Disclaimer: Anyone who thinks that I own pokemon or any of the pokemon characters isn’t smart enough to know how to read this anyway so I got nothing to worry about. If you can read this and do think I own Pokemon then I hate to burst your bubble but…. POP!
A/N: This story I just got bored and started writing because my net isn’t working so I can’t play Diablo II on Battle.net so it might not be very good, but here it is. By the way I only got 1 e-mail for my last fic and I need flames to help me improve.
Caught in the act
Narrorator: We find our heroes at Pallet in Ash’s house watching T.V., Well two of our heroes…
Ash: Hey Brock, where’s Misty?
Brock: Don’t know, ask your mom.
Ash: Mom, do you know where.
Ash’s Mom (from kitchen): Oh she’s in the computer room.
Ash: Why? I uninstalled all the games except for Baldur’s Gate, and she hates that game!
Ash’s Mom: I don’t know, maybe you should check on her.
Ash: Sure.
Ash walks to computer room, and just catches a glimpse of Misty hurriedly minimizing something, but can’t tell what.
Ash: What do you mean sneak up, I was practically stomping down the hall! You were just too into what ever it is your doing to hear anything.
Misty: (Blushing) Oh I-I’m not d-d-doing anyth-thing, so go away.
Ash: Well if it’s not anything than let me see.
Misty: NO!
Ash: Why not?
Misty: Because, now leave.
Ash: Fine, I will!
Ash retired back to the T.V. only to hear Misty giggling from the computer room, so he went to bed. He couldn’t sleep though until around midnight. Misty on the other hand never got to bed until 1:00 and dosed right off to sleep.
* * *
Ash woke up at 7:00 well done thanks to Pikachu’s nightmare and noticed Misty was already up, then he heard giggling again, but this time curiosity got the best of him and he snuck down to check what Misty was doing, but when he got there all he could tell was that she was on the internet, hen she caught him.
Misty: I TOLD U NO…
Ash (Interrupting): Shhhh, everyone’s asleep!
Misty: Well leave me alone I’m doing something!
Ash: Fine!
Ash went back to sleep and when he got up again everyone else was eating breakfast, he joined. After breakfast Misty ran back to the computer before anyone could stop her.
Ash’s mom: What is that girl doing on that computer, I think it’s had more use in the last few days than in 3 weeks before you guys came!
Ash: I don’t have any idea (then grins evilly) yet.
Ash then went to his room to think of a plan to find out.
* * *
Ash decided it was time to put his plan into action. He timed Misty on the computer and when it was his turn checked the history, but it was deleted already, so he just gave up.
Later that day, when Misty was on the computer he noticed that it was left on and something was minimized, but Misty wasn’t there, so he checked it out. As her read from the screen his jaw dropped wide, then he heard Misty coming so bookmarked the page and quickly hid under the desk.
Misty: What the heck, I could’ve sworn I minimized this, Oh well I only went to the washroom, no one could’ve seen anyway.
Ash almost got caught a couple of times, and never got away till supper when Misty finally left the computer.
All through supper Ash was quiet.
After supper Ash got the computer and went straight to the Website which he had bookmarked earlier, unfortunately for him he isn’t as sneaky as Misty, and got caught after only a couple hours.
Misty: What are you reading?!
Ash (surprised): Oh nothing, and minimizes the webpage right away.
Misty: Did you find out about what I was doing?
Ash: U-um Ye-Yes
Misty: Well you know those fanfics aren’t really that far off.
Ash: Huh? What do you mean?
Misty: This.
She grabs Ash and kisses him
Ash (A little dazed): Oh that.
Misty maximizes the webpage and looks at it.
Misty: WHAT? You were reading LEMON’S OF YOU AND ME!… Well.
Narrator: I think we had better stop it there, but where is Ash’s Mom?
We see Ash and Misty exit the room and Ash’s Mom enter, she was going to close the webpage but something catches her eye…
A/N: So how was it, send me flames or compliments, hopefully flames so I can tell how to improve, and as it is I just write these in about 20 min and if they really really suck, I don’t send them in.