Chapter 1: First day of becoming a trainer
I woke up. The sun was shining bright. I put on my clothes and went outside. My mom said, "Remember. This is the first day you become a pokemon trainer " I walked to Proffessor Oak's. My name is Jake by the way. Proffessor Oak asked me to pick out a Pokemon. There was three pokemon. There was a picture of the pokemon under the pokeballs.
I picked a Bulbasaur, he's always been my favorite. Proffssor Oak smiled. I was about to walk away but Proffessor Oak said, "Wait. You forgot to get your pokedex." "A pokedex?" I asked. "A pokedex is a machine that allowes you to point it at a pokemon. When you point it at a pokemon, it shows the the pokemon on the pokedex and tells you the name and all about the pokemon." Proffessor Oak said.
"Cool." I said. "Thank you." Proffessor Oak said, "No problem." I took the pokedex and the pokeball fell on the ground. Bulbasaur came out of the pokeball. I grabbed Bulbasaur and put him back in his pokeball. I walked outside and into my home. My mom said, "What pokemon did you got, Tom?" I said, "A Bulbasaur." "Thats good." My mom replied.
"I'm gonna start going out in the world catching pokemon and earning badges." I said. "I will leave home." My mom smiled because I said I will be getting badges and all of that. "Okay." She cried. "Please visit me sometime." she said. "I will." I said. She smiled and waved goodbye.
I opened the door and walked outside. My mom closed the door. I walked to the City and I bought some pokeballs. I walked into the forest. I gasped as I saw alot and alot of bug pokemon. There was a wild Pikachu in front of me. I took out my pokeball and said "Bulbasaur, I chose you!" Bulbasaur came out of the pokeball. "Weaken Pikachu." Bulbasaur did a Tackle on the Pikachu.
I took out my pokeball where Bulbasaur was in and said "Pokeball go" and Bulbasaur came back into his pokeball. I took out a empty pokeball and said "Pokeball go!" and it hit pikachu and opened up. Light came out of the pokeball and pikachu was in the pokeball. I walked next to the pokeball and picked it up.
"I got a pikachu! Yes!" I said. I knew it was a Pikachu because I was reading pokemon books. I walked with my pokeballs in my pocket. This was the beginning of Jake's pokemon trainer life.