Who’s Side Are You On?
By Flying Torchics
Part 4
After Ash vanished into the thick forest, Misty grabbed her mallet. She was about to whack Brock. Suddenly, a big explosion came from the forest. Misty and Brock directed their gaze toward the forest. They heard something. It was the sound of machinery. The sound was too thunderous to be one. As the sound came closer metallic heads poked out of the trees. The monstrous machines stepped into the clearing and all their heads faced Misty and Brock. A crimson red R in their metallic chests.
“Brock… what do we do?” Misty asked
“I think we should look for Ash and then we shou-” Brock stopped mid-sentence to jump at Misty, pushing her to protect her from the blast the machines fired at them.
“Never mind what I said before Misty. RUN!”
Misty and Brock darted between the legs of one machine and was swallowed by the forest. They found a big tree upon which had a hole, about a quarter mile away from the clearing.
“Brock what’s our plan?”
“We should hide in this tree until they pass by.” Brock said.
Brock walked over to the tree and climbed into the hole. Brock offered his hand to Misty, she didn’t take it. She walked into the hole herself and sat down on the hard wood.
A few minutes later in the forest a flash of blue light lit the whole forest up. The air, ripped like it was piece of paper. The hole stayed in mid air for a minute. Then another burst of light came out, then another. The lights started to move all throughout the forest, acting like searchlights. The hole closed and released an explosion. The shower of bright engulfed the forest. The light slowly expanded its size. The robots turned their metallic bodies in the direction the light was coming from. One robot stepped forward and moved its hand in front of him so the light could blanket its arm. The robot’s transformed into a glowing white statue. It stood there for a while then blew up.
The other machines turned and ran. Some of the robots stopped and let the light get them due to the really stupid drivers, or whatever you call them. One by one, the robots were swatted like flies. Every robot the light destroyed the faster it got. Soon it was traveling at an alarming 500mph.
The light soon faded, and in its place was Ash. He was floating in mid-air. His arms outstretched, and legs glued together. (Not literally though.) His body was being lifted down towards the ground by some strange force. The first part of his body to touch solid ground was his left foot then his right. The force ceased to carry him once he was on his knees. Eyes closed he fell to the ground face first.
Misty and Brock cautiously stepped out onto the ground. They looked around. Everything seemed the same. Misty looked at Ash. His body seemed worn-out. She ran over to Ash and knelt down beside him.
“Brock, come over here. Ash is injured, he needs our help.” Brock did as he was told and joined Misty.
Misty gently shook Ash, hoping to get him awake. Ash’s breaths were quick and short, and wheezy.
It was night. The fire crackled. Everyone was seated around the fire except for Misty. Misty and Brock managed to wake Ash. Before that Brock and Misty came to the conclusion that Ash met up with Team Rocket and told them their location every time they camped. (Sorry I didn’t write about that. ~.~) Misty was sitting on a smooth gray stone. Ash slowly approached Misty and sat down next to her. Ash looked at Misty, she looked back. The white moonlight lit Misty’s face. Her soft red hair was let down, it cascaded down her shoulders to her ribs. Ash looked up at the moon and said, “Nice night, huh?”
Misty didn’t answer for a while. She finally said, “Ash, about your sudden disappearances. Brock and I think that, whenever you’re gone you meet up with Team Rocket and tell them our location, and other peoples’ location. Like Sergeant Charlie’s, or Bruce. Now I have to ask you” Misty stopped to look straight into Ash’s eyes. Then she asked, “Ash, who’s side are you on?”
Ash responded, “I’m on your side. I always have and always will”
Misty looked down, then looked back at Ash, “Ok, I believe you.”
“Misty there’s something I need to tell you, I love you.” Ash said it without nervousness.
“I love you too.” She said unsure.
How can Ash say he loves me like that? Without any pauses, unless he’s playing a trick on me. Misty put her thoughts aside and said, “Ash if you really love me, kiss me. That is the only way I’ll know for sure.”
Ash moved his lips to hers and wrapped his arms around her.
After they stopped kissing Ash asked, “So, what do you know?”
“That you definitely love me.
Ash jumped up in excitement. Something fell out of his pocket as he landed back onto the ground. Misty picked the object up and looked at it. Rolling it around in her hand.
“What is this?” Misty asked.
Sorry I had to end this story like this. And when I said end I mean end . Like finish, like that. I decided that this is going to be a trilogy. So there’s going to be like three books. Or more!!! Hope you enjoyed this fic. And PLZ send reviews!!!