As Kimori headed out the door for her battle, Mai went to retrieve Star
Gazer, who was scratching at some bags of chips.  Star Gazer smiled.
"There's so much to explore in this world!  What was I gaining from
staying at the lab?" Star Gazer asked.  "You had a good home with lots
of food" Mai replied as the pair walked outside.  "Let's go watch
Kimori's battle, Star Gazer.  We need to support her" Mai said as she
and Star Gazer went to where Kimori was battling with Eric.  "Go Star!"
Kimori shouted as Squirtle moved forward onto the battlefield.  "Espeon,
show 'star' what you're made of!" Eric shouted out to Espeon.  "Use your
quick attack, Star!!!"  Star lodged herself at the Espeon with a beam of
light trailing behind her.  Star hit the Espeon with great force and
lodged it back far near the end of the field. "Don't let a quick attack
beat you Espeon!  Use your Psybeam attack!"  A beam of rainbow light
came shooting out of Espeon's mouth.  "Star!  Quick, dodge it!"  Star
jumped up in the air to avoid being hit with the beam.  The dodging
worked, and the beam hit the ground instead.  As Star was air bound,
Kimori gave a command.  "Use your Ice Beam to beat it!"  Espeon was
scraped in a bunch of places, so it was too weak to resist any attack.
Star unleashed a flurry of ice.  The beam itself was like a snow crystal
chain.  When the beam hit Espeon, it gave out a long, hard cry of pain.
"ESSSPEOOOOON!!!!!"  It cried in pain.  "No!  Espeon are you okay?" Eric
asked as he returned Espeon to his pokeball.  "I'm sorry I made fun of
your Squirtle, but I was trying to scare you.  You are a good pokemon
trainer, so here are your winnings.  254Y is all yours now." Eric said
as he handed Kimori the money.  "Thank you, Eric, but you can keep your
money.  As my reward for winning, I want one of your pokemon."  Kimori
said with an evil grin.  "My pokemon!  I'll trade you my Spike for any
pokemon but Squirtle.  I can see that you two are very attached to each
other.  Spike is a Phanpy.  I will ask for any pokemon in the trade.
Phanpy is level 10." Eric explained with heart.  "Kweee!  I'll trade you
Hoppip!  Her name is Sunshine!" Kimori explained.  The trainers
exchanged pokeballs and parted ways.  "Take care of yourself and
Sunshine!" Yelled Kimori.  "You too, Kimori!  Be good Spike!"  Eric
replied happily.  He had learned more than one lesson that day.

Slowly at first, then running, Kimori headed up towards Mai.
"Congratulations Kimori!  You won"  Mai said excitedly.  "I know!  I
thought his Espeon was so cute!" said Kimori in a high voice.  All of
the sudden, a boy with dark brown hair and a green shirt walked up to
the pair.  "Who owns the Umbreon over there?" he said pointing to Star
Gazer with a puzzled look on his face.  Star Gazer was chasing a guy who
was holding a tray of chicken around in circles.  "Star Gazer!  Stop and
leave that poor man alone!  Sir, I'll buy one of those fried chickens
from you.  How much are they?" Mai asked, almost in a state of panic.
Star Gazer walked over and asked, "What did I do Mai?"  Giving Star
Gazer a stern look, Mai answered, "You were chasing that man.  You need
to learn to control yourself.  I'll need you in battle with me, so let's
work on that attitude of yours."  "The chicken will cost 50Y.  Here's
your chicken!" said the salesman as Mai dug 50Y out of her pocket.
"Thank you, sir!"  Mai gave the chicken to Star Gazer.  Star Gazer
grinned.  "Off we are, Kimori!" Mai said as the four started off.
"Wait!  I want to battle you, Mai!  You and Umbreon versus me and
Bellosom!" the boy with dark hair said desperately.

Authors note: I don't own pokemon. Thanks for some great reviews I've
been getting. Thanks i appreciate the encouragement! 'till next time!