I was not born. I was created, created without purpose. I am
merely the fruit of your experiments. I am the unwanted child of science.
I am unworthy.
From within my prison, I watch you go about your work.
Working together, as equals. But I am not your equal.
I am unworthy.
You remove me from my prison, only to bestow upon me a worse
fate. To you I am a guinea pig. A tool for experiments, nothing more.
I am unworthy.
You strap me down. Poke me and prod me with sharp objects.
Cut me open. Violate my personal space. You force me to perform for you, to be
at your every beck and call. To you, I am nothing more than your unwilling
servant. A slave.
I am unworthy.
When the horror is finally over, you throw me back into my
prison without even caring if I am hurt. And at night, I watch you leave. You
go back home to your loving families. But I have no one to love me.
I am unworthy.
So I scream. I scream with every ounce of strength left in
my tormented soul. But no one will ever hear. And upon realizing this, I cry. I
cry for someone, anyone, to take me away from all this. All I ever wanted was
for someone to love me. To care about me. But that day will never come…