The Reddest Rose
By James Worthington Kincaid III
I Preface
My name is James Worthington Kincaid III. A stupid name in my opinion. I should have changed it years ago, but I didn't. Anyway, this is my first writing endeavor and is probably to be my last. For this is a biography of my life. Of my early life that is. My later years have already been chronicled many times. Though my past still remains a mystery to most. Many guesses upon my past have already been written and some things, such as my last name, have been taken as fact. So I have decided to set the record strait by writing this.
My memory is rather sketchy on some points in this story, some forgotten and some repressed, so on those points I have consulted those others involved or tried to recreate it as best I can. The dialogue has been recreated as best I can and all apologies to those whom I misquote.
Since this book is about me, most of the story will be centered around myself. However, some points in the story were part of someone else's life. These are included because the story would make no sense at all without them. I have tried to keep these sections to a minimum though to keep the main point in focus.
Finally, I wish to say that this story has been written without the consent of those involved. Some have of course been referenced for data about the subject, but none have officially consented. So I wish to say that all persons involved are given due credit and are thanked for their input and for making my life so very interesting. So I believe without further adieu, the story.