Alternate Personification
written by Jam
I must say, it was quite strange to write this fic. The idea just came to me one day, and thus the fic was born. Enjoy!
The bright sun shined down upon the sandy road. Jessie and James, accompanied by their friend and partner-in-good Meowth, were looking forward to a great day of training.
"I can't wait to get to the next Gym, Jessie!" James exclaimed.
"James, you're a good trainer, but you're much too optimistic. Yes, you claim to be able to become the #1 Pokémon Master, but will you really accomplish it? I must say, you don't seem the type. You're irresponsible." Jessie stated.
"Hey! I KNOW I can become the #1 Master if I want to! I just have to try!" James shouted back.
"It takes more than trying! You have to have skill! You have to have strategy! You have to have intelligence! And you don't have ANY of those!" Jessie yelled, shoving her face right into his.
"Look, quiet down, both of you! Up ahead!" Meowth said, pointing. Jessie and James looked in the direction of his pointing and saw an entire pile of PokéBalls just sitting there on the road.
"Wow!" James said. "Who would leave a bunch of PokéBalls out in the middle of nowhere?"
"Who cares, let's grab 'em! We can always use PokéBalls!" Jessie said, hurrying over. James and Meowth followed. But as they were picking them up, a shudder ran under them.
"Did you feel something?" Meowth asked. Before any of them could answer, the ground fell out from under them and they fell into a hole.
"Agh! Who put this hole here?" Jessie demanded. She was met with what sounded like hideous laughing.
"Hah! Look what fell into our trap!" a voice came. Jessie looked up, and saw the faces of the culprits: a boy with a cap on his head, a red-headed girl with some of her put off to the side, and a spiky-haired boy that had his eyes closed, or so it looked.
"They fell for it!" the boy with the cap said.
"How very kind of them to drop in!" the girl said, laughing.
"Now that they're in there, we can swipe their Pokémon!" the boy with his eyes closed said.
"Who are you?" James asked.
"My name's Ash!"
"I'm Misty!"
"And you can call me Brock!"
"Why'd you do this to us?" Meowth inquired.
"Because we wanted to!" Ash shot back.
"Hey, look! They're from that group of goody-goodies, Team Rocket!" Misty exclaimed, motioning to their outfits.
"You mean that group of Pokémon Pacificists who fight for justice?" Brock asked.
"Yep, that's the one! What a coincidence!" Ash said, a look of fiendish glee crossing his face. Team Rocket climbed out of the hole, dusting themselves off.
"What do you want from us?" Jessie asked.
"We want your Pokémon!" Misty said.
"Especially that talking Meowth, he's a rare find!" Ash said.
"Well, you can't have me!" Meowth yelled.
"If you want him, you'll have to fight for him!" James shouted, holding up a PokéBall.
"Very well, then!" Misty said.
"Pikachu, go!" Ash yelled, and the tiny yellow rodent jumped down from his perch atop Ash's head, glaring evilly at the Rockets.
"I choose you, Staryu!" Misty yelled, and it emerged from its PokéBall, the jewel in its center glowing a deep red.
"Your turn, Geodude!" Brock shouted, and the rocky ball with arms jumped out of its Ball, waving its fists angrily in the air.
"Well then...go, Koffing!" James said. His Koffing emerged from the Ball, spurting clouds of black Smog.
"Ekans, go!" Jessie said. The snake Pokémon appeared in a flash of white, it's tail shaking.
"And I'll fight too!" Meowth said, staring down the other Pokémon.
"Fine then! Staryu, Swift Attack!" Misty ordered. The Staryu launched a flurry of yellow stars at Team Rocket's Pokémon, who were hit repeatedly.
"Aaah! Ekans, use your Poison Sting attack!" Jessie shouted. Ekans opened it's mouth, and fired a barrage of glowing white stingers which connected with Brock's Geodude.
"Pikachu, Thundershock!" Ash commanded. Pikachu charged up and released a powerful shock, zapping James' Koffing.
"Koffing, Sludge Attack!" James said. Koffing took a deep breath and spit purple Sludge at Misty's Staryu, Poisoning it.
"Fury Swipes!" Meowth yelled. It lept forward, and delivered a combo of cuts, slashes, and scrapes at all the opponents' Pokémon. It did a considerable amount of damage.
"Geodude, Mega Punch!" Brock directed. Geodude pulled its fist back, and connected right with Meowth's chin, sending him flying.
"We're losing ground!" Jessie shouted.
"We have to do something..." Meowth groaned, rubbing its chin.
"I have an idea!" James declared. It turned to Koffing and whispered to it. Koffing got a big smile on its face, even though it already had one there in the first place. It floated over to the Pokémon and started to glow. White beams of light shot out of it.
"OH NO! EXPLOSION!" Ash yelled. They started to make a run for it, but Koffing's Explosion came too quick. It sent the troublemakers flying into the air, burnt and scorched.
"It looks like we really BLEW it this time!" Misty said.
"Man, that battle really EXPLODED in our faces!" Brock said.
"Looks like we're blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain....." Ash said, his voice fading into the distance.
"Nice job, Koffing!" James said, his damaged compatriot smiling back at him.
"Now that that's taken care of, shall we continue?" Jessie asked.
"Sure thing!" Meowth cheered. The 3 walked into the sunset, happy over their win.
Ash, Misty, and Brock landed in a tree, dangling from the branches.
"It's all your fault, Ash! If you hadn't sent out that STUPID Pikachu..." Misty yelled.
"Aw, shut up! It's was Brock's fault!" Ash shot back.
"MY fault? Misty's the one who botched it!" Brock shouted. A huge argument erupted. Their shouting and yelling woke up the Spearow who had been sleeping in the tree.
"SPEEEEAR!" they shouted, starting to peck the intruders. Cries of pain could be heard for yards.
"That hurts, stop it!"
"Don't peck me there!"
The End