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Last updated:
Fic: June 16, 2009
Art: September 4, 2008
Vid: August 27, 2008

Viridian Girl (TR)

Parts:   1  -   2  -   3  -   4  -   5  -   6  -   7  -   8  -   9  -   10  
  11  -   12  -   13  -

Never Be Forgotten (Gen.)

Eon Peninsula (Gen.)

Parts:   1  -

Summary for Viridian Girl: Rated - G (Good For All Ages) - A girl with a dark past must choose between her old life and friendship. This is not a new trainer fic. There is no shipping in it.

Summary for Never Be Forgotten: Rated - G (Good For All Ages) - A touching short story I wrote about a family of Pidgeot and a girl that shows them a true and noble heart. Its inspiration came from something that really happened to me. Read both the story and what happened to inspire it in this story about a true and noble heart.

Summary for Eon Peninsula: Rated - PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) -

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