Title: Ying, Yang and The Power of Love
Author: Kari Anime Queen
Disclaimer: ...see part 1 for details

Slowly, Misty sat up. Her head felt like it had been smacked with a frying pan and a raging headache burned the inside of her skull. Half dazed, she looked around and saw an unconscious Raichu, not far from her.
"Raichu? Are you OK?" She asked, shaking the electric mouse in order to awaken it. It stirred and opened its eyes, only to realise it was face to face with... an Azumarill!
"What are you talking about? I'm not a Raichu! And just how are you able to talk? I didn't think that Azumarills had that ability..." He said.
"You must have hit your head pretty hard to think that I'm an Azumarill and that you are not a Raichu." Misty sympathised.
"Listen, I think you're the one who hit your head if you think I'm a Raichu! My name is  Ash Ketchum and I'm a HUMAN pokemon trainer!" Ash yelled. Misty jumped back in shock.
" Ash?! No way! Just look at yourself! You have a Raichu face, Raichu paws,a Raichu body and a Raichu tail; therefore, you must be a Raichu!" Misty argued. Looking down at himself, Ash noticed that there was a huge white patch on his orange stomach and at the end of his wrists were two brown paws instead of wo human hands. Behind him, a black tail with a yellow thunderbolt shape at the end followed him wherever he went. Stunned for a moment, Ash thought, then when he looked back at Misty, he recognised her and growled.
"Misty!!! Well, while we're on the identity crisis discussion; I suggest you look at yourself too." Ash remarked. Misty looked round and saw that she too had a tail, but it was a black zig-zag pattern with a shiny blue ball on the tip. Her 'hands' and 'feet' were now blue paws. Lifting her paws she felt her ears; realising that they were long and blue with a pink inner bit. She pulled a strange face that looked like she was gonna burst into tears, but instead, she started running around and squealing with excitement. Ash sweatdropped and wondered what to do to stop her. Then it hit him. With his cheeks sparking, he let loose a thunderbolt; shocking Misty to stop her.
"Misty! Calm down already! Geez!" Ash said. Misty got up and water gunned him in the face; knocking him over backwards. She stuck out her tongue, folded her arms and scorned him.
"You dare use your thunderbolt on me! You damn well know that water types are weak against it!" Misty yelled. Ash stood up and looked at her in regret.
"I'm sorry Misty, there was no other way to make you stay still." He said looking down in shame "Please forgive me, I really am sorry..." Misty looked at Ash, his eyes were so sincere, so gentle, she felt like she could've kissed him... but instead, she merely lifted his head up with one paw and smacked him round the face with the other. Ash looked heartbroken.
"What was that for? I'm trying to get along with you!" Ash said. Misty's eyes were watering and Ash felt bad for yelling. She hit him on the top of his head; causing him to fall flat on his stomach.
"You shocked me on purpose! Just because Yang did this to us, you go and blame me and the only reason for that is the fact Yang and I are both girls!" Misty screamed, running off into the distance; tears streaming down her blue cheeks.
"Misty no!" Ash pleaded, reaching out his paw to her, but it was too late; she had already gone. He got up and brushed himself off. "Hmph! Fine! Go if you want! See if I care!" He told himself. He was about to walk off in the other direction when...
"ASH! HELP ME! AAAHHHH!!!" Misty screamed at the top of her lungs. Ash reacted to this immediately and followed the sound of a very frightened Misty.
"MISTY! STAY WHERE YOU ARE! I'M COMING!!!" He yelled back. Using agility, he ran as fast as he could to find Misty. <Don't worry Misty, you can rely on me, I swear on my own life that I will rescue you...> "OMG!" He said alarmingly, skidding to a halt...