Pokemon Again
By Golden Pikachu
Part 4
Hey everybody! Besides the epilogue, this will be the last part for this whole story. It may be short by the way. Oh, and on part three I said that my next story after this one and “Death’s Weakness- Friendship” would be “The Curse Of Fire”. Sorry, it will be “The Pikachu Who Ruined The Marriage”. (My first story that not in the ‘Other’ category! It will be an AAMRN!) This story will be, like, really funny. (I just love making fun of Ash and Misty when it comes to love!) Oh yea, and did I mention to not bother sending me any reviews? My e-mail account doesn’t accept e-mails from people I haven’t e-mailed before… so….yea. Oh, and the html code showed up for part 3 too!!! I looked again at part one for “Death’s Weakness- Friendship” and noticed ANOTHER thing I had forgotten. [prays it will work this time] Well, let’s get on to the story shall we?
Lisa’s parents stared at Lisa. Then at the pokemon behind Lisa. Then back at Lisa again. Lisa’s mom suddenly grabbed her and started hugging her.
“Oh Lisa! I was so worried about you! Where were you? Are you OK?!” Cried Lisa’s mom. She then let go of Lisa and changed her voice into a stern voice. “Don’t you ever go sneaking out of the house again! And besides, you were grounded, and you knew that! I’m very disappointed in you!” Lisa ignored all of this and stared down at the unconscious Eevee in her arms. Her mom and dad looked at Eevee, then back at the other pokemon.
“Mom! Dad! It’s hurt… because of those stupid gates!” Cried Lisa.
“Lisa, those gates were made to keep pokemon out!” Lisa’s dad said.
“Pokemon?” Murmured some of the children who were watching.
“What in the world are pokemon?” Asked Lisa.
“All of those hateful creatures!” Lisa’s mom replied, pointing at all of the pokemon. Lisa turned around.
“Oh! The giant bees! I totally forgot about them!!” Said Lisa. But the were nowhere in sight.
“Bees… your probably talking about Beedril….”
“WHAT?? Pokemon, Beedril, what is all of this??” Cried Lisa in confusion.
Lisa’s mom sighed. “All of the creatures behind you are called pokemon. There are over 300 types of pokemon. The one in your arms is called Eevee, that one’s Butterfree, Metipod, Caterpie, Rattata, and that one’s Pidgy.” Lisa’s mom said.
“You see, we decided to live here because all the pokemon were kept out from those gates. We hate pokemon.” Lisa’s dad said. All the other parents nodded in agreement.
“How can you hate pokemon?! I think they’re such lovable and interesting creatures!” Shouted Lisa. “This whole time I’ve been in this village.. I’ve been feeling like I’m locked up in a jail… trapped…” Lisa looked down at the Eevee in her arms again. “Why can’t we destroy those gates, and let pokemon live here? And if we can’t, why don’t we move to somewhere else, somewhere that has pokemon roaming around?” Lisa started crying. “Don’t you understand how I feel about them?” A Butterfree went and landed on Lisa’s mom’s shoulder.
“Freeeee!” It called out.
“Well, you know, I think I do remember having a pokemon as a pet one time… it was the joy of my life… until it ran away…” Lisa’s dad said.
“Yes… I remember too… we were so mad about it that we hated pokemon just for that…” Lisa’s mom said. She pet the Butterfree on her shoulder. “But now I remember how much fun pokemon are… even if they do run away from you…. I think we can manage to move somewhere else since I’m sure not everyone here now likes pokemon again.” But all the children had different ideas. The begged their parents to either help tear down the gates or move somewhere else. Lisa grinned.
“Well, I guess it’s tearing down the gates. Am I right?” Asked Lisa. Lisa’s mom and dad nodded, grinning. Lisa and the others cheered.
“But first, why don’t we take care of that little Eevee you have?” Lisa’s dad said.
After Eevee was fine again and the gates were torn down, pokemon started going into the village right away. Lisa sat on her bed with Eevee while looking out the window.
“Eevee… thank you so much for showing me the ‘real’ world!” Said Lisa.
“Eevee, eev!” Replied Eevee. (“Your welcome!”)
“I don’t remember a time when I was happier..” Lisa said. Lisa grinned. “Wanna go outside?”
“Eevee!” Eevee said happily. (“Yea!”) Lisa laughed and they ran off into the sunset.