Mandy walked into the living room it was home but ever since it happened something was missing. she tried her best to keep her mind off it, but somehow it always came back. She knew it couldn't of happened. She looked at her picture of Dave she took when he visited her. His golden hair, his glasses, and his olive eyes. Dave was a good kid how could this happen? She read the front page of the paper a threw it into the fireplace. The ink gave off a scent when it was burned. She headed toward the gym as she did every day.
"Hey Cathy," she said to her friend as she walked in, "what's up?" "Erika is teaching us to use a stun spore potion to prevent wrinkles. The older trainers are loving it." Mandy listened to Erika tellng how if you parilized muscles you wouldn't get wrinkles. "Miss Erka," asked Mandy, "wouldn't thaqt mean you would be unable to show any emotion what so ever?" "Good point Mandy, it would also make you mute and may parilize your brain painfully killing you." replied Erika. The older women frowned. "Ok," said Erika, "lets train." Halfway though the day an annoying boy named A.J. tring to get every badge in every leauge challenged Erika. He lost badly. He said something about 998 then he left.
She went home and prepared to pack. She had told Erika her plans, and luckily Erika, who unofficaly supported her helped her plan more. She took the makeup kit Erika had given her, some spare clothes, a map, newspaper clippings, two books one about law and another about the country and of course her oddish. She was about to leave her mother a note when she walked in the kitchen the light turned on to her mother standing over her. "So close." "Honey, I'm not going to stop you. Erika called me and I also unoffically support you. Here I got you some food." her mother kindly said. "Thanks Mom." Mandy said, "I'll miss you." "Come and visit." she said. Then Mandy went out the door. She followed the drinking gourd like Erika told her and headed out of Celadon City.
She passed the burned out Game Corner and an electronics store with television screens on the windows. It was the one A.M. news. "Good Mourning. Yawnnn. I'm Tina Tint." she knugged her colledge who just kept on snoring. "Well he's, who cares no noe here is watching this they're probably sleeping or watching some PMTV." she said yawning. "Our main story is David Jim was found guilty today of murder. He was sentenced to death for the murder of Ash Ketcum. No body was found but police strongly believe that he did it. Jim says he has done nothing. He will be executed in three weeks. Misty Waterflower Ash's companion, (wink wink) says that she hopes Ash is alive but thinks Jim is to blame for everything. Ketcum's funeral will be on Monday at Saffron City. Attending are those such as Prof. Oak, Brock of the Earth Gym. Misty Waterflower of the Waterflower Gym, Miss Ketcum, Gary Oak, and other celebebrities. And now for our next story how to take a nap I'll show you and nap for 30 whole
minutes..." Mandy kept walking.
Mandy hated Ash Ketcum for causing Dave to have to die. He should be glad he's already dead.
sorry about the shortness it's going to be a long series.
Ash dead, no it could never happen i'm too much of a happy ender. Well this is my 4th fanfic so i don't mind people insulting it. Mandy Stone is a new charecter that i made for one fic. the odds will be girls points of view and evens will be male. review me! please review me! thank you to the jolt master he's a good guy. the pictures for this work will come soon i dont mind if other people use my charecters i'd be honored. Go ptower!
kevin g.