part g.
Raquel stood in his new body over this place long called Maiden's Peak. The wind blew hard and the waves crushed the rocks on the coast. Pidgey flew overhead swaking to one another. The wind ruffled his blue hair, luckily that woman had disguises so he had his original appearence, though still imperfect. He turned to the waiting statue behind him.
"Sie, stop this annoyance. I release you." He commanded to the statue, touching it's hard face, the stony feeling slowly softened, the color turned a shade of light peach, the cold stone warmed and the chest began to rise with a pulse. The ground around her began to turn to stone. A woman young in years stood before him.
"Raquel, you have been, released it seems." The female said taking a look at him. Her gown breezed in the icy wind for the first time in countless years.
"Yes, a foolish girl made that mistake." Raquel said looking at his soft impowered hands.
"I see, Tell me Heat master, where is Deon?" The lady said with tease in elagance.
Raquel looked at the ocean, he found Sie after hearing tales of a Stone Maiden waiting for her lover, endlessly waiting. "My lady, if I knew I would have his head on a pike already." Deon, that phenoix whose Cold powers directly affronted his own was the one who brought him in the blasted temple. He would bring him to a temple of his own design.
"Raquel, he didn't want to do it." The maiden told him as if that would help, Raquel, "None of then did."
"I don't really care anymore about the others doings, only Deon." Raquel said bitterly picking up a rock nad cluthing it in angst, He looked at the beasts flying overhead. "They certianly have changed." He said with a smile of the past.
"Yes they have, all of them. One keeps my memory alive in this town. These people have changed as well." Sie said with remorse.
"Fools, these people now. Fools with no idea what power is." Raquel said bitterly the rock in his hand melted, the magna dripped down his arm and fell on the rough grass. It molded into a rose, The petals began to fall off. Raquel turned to the creator of this event. Looking her in the eyes. "Sie, I must go," He said picking up a hardened petal, "farewell." As he turned to leave Sie caught his arm.
"Wait, promise me you won't hurt him." Sie said holding hard. "Please."
"Sie, I can't say.."
"Promise." The woman said staring into his cold blue eyes.
"I promise Sie." He said looking into the ocean.
"Then take leave, melting one." The maiden said waving him away. Raquel walked away slowly, and looked back to see Sie staring into the ocean once again and then after a choice walking away as well.
to be continued.
review, flames are annoying.
kevin g.