The Search for Mew and Celebi Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fic except the plot, Michael, and Kelly. Jade and her Pokémon belong to PoJo Shipper.
By Gold
Author Notes: Well, it took me a long time to come up with something for this. Also, I'm trying out the HTML format. Well, enough with me talking and time to start the story.
<Pokémon Thoughts>
'Human Thoughts'
::Action during speech::
Chapter 10: Pokémon Ledgend
"So, plan on showing us your Pokémon, Jade," Ash asked.
It was already morning and everyone was awake and at the center of the camp. Well, not everyone. Michael was gone taking his morning walk.
"Well, maybe when Michael gets back," Jade said.
Apparently Jade has settled down with a regular accent so everyone didn't have trouble understanding her.
"Does anyone know about how long it takes for to take a walk around here?" Tracey asked.
"Well, he said that he leaves at about 5:30 AM and comes back at about 8:00 AM," Kelly stated.
"What time is it already?" Gary asked.
"It's 7:30 right now," Brock said.
"What should we do until Michael gets back?" Jade asked.
"How about a game of truth or dare?" Kelly suggested.
"Sure!" Everyone said.
As Michael was walking through the forest, he saw something yellow. He decided to get close to it but silently. When he got close enough, he saw a Pokémon. He took out his PokéDex but made it record the data so he could play it later. After the data was recorded, Michael decided to try and capture it.
He took out a PokéBall that was purple on top and white on the bottom and had a yellow M on the purple part.
"::throws ball:: Master Ball, go!" Michael shouted.
The Pokémon say the ball coming but didn't try to dodge it. Instead, it wanted to be captured by this human.
"<Now for the legend to be fulfilled by the Chosen One and this human>" The Pokémon thought before the ball captured it.
"Hmmm. That doesn't look right. That Pokémon should of dodged it. Time to see what it was," Michael said and took out his PokéDex and played the data. The one word he heard suprised him. It was Raikou.
"I think I'll cut this walk short. Time to head back and show this to everyone," Michael said and ran back to camp.
To be continued -->
Well, I planned on making this chapter where Jade shows her Pokémon but I decided to have it later. So, what do you think the ledgend is? Please click here to submit your guess. The dealine of the guess will be on November 8, 2002 which is my birthday. The winner will have a part in this fic or they can help with the plot. It's the winners choice.
Please send in your guess to the legend soon. I will try and get chapter 11 done but by November 8, I will be some what finished. It depends on how fast I can finish that chapter and how much homework I get. One small note, I'm a 12 year old that is in the 7th Grade.