A Master's Last Wish
The First Step
Written by: Kyle P.
Email: Kp606@AOL.com
I do not own pokemon, the characters appearing in this fic made by me, belong to me.Please read and review! Thanks guys (and gals)!
“Are you absolutely positive you want to face me?” said a woman wearing a leather jumpsuit with long violet-like hair, pulled into a ponytail in the back. She had a small ball in her hand that was red and silver. A nearby flickering torch was hitting it so that the light reflected off of it and made it look completely silver, which it wasn’t.
“Do you want me to write it down? I came in here to challenge you, and I plan too? So what if you use dragon pokemon! I can take them!” snapped a boy of medium height. His greasy brown hair, dark green eyes, and slightly baggy jeans gave off a punk expression. While on the contrary, even at that second, he was studying the gym leader named Clair, observing, already he had a basic pattern worked out. He knew she would attack him and try to fool him, make him feel stronger than he is. But he wasn’t that stupid.
“You have been warned,” Clair yelled. The boiling liquid beneath, not lava but a type of synthetic heated liquid bubbled underneath. The room was unearthly hot, but it was the perfect atmosphere for the battle. After all, dragons loved the heat.
The woman named Clair held up her pokeball, quite gracefully, and threw it, as it hit the floor, a blinding white light emitted from it. It filled the room, and formed, into the pokemon named Altaria. The blue-hued pokemon gave a soft purr. A purr that indicated wisdom. The trainer looked at the pokemon quite happily, he had heard that the cloud around Altaria never got dirty, and it was quite true. It was whiter, than well white.
“Lovely pokemon. But it will fall. AMPHAROS I CHOOSE YOU!” The boy, with his slightly nervous voice threw the pokemon he had just taken out onto the metal grated floor. A burst of light, and an Ampharos was standing there bouncing there excitedly on its heels. It tail, with a red orb on the tip, moved up and down contrary to the rest of the pokemon’s body.
“Begin!” screamed the referee, a member of the gym, standing on the side lines. He held up to flags, a green and red one and threw them down in an arch like motion. Altaria, sprang up, flying high into the gym roof, flapping its wings that were concealed under its cloud like ring. Clair shouted out an order for the pokemon to swoop and use air cutter. The pokemon came down and right before crashing, spun quickly and created a wave that cut through the air. It hit Ampharos, he flinched but maintained its posture.
“Ampharos! Bring it down with a thunderbolt attack!”
“Altairia, use cosmic power! Delude its effectiveness!”
The pokemon Ampharos let loose a yellow bolt of electricity. At the same time, Altaria created a shield that looked like outer space. The electric penetrated for a split second and was cut off. The trainer however we prepared for this. Altaira’s defense dissolved into its body, but Ampharos sprang. And let loose a swift attack. The red jewel in its forehead released many glowing stars that flew across the large gap separating the two. It hit Altaria and, knocking the pokemon back, and causing it to fall over. Ampharos created a small orb of electrical energy and threw it at the pokemon, shocking it, and making it faint. The referee lifted both flags and declared the trainer the winner.
Clair smirked and looked at the trainer with a look of loathing on her face. She wanted to make him lose because of his attitude. But little did she know how he truly acted. She returned her Altaria and told him that she was going to use one more.
“But Leader Clair! The rules say…” responded the referee with a look of confusion.
But Clair silenced him. “I am confident.” She unlatched another pokeball, and threw it into the ring. It burst open and standing there on its hind fin, was a Kingdra. Clair gave a look to the trainer that said “you can’t handle this one, don’t even try”.
However, the trainer returned his Ampharos and threw into the ring another pokeball. He too was confident. The ball burst, and forth coming from the light, came a Starmie. Its ruby jewel in the center was gleaming from the dancing lights of the floor beneath. It stood on the front two points, spinning the back star rapidly. The trainer returned the look to Clair, “bring it on” his eyes said.
The referee, giving Clair a baffled look raised the flags, and then dropped them. Both pokemon ran at one another, this time the trainer called the first attack.
“Starmie! Agility and come in with a Psybeam!” The pokemon flashed out of everyone’s vision, and came back into it, from behind Kingdra! It let loose a wave of colored lines, each intertwining and coiling. The beam hit Kingdra. The pokemon yelled “King!” and was knocked over.
“Starmie! Ice Beam!” A blue light came from the center gem and hit the pokemon freezing it.
“STARMIE! METAL CLAW AND RAPID SPIN!” The pokemon turned metal completely and flew at the frozen pokemon. With every slash came another piece of the ice. Within seconds the ice broke, the Kingdra was battered, and fell off to the side, unconscious.
Clair just simply stood there. She was utterly perplexed. He wanted to teach this “punk” a lesson. But she was the one who got schooled. After about a second, she began to clap, with the referee stupidly joining in.
“Nicely done! I am surprised you knew that every time the ice broke, the shock would do damage. That was an amazing tactic.”
“Thanks. I sorta found out about that, well, when I myself had it done to one of my pokemon. But yeah, I guess it was, it’s risky, because the pokemon needs to freeze” said the trainer rubbing the back of his neck smiling.
“Well anyway, I present you with the rising badge, catch!” Clair threw the badge and the trainer caught.
‘The last one’ he thought. ‘Jhoto league, here I come!’
“Bye the way, what’s your name?” asked Clair.
“Justin,” said the trainer, now turning around to exit the gym.
“That was a great battle, do good in the Jhoto league! I know you will!”
“Thanks!” Justin called back as he passed out of the two large steel doors, slightly warm to the touch; he looked around, and breathed. It was a warm day, and the lake nearby was glistening, reflecting the forest nearby.
“Hey,” said Justin walking over to a girl with short brown hair and standing over a bike. She was wearing jean shorts and had half-a-dress on, stapled to one end. She was wearing a tang top with the picture of a machop on it, and had a tough attitude.
“Well how’d it go?” she asked. Justin showed her the badge, she smiled.
“If you’re happy now, better hold on to it, this may break the mood.” She said looking away.
Justin hastily grabbed a note that she held up for him, he opened and looked inside.
OOC: Hoped you liked it. Send a review with a compliment, complaint, advice. Part two, coming soon.