Chapter Five: Escape
I smiled to myself, as a group of doctors ran in the room and took me by surprise. Half ran up to me and th other half ran up to Ken. In my victory I had forgotten of his defeat. "Are you okay?" one of the docters asked.
"I'm good" I said as I ran over to Ken. They were loading him onto a streatcher. "Is he going to be okay???" I asked one of the doctors.
"We can't tell yet! But it doesn't look good..."The doctor said
I ran up to the stretcher and began a recove attack, but I was only half finished as ne of the doctors pushed me away. The Rockets came up behind me "Is he going to be okay." asked Trish.
"Hes not the one you should be worried about." I said as smiled and I started to leave through the same door as the doctors had.
"What do you mean by that?" Michelle asked.
"Oh, nothing." I said. Michelle stopped following as a chilled room swept through the room. I had gotten everything I came here to get, so it was time I take my leave.
I walked through the barracks of the complex in search of my things. I found them stashed in a far off corner. I took my backpack and looked inside. I found a change of clothing my PokeGear, Pokedex,a water bottle, and some left over candy and pokeballs. I took the The Team Rocket PokeGear and set it in side. I also took my black jacket and covered the back pack with it so no one would notice it.
I walked down the corridors and sneaked my way back to the room I had woken in. I quickly changed into my normal suit, but kept the Rocket uniform. I looked down at the shoes "To bad I don't carry a spare of those..." Sneasel must've heard me and it woke up from the bed. I took my coat and put it on, then fixed the collar.
"What are you doing??" Sneasel asked. I turned to look at him
"I'm leaving. Plain and simple. You can come with me if you like." I took one on m spare Pokeballs and sat it on the bed in front of Sneasel.
"You mean leave Team Rocket? But its all I've ever known!" Sneasel looked down hard at the Pokeball.
"If this all you know...I could show you things you never imagined. Grass being one of them."I smilled as I tried to coax Sneasel into the Pokeball.
"What grass?" Sneasel asked dumfounded
"Heh heh!" I lauged, "If you've never sen grass then your missing out! Come with me, and you'll see everything. Please Sneasel. I can't leave you hear." I looked deeply into Sneasel's eyes
"I'll do it!" Sneasel said and I smiled.
"Just tap the Pokeball and leave everything up to me!" I said. Sneasel entered the Pokeball in a puff of red smoke, and I quickly placed him in my back pack.
I swung the pack over my shoulder and checked to see if anyone was outiside the door. I saw a few Rockets standing with their backs to the door.
They must have been sanctioned there so that I couldn't escape. With them there I had to be sure what I was going to do, because as soon as I stepped out that door they would know I was leaving. One crucial part of the tour that Giovanni had left out was the door. Since I had seen no windows down here I contemplated that we must be under ground. I then remebered one part of the complex that Giovanni hadn't show me. The labratory! He said that it was because I wouldn't be spending much time there, but it must've been because the exit was there!
I touched the device around my neck, yet another annoyance I had to deal with I cast a clear barrier around it. I would destroy it later. If I did it now Giovanni would know I had that much focus, now anyway. I ran out the door in a shot! I evaded the guards there and heard them call Giovanni. I ran as fast as I could through the corridors and made my way to the training center.
The Rocket supervisor and about a great deal of Rockets positioned themselves in front of the way to the laboratory, "Foxumon, sweetie! You'll never get past all of us! So give it up before you get hurt!"
I wagged my furst finger in front of her abd replied, "Don't try and sweet talk me!" I stopped moving my finger and smiled, "I'll still wipe the floor with you!"
Some of the Rockets laughed and some grunted, they thought I was only trying to trick them! Well, guess whoose the fool now?
I raised my arm and was about to throw them out of my way as Giovanni entered in the room with a small remote controll in his hand, "I was hoping you would join us! But now I have no choice! If you will not willingly work with me, then I will have to make you work for me!" Giovanni pressed a one of the buttons on his remote and I heard a robotisided sounds comming from the device around my neck.
"Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed so loudly I though I'd break my voice box. I keeled over and took the barrier surrounding the devide into my hand and pulled it away. I placed my hand down on the ground so I wouldn't keel over. I saw Giovanni jump back as I looked up at him-smilling. "My creators have used and betrayed me so now I stand alone! Ha ha ha. How does it feel Giovanni? Now you have not only managed to find defeat in the world most powerful Pokemon, but now you also find it in the worlds most powerful trainer?" I stood up and stretched in front of Giovanni.
"Huh??? What! How come you havn't succumed to the toxen yet??" Giovanni jumped back surprised.
"My humans can be dense! Well I suppose he did wipe your puny little mind. Now I really would love to stick around and chat, but I have a few appointments I'm late for!" I winked and turned around. I lifted my arm, sawyed it one way aqnd on the other way I threw all the Rockets well out of my way.
"Your...your not human?!?!" Giovanni asked
I chuckled, "Lets put it this way! I'm more human then you are. Its not saying much, but I'm sure you get the point." I smiled at him and walked through to the science lab. It was pretty desolate, I suppose that all the Rockets were all in the other room.
I found the stairs easily enough, even though, I had to force open the doors. But I got them open and walked right out of their headquarters. As I finnaly stepped onto solid groud a thoght came into my head, I should keep tract of where this hideout is! I turned around, and It was completely gone! There wern't any idents in the groud and I went ot feel around for where it was, but it just wasn't there.
I remembered where I was, I was only a half hours way from Charclo town, where I had left my Pokemon. I quickly ran all the way to the Pokemon Center and made it in half the time. I caught my breath just outside the center, and I entered it. The place didn't seem as lively as it was normally, the only person there was Nurse Joy.
"Heh heh, who died?"I asked jockngly as I leaned on the counter next to Joy.
"You did!" Joy blurted out. "There having your funeral at the church right now!" Joy said
"Whoa! I can't be late to my own funeral! heh heh, are my Pokemon back there somewhere?" I asked
"Oh yes! They're right here!" She handed my five Pokeballs, and I put them into my back pack. I waved good bye to Joy and ran out the Pokemon Center, Joy sighed and said "Kids these days!"
The church was packed with people! I pulled up my collat over my face so no one could see me and recognise my face, and I slipped in to the back of the church. I heard the priest talking on about how everyonne was gping to miss me so horrible and went over my accomplishments. I couldn't stand it any more so I stood up and raised my hand, still covering my face "I have a question to ask your majesty!" I asked in a different tone voice so no one would recognise it.
The priest glared at me, "Have you no respect for the dead???" I could tell-he was really mad at me. The whole church gasped at my ordacity.
I waited for things to quiet down just a little bit before I spoke, "It really is a valid question!" I cleared my throut and continued in my normal voice, "Am I really in that big ól coffin?" Everyone gasped again, "My, you people are easily exited!, but seriously is there like some kind of clone or wax figure in there?" I said as I pulled down my collar and fixed it. Everyone gasped once again and I could help but laugh, "All of you who just gasped are either really slow, or just came for the refreshments!" The priest mouth dropped, I sure hope he doesn't have a heart conition!
After about a thousand teary eyed hugs and a lot of people I didn't know telling my how 'crushed' they were when they heard the news, some said they really knew I wasn't dead, and one woman even slapped me. When most of the people had left Lance grabbed my by my arm, as luck would have it the same one that was hit by the Dragonite's hyperbeam, "Ow! ow ow ow ow! Leggo!" I said as I rubbed my arm
"You ok?" Lance asked
"I've been beter, just don't touch that arm!" I replied. and he then took me by the hand to a private room in the back of the church.
He closed the door tightly behind us, "What on earth happened to you! After you didn't come back for a week we though your were dead!" Lance said.
"A week..." I thought for a few minutes as I could only account for about three days.
"Yea, is something wrong?" Lance asked
"Oh, no! Time just flys when your having fun! I just lost track of time! Oh, here..." I took the Rocket PokeGear. and threw it twards Lance "I brought you a seuvenoir! I wanted to get you one of those 'My friend went to Team Rockets secret base and all I got was this lousy shirt' shirts, but the gift shop was all out.
"Its a Team Rocket PokeGear!" Lance said as he examined "Do you know where the base is??" Lance asked
I sat onto a desk in the room and replied, "I'm sory! The shop was out of maps to the secret base."
Lance grabbed me by the waist and stood me in front of him, "This is serious Foxumon!" He said looking into my eyes
I looked back at him, "It disapeaered behind me, All I know is that when I walked out I was a half hour away from the Pokemon Center to the north east."
"Thanx Fox!" Lance said as he took a few steps twards the door, thehn he stopped dead in his tracks "Foxumon? Whoose side are you on?"
I looked at him, but he was turned away. "I'm on the side I've been on since the start!"
He turned around to look at me, "And which side is that?"
"Mine." I said as I walked past him and to the door.
"Where are you going, Foxumon?" He asked
I closed my eyes and smiled, "I'm going home. I'm going home, Lance" I threw a card with my address back to him and walked out of the church, leaving him alone examing the card by himself.