Team RocketÕs Secret Weapon

A Joint Effort by Khanayda and Isamaru-sama

Disclaimer: Neither of us own pokemonÉobviouslyÉ

Jigglydily was an original creation of Team Rocket Rose, whose fake pokemon sprite inspired this story.


Ash, Brock and Misty were walking along the road towards the next town for some much needed R and R. Forget badges, itÕs time for some fun!

Brock was dreaming his usual perverted thoughts about the beautiful girls in the next town, while Ash and Misty were both thinking about the other.

Then suddenly out of nowhere out sprang Team RocketÉand they have a secret weapon this timeÉJIGGLYDILY!

ÒPrepare for Trouble!Ó

ÒAnd make it double!Ó

ÒTo protect the world from devastation!Ó

ÒTo untie all peoples within our nation!Ó

ÒTo denounce the evils of truth and love!Ó

ÒTo extend our reach to the stars above!Ó
ÒTeam Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!Ó
ÒSurrender now, or prepare to fight!Ó

ÒJIGGLYDILLY!!Ó Jigglydily squealed. Meowth looked very perturbed.

ÒHey, thatÕs my line!Ó

ÒShut up Meowth, we donÕt care!Ó Jessie yelled. Ash, Brock and Misty just stared at Team Rocket. Jessie and Meowth stopped bickering and turned to the twerp trio. ÒNOW YOUÕLL PAY! JIGGLYDILY!Ó The abomination that looked like a Jigglypuff except green with golden eyes and tentacles coming out of its head jiggled forward. Brock and Ash blanched; Misty ran to the nearest tree and vomited.

                  ÒWhat, what is that thing?Ó Ash asked, horrified at the sight of this sin against nature.

ÒHa, ha, this is our new secret weapon to capture that Pikachu! This is the ultimate pokemon, Jigglydily!Ó Jessie said cackling madly. ÒIt will make you so repulsed by its nature that you will have no choice but to run, MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!Ó

ÒAnd then we will finally have that Pikachu! É Wait, were is that Pikachu?Ó James asked, looking around. A burp came from the Jigglydily as it came up to Jessie; it then coughed a yellow hairball and smiled. Team Rocket just stood there, stunned. ÒI, uh, guess there is no more Pikachu to capture, soÉ TEAM ROCKETÕS BLASTING OFF AGAIN!Ó Team Rocket yelled as they randomly launched into the sky for some reason. The kids just stood there looking at the spot were Team Rocket had been a second ago.

"What the hell just happened?" Ash asked in bewilderment.

"Uh, i think it just ate your Pikachu," Brock replied, sounding a bit confused himself.

Misty gagged. "Oh god, i can still smell it..." She ran behind a tree with her hands clasped firmly over her mouth. Ash and Brock simply continued to stare at the empty road as vomiting sounds could be heard from the nearby tree.

