Where Are We?

        "Pokeball GO!" yelled Ash has he threw a pokeball at a creature he's never seen before. The creature looked up at Ash with a funny grin on it's face.
        "You ohana too?" the creature asked with a funny smile. "PLAY BALL!"
        "Pokedex, what is this creature?" Ash said flipping open his pokedex.
        "Creature un-identified" said the pokedex.
        "What the heck is it? It's talking like Meowth, it looks like a pokemon, a pokeball can't catch, and the pokedex doesn't even know what it is!" Misty said with an odd look on her face.
        "Look over there" said Brock, pointing off to the west. "It's... It's... I'm not sure what it is!"
        "It looks like... Like at least 100 or 101 spotted Growlithe. This place is strange!" said Ash.
        "But why is this place all sandy and beach like, and over there it's all, like... like an old fashioned city area?" Misty was really puzzled!
        "This place seems split up into alot of smaller areas. The sign over there, it says it's a place called London." Ash pointed to the place where they saw the Growlithe creatures. "And This place, over there on that shack, it says it's 'Hawaiian Surf Board Rentals'"
        "So this creature is Hawaiian?" Misty asked. "I think it's kinda cute. What's your name little fella?" Misty bent down to pet the creature. The creture stood on it's hind legs and grew Antenna and 4 more arms. "Ewww..." Misty yelled jumping back. "Let's get out of here!"
        Running along the beach the gang ran into another creature. "AH" yelled Ash. "I know exactly what this is, I'm gonna catch this Krabby!"
        "Excuse me?" The Krabby Creature said in a very strange accent! "I am not Crabby, I'm just worried. The king is going to be very mad at me!"
        "Ok, this is now getting a little creepy!" said Ash. He turned towards a small town and him and the gang ran towards it. He was hoping to find a phone so he could call Professor Oak in hopes of finding out what was going on.
        Has the gang approaced the town, they saw the name of the town was "Toon Town".
        "I hope they have a phone here" Ash said all out of breath from running. "I really want to know if Professor Oak knows what's going on here!"
        Ash found a phone, it was strange though because it wasn't one of those video phones he was used to. This phone was just the reciever.
        "Excuse me sir, can we use your phone?" Ash asked.
        "Gawrsh, sure you can!" said an oddly looking man.
        Ash dialed the number and Professor Oak picked up.
        "Professor Oak!" said Ash. "The strangest thing happened! Misty, Brock and I were all walking thorugh a forest. I'm not sure which forest it was. Anyway, we came upon a portal type thing and... and we tried to run from it... but it got bigger, and swallowed us. Professor Oak, do you have any idea where we are? I'm SO scared... We're SO scared. There were like 100 or 101 dotted Growlithe creatures, there was a funny talking Krabby, there was... I don't really know, everything is so scary here!"
        "Ah" said Professor Oak. "I know exactly where you are! Put it this way, you have got to find out yourself where you are, and the only way to get home is to solve the problems which you'll encounter! I have faith in you Ash, I know you'll make it home safe. The thing is, this land is a magical land, you can summon almost any Pokemon. But I warn you, some pokemon you won't be able to handle, so be careful in your pickings. So go, help the people in that world that needs the help. Once you've helped them, you'll be on your way home. Once in a while something like this happens. A portal opens to a world that's in distress. It takes the person that it thinks is most fit for the job. The one it thinks is best at solving that worlds problems. In this case, it took the three of you. Each of you will hold a special position on this journey. Remember, there is no I in team. Good luck to you all. I'll be here when you return."
        "Alright Professor Oak, we won't let you down!" Ash hung up the phone and turned to Misty and Brock.
        "I guess we're on our way to solving this worlds problems. I know we can do it." Then Ash turned to leave and the team followed.

More To Come Soon. I'm Just Curious, Do Anyone Know Where Ash And The Gang May Have Ended Up? If Anyone Got Any Ideas, Just Hit The Review Button And Tell Me What You Think!