The Pokemon
By Golden Pikachu
Part 2
Hey it’s me Kayla! Part one for this story showed the html code too… ::sniff:: so I hope this one will turn out right.
As Lisa pressed the little white button, the ball opened up and bright red light came out. Lisa gasped and dropped the ball. A little creature formed in the red light. When it was done forming, the red light faded and the ball closed back up. The creature wasn’t even any taller then above Lisa’s knees. It had two long pointed ears. It was brown with bunches of white fur around it’s neck and it also had white at the tip of it’s tail. It’s tail looked like the most fluffy thing Crystal had ever seen.
“Eevee!” It chirped. Lisa stared at the creature for a moment then picked it up.
“Awww, you’re so cute!” Said Lisa. The creature blinked it’s eyes up at Lisa.
“Eee! Eevee, eevee!” (Thank you! Who are you?)
“Hmm… you tend to say eevee a lot… I think I’ll name you Eevee!” Said Lisa cheerfully.
“Eevee!? Eev! Eeee! Eevee!” (Are you kidding my name IS Eevee! (Though you can give me a nickname too!))
“You’re a strange looking dog, but your still really cute!”
“Eevee? Eeveeeee! Eev!” (A dog? How dare you call me by such foul name!)
“Don’t worry Eevee. I wont send a letter to the Newspaper reporters to come to my house and see my strange but cute dog. I won’t let anyone know about you!”
“Eev? Eevee eevee?” (What’s wrong with having an eevee? Why don’t you want to show me to anyone?) This place is weird. Thought Eevee. Or, this girl is weird. I need to find some other pokemon around here and warn them about her! But when Eevee looked out the window, no pokemon were in sight. Not even a Rattata. Eevee felt like fainting. Just then Lisa heard her mom and dad coming upstairs.
“Uh-oh! I need to hide you Eevee!” Said Lisa. Lisa quickly grabbed a basket, put Eevee in it, covered it up in a blanket, and put it under her bed. Her mom and dad came in her room just then. They were about to say hi when they noticed the red and white ball on Lisa’s bed. (Which Lisa forgot to put away.)
“It’s a pokeball!” Lisa’s mom whispered to her husband. “Lisa,” mom said in a stern voice. “where did you get that po- I mean, ball…..?” Before Lisa could answer, her mom grabbed the pokeball and pushed the little white button. With Eevee not being in it anymore, it opened up but no red light came flooding out of the ball. Lisa’s mom sighed in relief. She turned back to Lisa. “Now, like I was saying, where did you get this?”
“Well, you see, Daisy made it for me in school during Art class. She calls it the….the…. I can’t remember what she called it.” Lied Lisa. Lisa looked eagerly at the ball, wanting it back really badly.
“Lisa! I always tell you not to lie! I know what this is and it’s impossible for someone Daisy’s age to make it! Your grounded!” Lisa’s mom and dad started walking out of her room.
“Hey mom, can I at least have the ball back?” Asked Lisa. Lisa’s parents glared at her.
“NO!” They both shouted at the same time.
“Fine! Be that way! This village is such a stupid place anyways!” Lisa shouted back, not caring what her parents would do. She plopped down in her bed and started crying. Outside her parents were working on destroying the pokeball by running over it with the car. Eevee had heard the whole conversation and now knew what the problem was. Eevee figured out that Lisa did not know what pokemon were while her parents did know, and her parents didn’t want her to know. Eevee figured this was probably how it was for all the other families in this village. Eevee crawled out from underneath Lisa’s bed, sneezing from the dust.
“Eevee!” Eevee chirped, trying to make Lisa feel better. Lisa, with a sniff, stopped crying and looked at Eevee. Eevee nudged her then pointed out the window, trying to her to go outside using body language. Lisa understood.
“Sorry Eevee. But remember? I’m grounded. I can’t go outside,” said Lisa sadly. Eevee rolled her eyes and bit Lisa in the leg. But not too hard. “Ouch!” Cried Lisa. “Why did you do that for?” Eevee grabbed a hold of Lisa’s shirt with her mouth and started dragging her towards the door downstairs. Eevee, being smart, figured out how to open it and got herself and Lisa outside. Finally! Eevee thought. Now all they had to do was not be seen. And get past the gates, into the “real” world….
I hope you liked part 2 of my story! I sure hope it doesn’t show the html code this time! Keep watching for part 3!