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Ash and Misty's Love

Last updated:
Fic: September 23, 2008
Art: No artistic work
Vid: No video work

Then And Now (AAMRN)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -   7  -   8  -   9  -   10  
  11  -

Love, Internet Style (AAMRN)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -   7  -   8  -   9  -   10  

The Last Episode (AAMRN)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -

The Proposal (AAMRN)

Parts:   1  -   2  -

Summary for The Last Episode: This is what i think the last episode of pokemon should be like.

Summary for Then and Now: Ash is writting a story about THEN, his life after the Johto league, while his life NOW was shaped from this chapter of his adventure.

Summary for Love, Internet Style: It's the electonic age, and Ash, Misty, Brock, and even Pikachu all have e-mail, but something happens that Misty begins to like someone on the internet, but is this person more than he seems? Something happens that causes misty to leave, so Ash comes up with a suprise so get Misty back, involving the interent.

Summary for The Proposal: Poor Ash! He can never get a break? He's planning a special dinner for Misty and himself so he can pop the question, but will he ever be able to get it out?

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