K. K. Mudkippy
K. K. Mudkippy

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fanfics, artwork
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Last updated:
Fic: September 21, 2008
Art: September 21, 2008
Vid: No video work

The Origin of Plusle and Minun (Gen.)

Crazy Time with Ash and Co. (O)

Ash's Mom Hates Pikachu (Gen.)

Parts:   1  -   2  -

A Unown Friend (O)

Summary for The Origin of Plusle and Minun: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) - Two pichus... One rabid narrator... This is the stroy of... HOW PLUSLE AND MINUN CAME TO BE!

Summary for Crazy Time with Ash and Co.: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance suggested) - What's this? It's love mixed with Teletubbies!

Summary for Ash's Mom Hates Pikachu: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) - Has Delia Ketchum been lying to Ash all along about her feelings toward Pikachu? In other words... Does Mrs. Ketchum hate Pikachu?

Summary for A Unown Friend: Rated - G (Good for All Ages) - (the story has nothing to do with the title) What happens when a "human" gets into a pokemon chatroom?

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