. They turned, and before them was a helicopter. Standing in the door was Professor Oak.
"Come on you three," Prof. Oak shouted, "we have to get going!"
Why has Professor Oak come and what's up with this strange meeting involving Team Rocket? Find out in Part Two, "Giovanni's Master Plan".