+ P.S. Reveiws are welcome. +
+ Disclaimer:I do not own Pokemon, Ash, Misty, or any of the other characters except Dawn/Megan. Dawn is my character from my own imagination. +
+ Ages: Ash: 13 Misty:14 Tracey:15 Dawn:14
December 1
I slowly drifted out of sleep as my pokemon bagan to stir on my bed. I felt as free as a cloud. Yesterday I had graduated from the 8th grade, where I had few friends and people teased me because I was smart. They had made my life miserable, and I could hear them sying "Megan, all you'll ever have is a good brain and those dumb Pokemon League trophies." They were just jealous of my trophies.
Today was the day I would leave home again. I loved living in Pallet Town, but my parents thought I should travel a while. They say that I am happier when I travel. I agree. I love traveling. When I was ten, I left home and I won the Johto League and the Kanto League. Then, last year, I took a short vacation and I won the Hoenn league. That's where my trophies come from. I came back to school because when I grow up, I want to be an architect or a pokemon trainer. I have already saved up enough money from winning the Leagues so that I can go to college.
Now, you may be asking why I am going to leave home again, when I have already won the League trophies and collected all of the badges. Because I love pokemon, that is why I am leaving. I am going to start again. I'm leaving my pokemon, my trophies, and my badges here at home where they are safe and I can enjoy them when I am here.
I put on my black T-shirt with a pokeball on it. I put on my red tennis shoes and jeans and my jacket and my black backpack. The backpack had some pokeballs, potions, extra clothes, snacks, and my diary. I also had plenty of money in there, and a blanket in case I have to camp out. I took my water bottle, a hairbrush, toothbrush and toothpaste, too.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I have short brown hair in two low pigtails, and medium skin. I'm a bit short, but I'm happy with how I look.
"Here comes the hard part," I say to myself. It's time to say goodbye to my parens and my little brothers and my pokemon. Luckily, my brothers all love pokemon, so they will take care of mine while I am gone.
I hug my family and my pokemon. But I will be back soon, I always like to come back home. "Don't rent out my room," I joke to my dad.
"Bye, Meganium, Typhlosion, Raichu, Ditto, Cloyster, and Dragonair." They were my traveling party of pokemon."Bye Totodile, Furret, Mareep, and Corsola. Jolteon, Piloswine, Dodrio, Chansey, and Bulbasaur, I'll miss you, too."
I loaded up my bike with my backpack and stuff and rode to Viridian City. I caught a pidgey, and I used my Fly HM on it. I also got a poliwhirl from a trainer in exchange for a magikarp I also caught. I don't know why he wanted a magikarp, unless he wanted to evolve it into gyrados.
I was on route 1 heading toward Viridian City when I saw a kid with a pikachu, and a girl with a togepi. They were talking and laughing with some other guy, and looked about my age. It seemed like they had been friends for a long time.
Then the girl dropped a bag of pokeballs. They rolled all over the place, so I stopped and helped her pick them up.
"Thanks," she said, "My name's Misty Waterflower."
"I'm Dawn Olivine."
The two boys also helped Misty pick up the pokeballs.
"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and I'm gonna be the number one pokemon master!" said the one with the pikachu.
The girl, Misty, slamed him with a big hammer thing. Weird.
While Ash Ketchum moaned in pain, the other boy said, "I'm Tracey Sketchit."
His cheeks started turning red really fast when I said, "Hi Tracey." Weird. They seemed pretty nice, though.