A Master's Last Wish

A Master's Last Wish, Part Six

Ecruteak Aflame!

Written by: Kyle P.

Email: Kp606@AOL.com

I do not own pokemon, the characters appearing in this fic made by me, belong to me.

Please read and review!

A/N: Well here is part 6. Thanks to Obsidian Blade, I know my flaws and I am willing to fix them. Please, go read her fiction! Raven is amazing, and she is working on Gamma Legends with me! That is class enough! Anyway, yeah, so you go do that.

One last thing! Questions have been coming up about whether or not Crisie and Crystal are two different people. They aren't, they are the same person.

Amythest jumped back from her position. A rush of small grains of sand came flying up from her lift off point. As the sand cleared; Amythest stood farther back, with a Gardevoir in front of her.

Gardevoir was the third evolution of Ralts, and a Psychic pokemon. This particular one was very different from most other Gardevoirs. Instead of a pale green on the dress like bottom of Gardevoir, a violet gown waved gently in the breeze. That soft hint of pink under it's face was not pink anymore, now it was a deep, lush lavender that broke away and set itself apart from the violet dress-like abdomen.

The head itself was not purple, but it was a related hue. Very soft, very lush, Gardevoir was as much special as Amythest was.

Justin figured if their was ever a time to call out Ivysaur before it rotted to death, now was the time.

Justin reached for the pokeball on his belt. In a triumphant smile he took it off his belt and threw it out onto the open stony pathway.

Unfortunately for Justin, you can't throw air.

The pokeball was actually inside, and Ivysaur was probably sleeping outside. Justin turned a beet red, his eyes got teary in embarassment. Amythest looked perplexed. Gardevoir acted ablivous to the ongoing scene. However, as strange as the scene may be, she never lost her cool. Not once.


Back in the wheat filled back yard, a very groggy Ivysaur's left eye burst open.

"Ive? IVY?"

The rush of green and sage burst out of the wheat field. Starmie and Squirtle, who had retired for the day after a night of rigorous playing, darted up and watched the small grass pokemon rush into the house.

A scream filled as a vase broke shattering into a thousand pieces. Thompson yelled. What sounded like a chair fell over. Jasper and Jade screamed "MONSTER", and the light of a malfunctioning nightlight and a computer in the upper most room in the house mysteriously went out at the sound of a pulled wire.

Finally, after about two minutes of heart racing embarrassment, Ivysaur came out. He had a sheet over his bulb, and a lamp shade on his left ear, but he was out.

"Erm, sorry about that,"

::Group Sweat Drop::

"Riiight," said Amythest, still not looking surprised at all.

"Um yeah. Here, lemme go first." said Justin removing the lampshade and curtain as Ivysaur bounced happily onto the field.

Justin also had a knack for finding strange pokemon. Ampharos and Sableye were normal enough (despite Sableye's sudden cravings for cheese, and hair curlers) but his other pokemon didn't fit the normal mold at all. Starmie was like a Albert Einstein. Wise as they come, alert, and always ready for action, Starmie seemed to be a normal living person.

Sandshrew was quite the commedian, although everyone knew that. Especially Crisie, after that one night where Sandshrew was remote controlling a doll robot of Justin to seduce Crisie. Sandshrew got a laugh, Justin got a broken arm and eight stitches.

Growlithe had a knack for falling asleep for no real reason. Even after two days of straight sleep, it still managed to sleep through a Gyrados's rampage attack. Thompson said it might have been that a Hypno could have abused him as a puppy. Although unlogical, Growlithe has a small habit of flinching at the color yellow.

Eevee was cute. To most that didn't seem abnormal. But Eevee would often be like a mistovous infant. Getting into the flower in the kitchen, sneezing during a battle. Crying during a battle. Eevee also loved the scent of flowers and rolled around in a large Rose bush for hours once.

Ivysaur was a klutz. To say the least. When he was a bulbasaur, he managed to cost Justin over six million dollars in water damage (thank God for kind Judges), cause a massive blackout in Slayport City (thank God for UFO theories), found someway to get into a fire pokemon only contest in Cinnibar Island and still manage to win (thank God for old men who can't see well), and single handedly almost threw Eevee into the deepest chasm of Mt. Moon (thank God for the complete usage of Crisie's right knee).

And that was just the belt team. Justin also owned the smallest Onyx in record, an orange Pikachu, a Lunastone that was more active at day time, and a Solstone that was more active at night, a Kangaskan that could knit, and an Elvis impersonating Ditto (that also ate the wig after using it).

"Okay Ivysaur! Let's start this off with a Razor Leaf!"

"Saur!" Ivysaur let loose six spinning leaves from both sides of his bulb. Gardevoir just looked at the leaves as they came closer.

"Gardevoir," Devon said in her most entrancing voice ever, "Reflect."

A ring of stars and silver colored energy surrouded Gardevoir. The leaves hit. Each one crumpled on contact and fell. The relfect faded and Gardevoir mindlessly hovered there.

"Gardevoir," Amythest mused quietly, "Imprison,"

"Ivyasaur, safeguard!"

But it was to late. Gardevoir shot a ray of multi-colored strands of light that wrapped around Ivysaur. In a matter of second, Ivysaur looked like a massive ball of mis-manufactured yarn.

Amythest laughed slightly under her breath. A feeling over overpowerment came over Justin like never before. He had faced Amythest many, many times before. And he could never beat her. Only once did he, but he never looked at it like that. Once wasn't good enough. His biggest weakness as a trainer was perhaps what made him such a good trainer in the first place.

Justin's biggest strategy in any battle was to make the opponent think he was hot-headed. Stuck-up, arrogant, bratty, little punk whose ass could be whipped in a second. But on the contrary, Justin was none of these things (all though those who have seen the mansion think differently about the brat part). Amythest saw Justin in the same light. He was a good overall person, and he loved his pokemon, no matter what he made other people think. That is why Justin had never legitamately beet two people.

Lost in his thought, a chill breeze snapped Justin's attention. The grass was now shining with the way the sun was hitting it, the fresh dew could easily be seen. The trees waved very beautifully. Each leave bobbed up and down. Even the forest to the west seemed to move in the breath of Mother Earth. All was calm, especially in the morning; his favorite time of day.


"Fine, if you don't tell me on your own terms, we go to my terms," smirked Crisie as she slowly opened up Justin's bedside drawer.

It was always there, that little noteboke that Justin jotted everything in. His thoughts, his feelings, everything. But it was a wierd feeling. Kind of like if you wanted to know how old your mother was, but you didn't look at her driver's liscense. Or when you wanted to know if this other kid likes you, but you couldn't just ask, even though you knew he was an open book. Crisie was hoping to get it out of Justin naturally. She even tried to drug him with a chicken dish she made. However, she seemed to forgot about the part where wine loses it's toxicity when broiled...

Crisie carefully reached her hand in the drawer and and pushed around some old magazines. One or two tin's of Altoid's mints, and his old Gameboy Advance, which he replaced when he got the SP version.

The room was dead silent. The floor was warm with the earling morning sun. The glass door to the small balcony was open and a very cold breeze was blowing into the room. The bed was neatly made only seconds ago by Thompson's handiwork. Even sandshrew was quietly curled in a corner sleeping peacefully.

Crisie trembled as she grasped the cold, steel, spiral spine of the notebook. The magazines all slid off of the concealed notebook. As she lifted it, the front blue cover popped open a little bit not revealing any writing. Laughing menacingly, she opened it to the first page. Her hand slided down the paper. She read:

"CRISIE, HOPE YOUR HAPPY WITH YOURSELF. I'M NOT THAT STUPID!" was scribbled in red ink on the front page. Crisie's face faulted as she continued to stare at the large words in red face print. Everything after that was blank.

She made a fist and punched the top of the bed. Using that fist, she pulled herself up. She was furious with rage. So furious, she kicked the nightstand causing Sandshrew to wake up in a panic and run...right off the balcony.

~Back with the battle~

Justin kneeled down to the ground and clenched a fistfull of dirt. Ivysaur was on his newly developing bulp, his eyes were Xed out. His body looked beaten up. Gardevoir continued to float there very slowly and gracefully.

"That was...er...a um...nice hyper beam," said Justin looking up abruptly and giving Amythest the widest grin he could give her. She just smiled simply back.

"I win," she said in a melancholy tone shuffling her feet on the stony path below her. Slowly, she took out the Ultra Ball that had caught the very young Ralts and in a crimson flash she returned it. Amythest then walked over to Justin and extended her hand.

"That was a good match," said Amythest as she grabbed Justin's left hand and pulled him up. He smiled more widely again. Amythest saw right through him. Anger and more anger resolved deep within his soul. Justin knew if he couldn't beat Amythest, he would not be able to beat anyone. It was that simple; she was that good.

"You could have won," she said in a very misty voice, "you just didn't use the pokemon that could have done it."

Justin waved off not only Amythest, but the thought as well. "I don't work like that. Most of my pokemon have seen battle, I follow that virtue. I can't let Ivysaur sit and rot in the backyard. I need to use him."

Amythest grinned again giving a very feminine low tone chuckle. She took her other hand and pulled Justin behind her as she ran over to a nearby hill.

The two giggled happily as both of them made great strides to push through the tall grass that had littered the unkempt piece of earth. Justin was happy Amythest had visited. It had been a while.

"Remember," he said, "when me and you, we used to have those contests in the ocean. Who could hold their breath longer. And I always used to beat you."

Amythest let out a large laugh as she continued to run. She lept over a large rock. Both of them popped out of the tall grass and began to run uphill, heaving heavily as they did so. Some Swellow in the tree cooed and fluttered into the rising sun.

"Yeah. And then their was that one time. I did it for too long. And you thought I won, so you went under water and I was knocked out."

"And I brought you to shore. Yeah I remember that." grinned Justin.

Both of them now reached the top of the hill where a large swing swayed gently. The tree above it had to be at least 27 feet tall. A small pile of leaves surrounded the might oak. On the trunk were carved many initials. The size of each one indicated they were all made by the same tool.

"And then," said Amythest as she took him onto the swing. He sat down almost falling over. She caught him by the back. Both laughed a little more.

"Then you, you started to kiss me. Because you thought that is what CPR was; kissing. And..."

Her cheeks filled with blood. Her face was glowing red. So red, she looked like some type of Christmas decoration with the red and purple contrasting. Leaning over, she puckered and was about to kiss Justin on the cheek. The tension was intense. A bird gave a loud chirp; and following was silence.

"NO! Stop! I tell all of you this. Look, we were all this close a long time ago. That time is over. We...I...are going seperate ways now. I never want to go back to the past. I hate the past. I hate,"

"Your mom? Your dad? You don't know them. You never met them. None of us did. As kids, all I remember was being tossed onto a doorstep. No one cared about us. Even Thompson was thrown with the burdon of us at such an early age. It's not like he wanted children, we came to him."

"You didn't meet them either,"

"Yeah," she said very solumnly letting Justin's hand go for the first time since both of them got up there. "I-I don't. I don't want to. God forsaken iddiots. Not a note. Not a slab of cash. Nothing. Nadda. They didn't care about us. And look at me. I suffered. I was never the same. I learned before anyone. I learned you can't trust people."

Justin grabbed her hand this time and looked her in the face. The country side was alive with chatter, and buying, and pokemon battle. All sorts of thins were happening down there. But now, a scene ensued with two children who knew no past. The contrast was just ironic.

"Don't think like that! Many people can be trusted. Lots and lots of them."

"Can you say you've met one?"


"Those closest to you don't count."


"Because! Just like Thompson, they are entwined with you. They are your friends for one reason or another. But what about other people? Them, can anyone be trusted? It's human nature Justin, learn to except that."

Justin got off of the swing so fast it moved violently. Amythest got into a quick standing position as it slid from underneath her. Her hand were folded at her waist. She looked as though their was nothing more to say.

"Why are you like that? Why do so many miserable people like you exist? People aren't like that-"

"In your little fairytale world they aren't,"

"No. You need to learn something. You will never survive if you don't except that people can be trusted. You will never survive if you don't learn that their are good people. I'm sick of arguing. I'm going.

Justin turned around. Instead of going the way he came, he began to slowly climb down the boulder filled part of the hill. It was only about 20 feet, and most everything on that wall jutted out allowing for an easy climb. The boulders were kind of wet. Cold, wet, and filled with tiny deposits of dirt made for a very dirty climb. With about two feet left, Justin jumped; crouching to absorb the impact.

He threw his hands into his jean pockets and began to walk out into the town. His face stared down in defeat. He hated shooting down his friend like that. Amythest was never like that though.

Justin believed that she had changed. Changed so much.

He took comfort in watching the forest line slowly dissapear as the large city of Ecruteak came into view. Vast and filled with life, people chattered hapily as they went about their daily lives.

Hopping down from another large rock wall, Justin was about to embark in the mansion's very backyard. Which in this case was an entire city.

The cobblestone streets were getting on in years. The houses were all different. Some owners felt that modernization needed to be implemented and they looked much more up-to-date. Wood, modern style windows, satelite dishes, drapes that hung from the windows with victorian furniture neatly sitting inside.

Other houses mimicked the two big brothers of the city, the Ecruteak towers that faced the rising sun on the most north-western part of town. Brick, moldy, fancy style doors, and the elderly lived in these houses. Their age was a compliment to Ecruteak's vast and wonderful history.

Justin decided to visit Molly Emerich. She was a really nice young lady whose parents owned the Item Mart.

He took a left down Burm Street and in about a minute, the large white building was now in front of him.

White at the base it had a blue upper half; with one blue stripe under the upper half. It said in big bold black letters "Ecruteak PokeMart". Two glass doors were giving a very hazy look on the inside. The place must've been airconditioned.

As Justin walked in he saw stacks and stacks of pokemon items. Some were very expensive and had little use while others were more practical and cheaper. Walking down the white tile floor, Justin came to the front counter where he came face to face with a red haired boy. His face was covered in freckles and he gave a very big grin as Justin came up. Wearing a large full-body apron that said "PokeMart" on it over the faded green, he was sweeping behind the counter.

"Hey AJ," said Justin waving.

"Hey, what's up?" he said with a low tone voice. His long greasy hair fell over his eyes. His left eye was Hazel, his right was simply brown. Despite how unkempt his hair was his teeth couldn't be any white or they would fade out of existene.

"Nothing, is Molly here today?" asked Justin going at the question with minimal curiosity. He didn't want to make it seem like that was all he wanted to see.

"My coz? No, she was feeling a little under the weather. We think it could be a really bad cold but knowing her she'll come out of it in record time. So yeah, you here to buy something?"

Justin really didn't know what to say about Molly's absense, so he just quickly stuffed his hand into his pocket for money and threw it down onto the counter. Three Ultra Balls. Not that he needed them but he had the money burning a hole into pocket. So much that after a seconds of marketing pressure, Justin requested for two awakenings and three antitdotes.

Before long, the three balls with a black top and a yellow stripe down the center were safetly tucked away in a plastic bag, along with two small glass vials of awekening and three small insulin shots of antitode.

Justin waved happily as he walked out, nearly walking into a burely eldery women with a Sun-Hat as he did.

Sighing even more deeply, he did not want to return to the mansion.

His life was spiraling out of control. He did love, in fact he loved so much it was bothersome to him that such a great and powerful love can be tarnished.

But he couldn't unerlie his mission. Even his pokemon were expendable, so long as what as asked of him was accomplished.

Justin began to breath deeply as the sky was covered in a canopy of gray. Small droplets of water began to patter upon mother earth. People started to act like ants, sqirming around for cover and protection from the now downpour weather. Justin was in no hurry to get out of the rain. He loved it in fact. Drowning in your own solice, slowly, slowly....

Justin just wanted to retire for the day, and not venture anywhere near the mansion. So h e figured he would check into the Pokemon Center about a block away and rest up.

He continued along the cobblestone roads. The people out today were as cheerful as the weather. Bright smiles adorned every face. Cheery and happy was the atmosphere. Pokemon's eager chirps to greet their masters were heard amongst the clatter of small talk that littered this morning.

The Pokemon Center was the same as ever. White walls, clean counter, eager Nurse Joy, and some screeming teeny bobbers over a fainted Shroomish. Oh the dullness of life.

Nurse Joy gave a raised eyebrow when she checked Justin's Pokedex. Ecruteak Residence, and he wanted to check into the Pokemon Center Hotel of Ecruteak? She couldn't refuse though so she simply shrugged it off, gave him a food card for the evening (needed by staying trainers for three square meals a day) and told him his room number was 09.

Shuffling off through the Ocean Blue colored door, Justin dreaded down a deserted white hall. At the far end was a large window with white shutters on the opposite side. Justin changed his mind and ran over to them. He plopped on the window sill which was very warm because of the deep sunlight pouring in. He sighed heavily closing his eyes to drift off into sleep. It was so comfortable, even the hard wood underneath him wasn't that much of a bother.

His eyes became heavy. His mouth closed a bit. His body went limp...

Now Justin. Their is an item of sorts. An item I need you to get for me. It could hurt alot of people if I can't get it. It's power, unknown, it's location, unknown.

All I have to give you is this information. Please listen.

These people. They knew of a way to seal that item forever more. Hide it from humanity's greedy hands. All I know is that a door, somewhere, lies sealed and that the only way to find that door is to find the three keys. You need those keys or else you can't enter.

But it isn't easy. Not all of the keys are of this plane**, in fact they may be of planes that have long been lost. But it is vital to get them and destroy that item.

If you can destroy it...

We will all be happy again...

I Think..............

**Plane: Another dimension.

Justin's eyes darted open. His hands flew down to greet the white surface he was sitting on. He had heard an explosion, and seen a burst of light just as he woke up. Looking out the window he could clearly see it was night. But had he not looked up at the sky he would have never known.

Huge columns of crimson and madarin shot up into the night's sky. The city was aflame. Embers warmed up the night sky like fireflies. The heat against the glass was ubearable and Justin rolled off of the sill. He began to panic. Why hadn't anyone woken him up?

He ran down the opposite hall. Because of the make of the Center, if he went through the front entrance he would just be facing the flames exactly. Running down the hall he passed door after door. Still not a sight of any living person or pokemon. He panicked even more. Now all seemed so unusal. It was day, but it was still morning. Wait, thought Justin. They must have seen him sleeping and passed it off. But now that it was night people were probably still out. Maybe it was evening when the fire started. They must have forgotten all about. What a way to go, being forgotten and dying...

He went down about three halls. Finally he got to an escape door and smashed it open.

The city was ablaze. To say the least. All of Ecruteak destroyed by fire. Debree littered the ground. Was this a dream?

Yes, it had to be, simply a dream.


In a real dream he wouldn't be able to think like that, He wouldnt' be able to go where he wanted. This was reality because so far, everything seemed normal.

His mouth still wide open in shock Justin ran.

Like a bumble bee he moved through unburnt parts of land. Fire could not catch flame everywhere on the cobble stone streats but pieces of flaming debree turned escaping into a maze. Beads of sweat tricked down Justin's forhead. Not all of it was sweat though. Tears joined the sweat. Justin was more scared than he ever had been.

The smoke was unletting. Justin could not see a thing from where he was. The mansion could have been to the east, to the west, it could have been right next to him and he would'nt know it. The sad irnoy of it all was that has Justin taken a litte more time to think as he left the Center he could have used it as a bearing.

A beam of flame shot through the night sky like a bullet through the heart. It gave hope and dispare. At the other end could have been a ravenous beast willing to kill all in its path. Or it could have been a pokemon, terribly mistaken. Justin looked up shielding his face from falling embers as he did so.

Entei now stood on a nearby gable over a large hacienda. Large amber eyes, an iron mask that you would read about in a book, long majestic brown fur, huge white paws with claws that could take a hand out, and a scornful look of utter loathing. It wasn't happy. For whatever reason.

A wave of electicity shot through the night sky and hit Entei as well. Screaming the powerful pokemon fell off to a loud thud. But a few seconds later he sprung from his spot and jumped up at the source for which the electricity had come.

Dusting the cinders from his face Justin whipped around to see Raikou, more violent then ever before roar and jump at Entei. A great battle was ensuing and Justin was caught in the middle.

At first Justin panicked. Should he make his presence known? Entei could kill him in a breath, but if Raikou knew he was there Justin might be able to get out to safety. So risk the life of a friend, or yourself?

Justin didn't have time to think. He kicked his brain into full gear. He jumped over the flaming debree and zig-zagged wherever he could move. Eleven main entrances into the city, he would stand a very good chance if he just kept running like this. But then again luck was never something on his side.

He narrowly avoided what would be a burning doom and took a quick left into a side alley. Barren except for a single knocked over garbage pale. Justin leaned against the wall for a few seconds. He felt strangely safe here. Secluded from the battle that waged outside of these walls. Justin continued to breath for a little bit. Inhaling alot, Justin reared up again and got ready to face the end of the alley.

And ther it was. Freedom in the form of the forest. He darted out with all he had.