Midnight and I just kept walking north, the moon hidden by the trees. We were in a forest filled with sounds of hiding pokemon watching us carefully. I could feel their presence. As we were walking, mixed feelings swarmed through my head like a mad mob of buzzing Beedril. Everything I had went through… it all happened so quickly. The experiment, running off into the night with Midnight, being attacked by his friends, turning into a poke’ morph, being kidnapped, and then being rescued. I didn’t think I would make it in less things stopped randomly attacking me. And then there was Midnight... first he hated me. Thought I was just another annoying and loud human. Then he started warming up to me. And just now he had rescued me from that evil man. What would happen next? “Why did that man want my jewel anyways?” I asked. I started twiddling with my jewel. I always seem to do that when there’s something on my mind. Midnight gave me the same annoyed look from when we first talked to each other. “Isn’t it obvious? He wanted it to rule the world. You can make ANY pokemon you want come to you, right? That includes powerful legendaries like Mew and Mewtwo.” Midnight answered. “With pokemon like that in your possession, you can do anything.” “Oh.” Was all I said. I stared at the ground, my face turning red. How could I be so stupid? Why hadn’t I thought about making legendary pokemon appear before? That’s when we walked out of the forest. We stood on a tall hill overlooking a large open field. Daylight had just barely begun to inch its way over the horizon in the east. “Wow...” I said, staring at all of it in awe. For some reason this field looked strangely familiar. Off into the distance a small village was in site. “Doesn’t it look wonderful?” I asked. But when I looked to the right, Midnight wasn’t there. Looking down, I realized Midnight was already running down the hill. “Hey, wait up!” I cried. I started running down the hill after him, wind running through my hair. I was only half way down when Midnight had reached the bottom. Right before I got to the bottom, I lost my balance and fell... Right into Midnight’s arms. Looking into his fire-red eyes, I stood up. “Er... thanks...” I said, blushing horribly. We continued walking on. Suddenly, Midnight stopped. “This is going to be a long journey.” Midnight said, sighing. “Do you know which pokemon is the fastest on land?” I stopped walking and turned to Midnight. The fastest pokemon was Dragonite when it came to flying, and the fastest pokemon was Gyarados when it came to swimming. But I had to admit that I had no idea which pokemon was the fastest on land. “I... I don’t know.” I muttered. “Well then, maybe the darkness will help you. You must hurry though... daytime is drawing nearer.” Midnight said, smiling. How in the world would the “darkness help me”? I stared at Midnight, confused. That’s when his words came back to me. “...And if you stand under a full moon and keep very quiet, you can hear the darkness whispering in your ear.” Those were the words Midnight had said to me before. I looked up at the sky. A full moon shown above me, slowly fading away as daylight crept closer. I closed my eyes and stood still. I could feel the soft breeze prickling my face, whistling into my ear... almost whispering. A cold chill raced up my spine, but was immediately replaced by a feeling of warmness. Almost hot. Hot... hot like fire. Fire. That was it! My eyes flashed open. “Rapidash.” I said. Midnight grinned. “You caught on quickly,” he said. “Now, do you think you could get two Rapidash over here?” I nodded. And so that was what I did. I held my jewel firmly in my hand and closed my eyes, concentrating deeply on two Rapidash. Only when I heard the sound of neighing in the distance did I stop. Their hooves trampling through the grass, the Rapidash stopped galloping and neighed once again. Midnight helped me get on the back of one of them, and then climbed on to the other. “Hiya!” Midnight shouted. His Rapidash started galloping away to the north. Immediately the Rapidash I was on followed. I was scared at first. Never before had I ridden on a Ponyta, nor a Rapidash. It was a bumpy ride, and I felt like I was going to fall off any second. But Midnight was riding on his Rapidash (with great ease too) directly at my side, so I felt safe enough. Soon the Rapidash I was on started galloping away from Midnight’s, off towards the village. “No, Rapidash! Stop! Stop!” I said. I was starting to panic. But the Rapidash ignored me and continued galloping towards the village. Soon we were in the village, and Midnight was out of site. I couldn’t let anybody see me like this though... I was still in my poke’ morph form. A man looked me as I rode by, his mouth wide open in shock. “Everybody, wake up! Wake up! There’s a mutant on a Rapidash out here! Hurry!” The man shouted. Oh no... someone had seen me. I couldn’t let any more people see me. I quickly morphed into an Umbreon. But being an Umbreon, it wasn’t easy to hang on to the Rapidash. I dug my sharp claws into the Rapidash’s skin to get a better grip. I was so high above the ground and moving so fast... what would happen to me if I fell? Midnight wouldn’t be there to catch me. The Rapidash neighed in pain and then jumped up into the air, sending me flying. As I hit the ground, people ran out of their houses. I could hear murmurs of confusion as I tried to stand up, my vision starting to get blurry. “Don’t faint, Starlight... don’t faint... please...” I whispered to myself. But then everything started spinning, and everything went black as I fell to the ground. Up on a hill, Midnight was watching carefully, an angry look on his face. “It’s time to rescue her... again.”