Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon (I wish i did so i wudn't have 2 write
this.) This part is long - I might have to shorten it up into 2 parts.
If I get to this part, Evante does belong to me, and ask permission if
you wand to use it. on wit da fic!

 The hospital wing where her grandmother had been staying was decorated
with paintings of pokemon, flowers hanging, and thick, plush carpeting.
Nurse Joy told Mai to sit on the waiting room couch before she was
approved to go into the room. Mai sat on the plush sofa and waited to be
admitted. Afer what seemed like hours, she was told to enter. She went

 Lorelei was hooked up to an IV bag and looked deathly pale. Her once
shining blue eyes were now pale and sad. A smile creeped across her face
as mai walked in. "You a pokemon master yet?" Mai smiled back. "Almost,
Grandma, almost." Mai talked with her grandma a little while and let
Blizz out of her pokeball. "Dear, I want you to keep Blizz, Dewgong,
Vaporeon, and Cloyster. They love you and I can't train them anymore."
Lorelei handed the pokeballs over. She suddenly started to shake
violently. A quick, "I love you" from Mai, and she was dead. Mai didn't
cry, but her mother balled her eyes out. Mai tried to comfort her
mother. Mamo and Kimori appeared in the doorway. Mai suddenly stood up.
"Mom, I promised grandma that I would be a pokemon master. I will keep
that promise. Goodbye"

 The three trainers went outside. Mamo went off to fight trainers, but
Kimori and Mai wouldn't be lucky enough to escape. It was around 9:45
P.M. when the girls encountered him. He was a handsom, dark-haired boy
who appeared to be about 17 years old. he had pokeballs on his belt. He
was an obvious trainer. "Hello ladies. My name is Joshua."

Authors note: I decided to make this part very short instead. I think
I'll make this a 3-parter. I'm also working on a Role-Play as a pokemon
fic. Maybe a little longer than Espeon's story. I only got 2 nominees,
but That just means I'll have to work harder and get up these stories!
Till next time, Adios!  *Music is fading*