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Yesterday, Tracey left his drawing pad in my Pokemon Center room, which Misty and I share. He's really a good artist, and as I looked at his drawings, I realized something. I was in about ten pictures! Ash and Misty were not in any pictures. Could Tracey LIKE ME?
That was so strange to me. Nobody had ever had any kind of a crush on me. I was just the class geek with only brains and pokemon trophies. Maybe Tracey doesn't like me. Maybe he drew lots of pictures of Ash and Misty, too. Pictures that are in a different drawing pad.
Anyway, I trained my pokemon lots, and after ten days, my Pidgey has already evolved into Pidgeotto. I wish I had a water stone to evolve Poliwhirl, but the stores just don't seem to have any left.
Tomorrow we leave for Violet City, there's a gym there. Since I know the way to every city in Johto, we never get lost. In one day we are able to get from New Bark to Violet. Traveling is great. I always have company.
Yesterday I showed my friends my identification on my pokedex, and now they know that I am Megan Olivine, the pokemon Master. They weren't mad at me like I thought they might be. My friends understood that I didn't want everyone knowing that I am a pokemon master. They still call me Dawn, though, and I like that name better.
December 11
Finally we arrived in Violet. I did lots of training on the wild pokemon we found on the routes. I caught a sentret, metapod, and kakuna. I trained them a lot.
Ash is a great guy, but he can be lazy about training his pokemon. Sure he likes to catch them, but he procrastinates as much as possible from training. Today we went to the edge of the city to train. My pokedex shows that Sentret is at level 14 (almost a furret), and Metapod evolved into a Butterfree! Kakuna is at level nine.
Dec. 12
Today I beat the gym leader, Falkner. I used Poliwhirl, Sentret, and Pidgeotto in the battles, because my two bug types are weak against flying pokemon. Due to his lack of training, Ash challenged Falkner and lost, so we're staying another day so that he can train. I told him that the Elite Four are a lot harder, and he should train every chance he gets.
I checked up on my email on the PC in our pokemon center room. I called my parents, too. They're happy to see me. My pokemon are fine.
Dec. 15
Ten days to Christmas! Today was a very good day. We are in Goldenrod, and I beat the Gym Leader, Whitney, this morning. Ash did, too. He has been training a lot harder now. It's snowing now, so we're going to stay in Goldenrod for Christmas.
Here's the best part of the day. Ash wanted Misty to come with him to the pokemart, so Tracey and I went to walk around town. There's so much to do here. It was almost time for dinner, and my tummy is just as hungry as Ash's at times. We stopped by a cafe and got some food. The waitress asked us, "Are you two on a date?" Tracey and I blushed.
After we had eaten, we went by the stores, all decke out with Christmas stuff. I saw Ash's Pikachu in one of the stores alone, buying presents. Then Pikachu joined us.
We walked by a pretty park, where the trees and plants were covered with a bit of snow. And we noticed two familiar figures, standing by a tree, their faces pressed close together...
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