Lisa And Eevee’s Future
By Golden Pikachu
Hi Everyone! I just can’t believe part 4 last time showed the html code too! I have no idea what I’m doing wrong! If this one doesn’t show the html code, boy, am I gonna celebrate! ^_^ Well, as epilogues go, this will be really short. And I mean really. After I’m done with this one, it’s back to working on the stories for “Death’s Weakness- Friendship”! (Yippee!) So keep watching!
As Lisa and Eevee grew up, Lisa’s parents taught Lisa all about pokemon and the pros and cons. When they finally thought Lisa was ready, they let her go on a pokemon journey, with Eevee being her starter pokemon. Lisa liked Eevee so much that she decided to catch and raise other Eevee as well. When Lisa came a cross her first breeding center, she let some of her male and female Eevee stay there for awhile. When she came back, she found that some of her Eevee had laid an egg. (Don’t ask why they come out as an egg and not just them alone… I know they are mammals, but in the gameboy they lay eggs. -_-)
Lisa was so excited about this, that she decided to breed Eevee too. Since Lisa was famous for showing pokemon to the village of Greenoak, she got lots of money. Using this money, she bought water stones, thunderstones, and firestones and used them to evolve the Eevee she had that WANTED to evolve. She even started trying to make them evolve into Espion and Umbrion by taming them, and she succeeded. Now Lisa was known world wide for breeding and evolving Eevee.
Later, Lisa built her own center, made for raising Eevee. People could come and drop off their Eevee, whether they wanted it to evolve, get happy, level up, or other things. Some never even came back, which, Lisa assumed, they did not want their Eevee back. Lisa made a lot of money by doing this. Yes, indeed, Lisa was not one of those trainers to become a pokemon master or gym leader, but just a breeder.
And Lisa liked it that way.