A Master's Last Wish, Part Five
Returning Home
Written by: Kyle P.
Email: Kp606@AOL.com
I do not own pokemon, the characters appearing in this fic made by me, belong to me.
Please read and review!
A/N: For all of you FF.net goers, this can also be seen their. Also, this incredibly strange phenomena of link appearing in random words seems to be happening to me, PLEASE, don't click on them. I don't know where they go, but their just pointless and I have no idea how their being made, thanks.
OOC:Justin didn't want to continue to look at the walls. Blood was a nasty thing. The putrid smell, the crimson streaks, the fact that it was dark and spooky enough in that dank cave already.
"Oh Justin, I really don't-" Crisie's actions were speaking louder. She tugged at the door furiously in hopes of opening it. It didn't budge.
"Looks-Looks like we have to g-go further," said Justin swallowing his pride and picking Crisie up by the arm.
Both of them swallowed and slowly walked forward. Crisie clung to Justin's shoulder like glue to paper. She closed her eyes and began to mumble. Justin was always one for masculinity. He would of done the same thing, had he not been a boy; and had he not felt like a figure of courage to Crisie.
For two very paranoid children they both moved very slow through the blood stained walls. It didn't appear to go on forever. At first it was entirly covered, then it lightened, and then it became nothing by small streaks. As though they were claw marks.
Crisie let go. Justin actually wanted her to stay, the thought of being close made him comfortable.
The cave could not have been more "evil". It really was screaming a message that was not a happy one. Between the smell of decay and blood, to the hundreds of tiny stones and pebbles that littered the floor. To the never ending path that seemed to head off into a small speck of blackness. To even the annoying crunching sounds with every step. Yes caves were not always a happy place to be. This one was the appitamy of that.
"So um, were do you think this goes?" asked Justin feeling along the wall.
Crisie grabbed his arm off of the wall and gave him a dont do that look. "I really don't wanna think about it."
For a town on the side of a small island, this cave went to straight for too long. It at one point curved slightly to the left, and at another point seemed to go up. Where was it leading? Anything with blood and death was forboding. But perhaps it was human nature that willed this. Justin had remembered once what catholic priest had told him. He said that nothing was evil or good to begin with. That everything was neutral, and that people made things good or bad. Justin tried his hardest to cling to this virtue as he looked upon the shady halls with a fake smile.
Salvation was not far off. Time was lost in the cave, but in what seemed like forever, something that did not look black, brown, or a combination of both awaited them at the end. Crisie grabbed Justin's arm again and forced him to go faster.
What was in store for them was a bit of a suprise. As they made their way out of the "cave" part of it, they were now standing in a Chapel. Of sorts. No religion of anything either of them had seen.
No Star of David, no Crucifix, no Torrah, no Koran, not a Buddha. Nothing even Goth, or a religion that seemed to mold around a certain culture. The chapel was a bit unsettling. The stain glass windows had people in them. Not real, just pictures. in robes, with books. The pews of benches were stone. Stone that had amazinlgy survived the test of time. Bits and pieces of this stone seat littered the floor, some had missing entire parts. But for the most part all was intact.
At the front of the chapel was a podium in the dead center. And behind it was a glass case on a pedastol. Inside the glass case was-nothing. It didn't appear to have been broken into.
Crisie was now looking at the stone benches, Justin was just looking around. His heart was beating heavily.
Ever notice how when your doing something scary, that grusome picture of the adult rated movie that you watched way to young comes flashing into your mind? Or the scary Goth Opera Music they play on murder mysteries seems to start echoing off the walls like someone is their at the organ? Or how you begin to breath more rapidly and it stings so badly that you open your mouth wide to quell yourself? Well this was the feeling now. It was bothersome. Justin's mind was playing tricks on him. To many to be exact. It was one of his greatest goals in life...
"I-WANNA-SEE-THE-MOVIE!" screamed a little boy, not older than about eight. His short brown hair and small Cleffa Pajama's indicated what he wanted to see was far beyond his age.
"Now Now Now, young master Justin, this movie is way to scary for you, you should be upstairs playing with your friends!" said a slightly younger Thompson, his hair had some red left in it, but only in a short while grey would take over.
"But but!"
"Justin! Thompson knows best!" said this time by a little girl with long purple hair. She was wearing Seel Pajama's and has deep violet eyes. A soft scent of Lavender, from perhaps a mother hugging her child goodbye, surrounded her.
"Quiet Amythest! I don't wanna hear you smarty pants!"
"Justin! That is no way to treat your guests-"
"They aren't my guests! I was stuck with them! We don't have a family! None of us! So I got stuck with these orphans 'cuz I'm an orphan to!"
The Flashback goes white as it shows a crying Justin sitting in the corner of his room when he was about twelve. Crisie is sitting next to him holding him mumbling consoling words.
"I-I will one day, de-defy my self. I will-will become master of my own a-actions!"
Both of them hugged harder as both broke out crying completely.
^End Flashback^
"Justin! Look at this..."
Off on the left side of the chapel was a stone tablet with wording on it. It had a dug out place for it in the wall, but it fell out. Crisie picked it up and blew off the dust.
"It's not anything we speak," he said wiping the dust off with his hand. "Think Arnold would know what it is?"
"I dont know," said Crisie giving a sceptic look now using her right knee to further hold the tablet. "This is like, well ancient. I really don't know if he has any type of archive of the language of it."
"If we think he can't translate it, that means he can, c'mon let's get out of here,"
"And how are we gonna-oh I'll shut up now..."
Justin picked up a slab of the stone bench and threw it at the stain glass window right while Crisie was speaking, freedom at last.
^Two Hours later^
"Officer! Me, take copyrighted music! Ne-oh Justin, Crisie! Sorry about that. Wormrpole, Wormpole move please."
"Pole," said the small red spiked worm as it slowly crawled off the blue wooden fold up chair.
"Hey Arnold," said Crisie shaking his hand right after Justin did. She took a seat in a coffee stained pink velvet loveseat, Justin took the fold up chair.
The man named Arnold moved his glasses up his forehead a ways and pulled down his wrinkled white oxford shit down a ways. He got back on his office chair, the kind with the wheels on the bottom, and folded his arms.
The room definately belonged to a computer freak. Not geek. No, Arnold wasn't that caught up, he was that and so much more.
Books over crowded everything. Red, Blue, Black, White, all sorts of hardcovers. With title's like "A Computer Lover's guide to Virus protection", "349 Myths about Cold Remedies", "Fire and Ice types, not as far off as you may think", and "Coffee, the Novalization".
In addition to books were of course computer parts. Hardrives, ROMs, CDs, Mouse's, Mouse Pads, taken apart Keyboards, a picture of Lorelei on the wall...
The room reaked of Tic-Tac mints, the rug was a Chardanay Purple, and Wormpole had a corner all to it's self, with a bed in a basket, and a cut little wool ball. It curled up around the ball and made cute sounds as the small pokemon played around with it.
"So what can I do for you guys?"
"We need to get something translated," said Crisie taking a large bag off of her shoulders and pulling out the tablet.
"Hello, hello, hello," said Arnold getting up to inspect if furter. He was wearing of all things sandals and socks. His pants were bleached out khaki's. However, his flowwing black hair, and just shaved face gave him a somewhat handsome appearance. Maybe under the hardware was a model waiting to be born.
His picked it up and ran his finger down the surface. He shook it, sniffed it, even put the side of his face to it.
"Where'd you get it?"
"Oh, around..." said Justin rather nonchalantly.
"Interesting, very interesting. Well judging from the precision in the writing and the stone used, I can get a pretty good idea of what time frame we're looking at. A little after the Angareetoos, and a little before the Gyradians," he sat down on his computer and reached for something in the back. Taking from the massive clump of wires, he enearthed the same time of scanner that they use at check out isles in the grocery store. Running the red lasers down the tablet his forehead wrinkled as the information was transfered onto his computer.
"Your computer is so..." Crisie said eyeing it with interest.
"Fast? Accurate? Up to date? Well not really. I mean the ion MX 34 Hardrive double Acheron is really pretty outdated. Especially with its brother system the MX 45 and its competitor Eos 11, it isn't all that good. Although my RAM is 42% better than those systems because of the McDonald Ethernet Cable protector that I have. Filters out the secondary information so that priority takes priority. And I dont have HOL (Hoenn Online) 37 but I do have Voila! Second Edition, which for the most part utilized all of the resources online rather than going into the "backdoors" of the internet. Even the modemn and sound card are pretty old. Although to be honest, when you have a sound card so good that you can her Pokenofisky's 3rd Masterpiece Opus 2 in C Minor like your their, well you wouldn't be complaining."
::Anime eye shrink/confusion/flinch!::
"Well, that's just lovely," said Crisie giving a "I care, kind of," smile.
"Arnold, let's cut straight to the chase, what is the tablet saying?" interjected Justin.
Arnold turned around and punched a few buttons. A screen came up and he scrolled down, wrinkling his forehead as he read.
"Well. Carbon dating shows that it pretty old. About more than 1600 years old. In addition, the text seems to mirror that of the Aquanites, you know the ancient pokemon tribe that worshipped all things water? Well it appears to have links to that. Computer here can translate a few words "danger", "hero", "premonition", something about arson, or maybe its explosion. There are a few related texts of danger, and foul play-"
"Foul play?" said Crisie. "Don't you think that's a little, well, unusual for ancient people's?"
"Oh of course not! The people back then were just as cuthroat as people today. Thing is they had no way of busting people like that, which is why its so likely that stuff like that happened, on average."
"Yeah but, it's all just a crock anyway, right? I mean they really couldn't foresee anything, right?" asked Justin leaning slowly forward.
"Well...I mean...there used to be, I mean their still are, Pokemon, that can see the future. But really I don't honestly think they were right, well at least...Oh gosh you caught soft spot. I don't believe it's real, you shouldn't either."
The conversatin ended on an unusal tone. Andrew was a friend of the family. He was not a computer nerd, he was a computer worshipper. His love for technology was so great, he mastered nearly everything there was to master, and then some.
The smelling of sugar cookies filled the air as Andrew got up to go into the kitchen to get the freshly baked batch. It was a humid day and cookies looked like soot compared to ice cream. Not wanting to stur more conflict, Justin picked up Crisie by the hand, called out to Andrew he needed to leave, and got out of the house with the cries of wormpole in the background...
^That Evening^
"Annoying Son of a-NO! NO! Damn you Ganon!"
Justin screamed loudly and threw his controller on the ground sticking his tongue out at the game system. He was in his room. The lush hunter green comforter under him. The balcony glass doors open to let a small breeze in. The TV flashing "GAME OVER", and a clock with neon blue light that read 12:30 AM on them flashed.
Commotion could still be heard as the other occupants of the house were night people as well. Crisie was on the internet trying to research the battle strategies of the trainers in the Jhoto League, Thompson was finishing a novel in the kitchen, two other occupants of the house were watching TV and playing stupid card games for Pokemon Cards. The twins, Jade and Jasper, laughed at one another while watching Friday Evening Live, a show that made a parody for anything. There short brown locks waven around in the nearby open window. Both of them had on PJs, one with water stones, the other wtih pictures of Make-up on it. The small twins were identical in every feature, even the way they moved seemed to be in suspicious syncronition.
It was actually saturday morning, and 30 degrees outside. The floor they were laying on was tile so you could imagine how cold it was. The two sofas behind them went unnoccupied, and the warm glow of the Kitchen light floated in from their left.
Starmie and Jasper's Squirtle played around in the pool outside. Ampharos was fast asleep in the field outside. Growlithe was playing target practive with an ingenious laser pointer that Thompson had made. It pointed along a brick wall and was light sensitive. If it was broken Growlithe would get points, the higher the points the bigger the reward. Then again, pokemon chow in any amount is good for any pokemon.
"Find anything useful Crisie?"
"Wha? Oh, well not really, here let me tell you this though,"
Crisie walked in wtih a bunch of papers that she was folding along the top corner. Justin had now reversed sides of the bed and was now facing the TV with his stomach face down. Crisie sat down next to him. She was still in her garb from that day, Justin was wearing his PJ bottoms and his shirt was curled up on the floor over in the corner, where Sandshrew was enjoying himself by vandilizing the shirt with his new found knowledge of the english language.
"Their is this Trainer their, Cory. She's real good, went straight through the Jhoto League in less than two months. She only has four pokemon, but she's really good. Says here her biggest tactic is to render the opponent's pokemon useless."
"Looks like I better teach Ivysaur safeguard," responded Justin, now changing the channel to Circle of Wealth.
"Why, you think that it's just going to be stupid attacks like poison and sleep? Their is more than one way to skin a cat-er-not that anyone would want to. But still, moves like Bite and Feint Attack can cause the pokemon to flinch."
"Well, either way, always be prepared, right Sandshrew?"
The mole pokemon was fast asleep and curled into a ball in the corner. Snoring loudly, the white shirt now read the message "Sandshrews 4ever!".
Their was about a few moments of silence, and then.
Crisie rolled Justin on to his back and she got over him coming very close to his face. Held up a finger to his mouth.
"Will you tell me, that story, that you never did. The one that has been (she made quote signs with her fingers) driving you forward this past years."
"Oh that, well," he tripped her right foot and she rolled over on the floor.
"Firstly, don't do that, ever, again. Secondly, no. 'Night,"
"Justin I will get that secret out of you. Even if I have to pry it out with my living fingers!"
^The Next Morning^
"Ack, you serious?"
"Yes, Miss Amanda is waiting outside for you. You should go visit her," said Thompson observing Justin as he hastily shoved on his sneakers and ran outside. He burst through the front doors. The front lawn was different from the back. A beach, nor a courtyard, nor a helipad was their. Instand a large open field with a simple stone pathway met the eyes to the onlooker. Standing their, right in the center both horizontally and vertically, was Amythyst. She was quiet, above all else. You could tell from her overall demeanor. Her violet eyes, Puce colored hair, purple jeans, and a Purple psychodelic shirt gave away not only her love for purple, but her contradiction of standing out, and yet...not. Regardless of the fact that she whore such bright colors, she was very soft and outspoken. Why even as Justin ran up to greet her, she gave a soft meek smile and walked slowly to meet him halfway.
The two finally reached one another and they hugged. Releasing each other, Justin smiled.
"Amy-I mean-I mean Amyth-Oh what the hell should I call you?"
Amythyst giggled softly.
"Amythest. I don't care, it's apart of my past now."
"Why can't the others be like you? Anyway, it's good to meet you again. How are things going?"
"Good. I qualify for the Jhoto league." She said this as she grasped a silver chain hanging from the left pocket. It connected to the back poket. With a little tug she pulled out a long silk cloth, on it were all eight badges.
"That's wonderful! I guess we'll be seeing each other, Emerald to I guess,"
"Emerald, yes. I would expect us all to be their, we all made a promise, right?"
"Yeah, yeah we did. It's hard to believe at one point we were all together."
An eerie silence accompinied by the quell gusts of wind that followed seemed to sooth the now tense moment. Amy was quiet, but never at a loss for words.
"So, how's Crystal?"
"She's good. We just came back from a mission. She's "visiting" her family."
Amy's expression changed quicker the a Keckleon in danger.
"But didn't you say?"
Justin nodded. "Yes. She had a huge falling out with her parents. She doesn't speak with them. In fact, Thompson just claimed legal guardianship to her, we just haven't told her. She's visiting her baby brother, the only one she cares for."
"Shame isn't it."
"Oh I know..." Justin said solemnly shuffling his feat now.
"That you two can't be together because you'll be considered brother and sister. Unless that is things have already 'heated up'?" Amythest broke out laughing. Justin turned beat red, sweat was pouring off his face.
"I do not love her! And our relationship is more like orphan to orphan, not siblings!"
"Of course it is. Wanna battle?"
"Bout time you asked!"
A/N: Woosh! Chapter 5, done and doner. If this part seemed to take longer than the others, it's because I was thinking about trying to draw the characters. Then I went to myself "You want your readers to enjoy this story, not get a heart attack over it!", oh you don't get it XD. Anyway, Chapter 6 will be up shortly, it may just be the battle scene.