okay here is part III
okay someone replied to my emails i need to have this part for another part to come later
sorry it took so long i was writting my x men fic
ok, one thing. this is somewhat dark to warn you if you thought prt 2 and this are dark you'll be surprized how dark I can get. Even Shadow will be be awed the next one will be a little darker. Then i suggest you should never be alone
Disclaimer i dont own pokemon. I somewhat own Allan, Dave, Mandy, and My shoes. If you want to use them in a fic give me credit and ask me. This fic is dedicated to Pikachu.
A teen looked out of the window of the hotel, beside her was boy wearing a blue hat with a yellow stripe in the middle and a blue, white, teal jacket. Richie tried to confort her, but it was no use. His pikachu pulled on his jeans begging for mustard. Misty stopped sobbing for a second and looked at him.
"He's gone." she said.
"I can't believe it either, Misty," Richie said trying to stay upright, "He would have wanted us to be happy." All Misty did was sob.
"How is she?" asked one of Misty's sisters Lily.
"She is still taking it hard." Richie answered. When Lily saw Ash and Misty together she thought it was just a crush. She now saw it was much more. It would be alot if Brock hadn't gone off looking at the case files. After he found out the what Brock said was, "the truth" he went off toward the prison. He would miss Ash's funeral. That was this afternoon. She went off the balcony to prepare for it.
Misty stood up next to Richie and Gary Oak, Professor Oak was up at the podium, "Ash Ketcum, was a great trainer," the professor started. His face evident of holding back tears.
"The greatest," Gary interupted his face moistened with salty hot tears he could never hope to hide, "better than I will ever be." He said as his purple shirt dampened from the sweat and sadness.
Misty stared at Gary, Ash's long time rival. At every turn he broght Ash down, so had she. She never got to tell him the truth, never got to share just one second of love. She never would.
She could see he felt all he said more than utterable. She stared blinking to remove the water of eyes. Richie, one of the few Ash ever lost to and also a friend, stepped forward as well, "Than I as well." He said then he took of his cap and put it in Ash's empty coffin. He felt the same way for that as Ash had. It sat next to Ash's. That was the only thing they found of him.
Tracy and other trained stepped forward to acknowledge this fact. This ever haunting fact. This was what Ash wanted. To be acknowledged as the greatest pokemon master.
Mandy was walking down the dry dirt path that led to the Correction Faucility. She saw a man running on the same path as her behind her. He wore a green vest over an dark colored shirt with brown pants. "Hey!" she said to the first person she had seen in two days.
"Hey, I'm Brock." He said running closer to her and stopping next to her.
"Wait your that unknown girl!" he said happily I hoped I'd meet you.
What they found my picture, I thought I deleted all the files about me." Mandy asked asked confused.
"The case files say found your picture in his room."
"How the hell did you see the case files?"
"You're not the only hacker." Brock said "And they make it so easy." Brock added for sympathy."
"Well, why are you headed toward to prison?" Mandy asked after seeing Brock wouldn't turn her in.
"Maybe you won't believe this but I'm here to break your friend out."
"Why did you care in the first place?" "I know Ash wouldn't want this to happen." "That Bastard! Wait you're Brock Slate." Brock paused for a moment and began, "Ash is.. was the best person I have ever met." Brock said tring to hold back the tears.
"He ruined my fucking life!" Mandy screamed in fury.
"He didn't want to hurt anyone and if you will help me, we can fix it." Brock said tring to look strong. Mandy saw this man on the verge of extreme depression tring to make things right. She saw her eyes begin to tear. All she did was nod and begin crying. That was more than enough.
Hilda was a 34 year old guard at that big metal thing that some called the lab. She sat outside looking out into the desert. A figure appeared in a large coat with a 9 foot long iron pole. "Hold your position!" she screamed at the stranger. it walked in closer. She saw it had blue hair full of the dirt the desert throws. She could not see face it was hidden in the sandglasses and the collar of his trenchcoat. "Hold position or I will attack!" she said with a undertone of fear in her voice. Alerting her poliwhirl to take attacking stance. He kept walking forward. "Alert! Okay die!" she said as her poliwhirl shot a hydropump at the figure. He walked right though it. Hilda wondered how he did that, that move could move an entire group of protestors. It had a year ago. Those idoits though they were a cloning facility. The man started running. He got his pole and vaulted over the wall. Hilda never thought that was possible. He landed next to her and took out a knife.
Alice stared at her hero acknowledging that his rival was better than him. She had followed Gary since she was 11, she thought that loser would fail at everything, he didn't this time. After the funeral ended she went into her fomer hero's room. He called her in and asked what was wrong. "You bastard." she told him.
Mandy figured the they needed a rest, so decided to stop in the forests outside Saffron City. Her cantan was almost empty and Brock's was getting stagnite from his idea of water preservation. They found a unused campsite and refilled thier water bottles from there. Brock left to set up camp in the woods so they wouldn't be seen.
Duplica sat at her desk. After hearing that Ash had been murdered she found no use for life. He had the idea of reopening the house, he saved Ditto, without him nothing mattered. Ditto, who had followed her since her father died, felt the same way. She walked into her kitchen and picked up a knife. She pointed it to her wrist.
Mandy and Brock continued to walk on the paths, they reached Saffron City by midday. Mandy went to a salon so she could change her appearance. Brock waited tring to get numbers in the lobby.
"So sugar, what do you want?" The salon woman asked Mandy as she sat on the chair.
"Very different," she paused, "and hot." she said blushing. She was always considered okay, but she wanted more.
"Let's go." the woman said turning the black lether swivel chair around. Mandy closed her eyes for good luck.
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Well i got tired of writting female view so that's it. more to come. tell me if u care about the female chars anyway. SEE I GOT BETTER GRAMMAR! hyzing! review. the author to read is Aki Akito he updates his wonderful story 'Correcting My Mistakes.' which i did with grammar. oh u didn't get it. it's still sloppy but oh well.
do u like my part count? {} or [] chose! i would get a poll going but i dont know how. so email me. (email_of_kevin@yahoo.com) so original.
ok The Last Five Years is the greatest musical since Jesus sang to the crowds 2000 years ago. (i'm Roman Catholic if you want to know)
yes if you want to have a certian thing happen tell me.
So im attacking a preview for new fics soon. maybe on the next fic.
pictures shall come if you ask. I locked them away from the light.
READ! (see Bobby?)
kevin g.