Shadows on the Heart Window to the soul
by Flygon
Chapter 16
Nightmares and Dreams
Ash was out of the bed and halfway to the partially open door before the first scream had ended. He was trough the door and almost at the door when the second scream started, pikachu was at his heels and he Vaugley heard the sound of Misty following. He opened the door to a scene that almost had him shivering. Eddie was sitting up in bed, drenched in sweat, eyes wide with fear and his mouth wide as he screamed at something only he could see. Tommy was also sitting up, but he was turned towards his younger brother with a look of total compassion, mixed with fear in his face.
Ash went to the bed and sat on the edge, bringing a trembling Eddie to his chest.
"Eddie, Your safe." he said several time, all the while smoothing the boys hair.
Ash kept repeating the phrase, feeling the small boy tremble less and less and seem to breathe easier. He saw Misty standing in the doorway, and behind her were two nurses, and three doctors including the one psychiatrist that he had talked to earlier that day. He heard one of the nurses say that she was going to get the boy a sedative, and heard Misty state no, to it.
"The poor boy has just had a terrible dream." The nurse stated in a stern tone.
"And you want to give him something that will send him right back to that dream?" Misty snapped back, furiously.
"No, the sedative I was going to give him stops dreaming." She retorted. "Besides you have no say in the matter since you are under-age and not the parents, young lady."
"That's what you think," Ash was glaring at the nurse. "My dad and mom signed over power of attorney to us. That means that you, can't do squat, if we don't allow it." He looked at the top of Eddies head. "And I'm with Misty on this, big time." He closed his eyes, and sighed. "I remember the nightmares that I had when my original dad died in a car crash, when I was six. The doctors wanted to do the same thing to me, but my mom stopped them and helped me her way." He looked at the group at the doorway. "I'm going to help Eddie the same way. Not by doping him up." He cupped the side of Eddies face, smiling at him. "You doing any better?"
"Uh huh." Was the muffled reply.
"Eddie," his brother asked quietly. "Was it 'that' dream?" he continued. "About 'that' time?"
Eddie nodded his head frantically against Ash's chest and gave another muffle, but tremulous, "uh huh" And his trembling seemed to pick up.
"I'm here Eddie," Ash soothed him. "Your safe with Misty and me, right?"
A slightly less frantic nodding and the trembling slowed.
"I going to ask you to be very brave now," Ash told the boy. "Mom told me when I was little, that nightmares and bad dreams hide in your mind. They wait there to strike like an arbok ready to spring. She said the best way to kill those dreams was to talk about them. That way you steal their hiding place and soon, they can't hurt you." He felt him tremble a bit. "Please Tell me your dream, Eddie. Together, Misty, your brother Tommy, and I will help you face it, and maybe even stop it. Tell us your dream..."
Eddie was silent for almost two full minutes and Ash was thinking that he wouldn't be able to do it yet.
"I was real little." He began, and now everybody was silent, save for Eddie, and Ash who coaxed him to continue. "Tommy was colouring in his colouring book with Mimi, our Skitty sleeping near him. I was playing with Peepers, our Tailow when he made a funny noise and fell off his perch. Then I smelled something funny."
"Do you know what it was you smelled?" Ash asked.
"No," Eddie responded quietly, adding a shake of his head. "I never smelled anything like it before. But I felt dizzy and my tummy was squishy, like it did when I had the flu once. I went to the kitchen where mommy was cooking a roast for dinner. I didn't see her at first. I passed our stove,"
"Did it feel hot?" The doctor asked. "The stove, I mean?"
Eddie's head seemed to snap up for a moment, and he looked deep in thought.
"No!" he said quickly. "I remember that." He leaned back into Ash's chest, to continue. "I found mommy and daddy laying on the floor behind one of the counters. Daddy was checking mommy's heart with his hand, and they both saw me and got real mad." he began to tremble a lot then.
"Eddie, it's ok. How do you know they got real mad?" Ash asked. "Did they yell at you?"
"And how was your daddy checking your mommy's heart?" Misty spoke softly and looked puzzled.
"They got all red faced," Eddie said, burrowing into Ash's chest. "Just like in the cartoons." He continued. "They both jumped up off the floor and mommy closed up her shirt and picked up her pack of cigarettes. I said I was sorry and started to leave. I was just outside the door when everything went real bright and there was a loud noise and then something pushed me hard from behind and I was flying through the air." His shaking was almost violent now. "I saw part of mommy fly passed me." And he looked anguished. "I made mommy and daddy so mad they esploded." And he was suddenly racked by sobs. "I didn't mean to make them angry. I didn't mean to do it."
Ash sat there rocking back and forth, holding the crying boy. He stroked his hair, and kept telling him he didn't do that. Over and over he told Eddie that He didn't do anything wrong, and slowly the sobs subsided. Ash found that his eyes were wet, as were Misty's and the nurses. He rocked back and forth with Eddie. Then when the boy had stopped crying, Ash slowly started to talk to him. He told him what a brave boy he was for talking about that. He told him that he didn't do anything wrong.
"Then how come they got so mad?" Eddie asked. "They had real red faces, and funny looks in their eyes. Just like in the cartoons when they get mad and esploud."
"That only happens in the cartoons, Eddie." Misty said, stroking his head slowly. "And again, How was your daddy checking your mommy's heart?"
Eddie leaned back from Ash and put his hand right on Misty's breast, and she coloured instantly. He looked horrified and pulled his hand back.
"I didn't mean to make you mad Misty." he began to sob. "Please don't esploud. I'm sorry."
Ash cradled the boy, telling him that Misty wasn't angry. He told him that she wouldn't esploud.
"But she got all red faced, like mommy and daddy did. Like in the cartoons." He looked at Ash.
"That's only in the cartoons." Ash reassured him. "What you saw in Misty, and possibly your mommy and daddy was embarrassment. Your mommy and daddy were doing some adult stuff, and they should have waited until you and your brother were asleep before they did it. They wern't mad, Eddie. They were embarrassed because you saw them doing something that grown-ups do. I know," He cupped the side of his face. "When I was little, I walked in on my mom and my original dad doing something similar. I thought that I had made them mad. They both told me that I hadn't. They were just embarrassed that I saw them like that."
"But they esploded." Eddie sobbed.
"They didn't, Eddie." he said quickly. "You remember the cold stove?" he saw Eddie nod. "The funny smell?" Another nod. "And you said your mommy was cooking a roast, in the oven? And you said it didn't feel hot when you walked past it?" Again, a nod. "I think the stove was broken, and was letting out gas into the house, and that was the funny smell."
"It all fits," Said the doctor from the doorway. "The smell, You were dizzy, your stomach was queasy, And I'll bet that when you talked, you sounded funny at that time." Eddie nodded, his eyes wide. "Classic symptoms of natural gas poisoning in the early stages." He went to the boy and knelt down. "When your mother tried to light that cigarette, that's what caused the explosion. All that gas that had built up in the kitchen. It's a miracle that you and your brother wern't killed too."
"You didn't do anything wrong, Eddie." Ash told him. "You didn't hurt or kill your parents. It was all a big accident." Ash rocked the boy back and forth. "Something would have happened sooner or later. It wasn't your fault."
"I didn't hurt them?" he practically begged.
"No," Ash stated slowly.
"And you aren't mad at me?" he turned to Misty.
"No, I'm not mad at you." Misty smiled and kissed him on the forehead.
Ash rocked him until he started to fall asleep, and then he started to tuck him in.
"What if the bad dreams come back?" he asked in a sleepy, but peaceful sounding tone.
"Then we'll help you chase them away, little brother." Ash said with a small smile. "This," he tapped his chest, "will always be ready to help you, or Tommy." He moved over to tuck in Tommy.
Fifteen minutes later, the nurses left, and the doctor looked at Ash, with a mixture of compassion and respect.
"Well, Dr. Ketchum." he began, nearing the door. "If you ever decide to give up on Pokemon training, I'll give you references as a damn good psychologist." He shook his head. "I still can't believe that poor kid has been sitting on a three year guilt, thinking that he caused the death of his parents."
Ash woke fresh and rested, and then noticed the time. eleven thirty, he thought, Damn, I overslept. He dressed and came out of the room that Misty and he shared to see Tommy sitting at the table with one of the hospital's food delivery carts, and a stack of comics. Misty was nowhere to be seen. Steam was rising from the side of the cart. A pichu lay on the table near Tommy, asleep, with pikachu sitting next to it with a bottle of ketchup in front of her. Tommie looked up from the comic that he was reading, smiled, and pointed to the door.
"Misty is out getting us gear for the journey, she's hijacked Gary to carry the stuff that she can't" he began ticking off one finger. "Brock is out getting food for the trip, and Susie is with him, Eddie is with Doctor Craymon, the psychologist, A nurse just dropped off those little boxes, and I was told to keep your food warm in the cart until you came out." He went to the cart, put on some oven mitts and pulled out two trays. "I waited for you, so you didn't have to eat alone." he grinned.
"Thanks," Then he noticed that Tommy was looking at the box. "What's the matter."
"The nurse that dropped those off," he looked up at Ash. "She explained to me twice that she was mearly delivering it to you from a jewellery store, not giving it to you from her. Why?"
"I guess that she thought that if you peeked," he looked meaningfully at Tommy, "You might get the idea that she was trying to put the moves on me, and tell Misty."
"Well," he began, ducking his head and grabbing another forkful of the eggs. "I did peek, a bit." He grinned. "The two in those little boxes are real nice but the one in that flattish box is, like wow." He got a sly look in his eye. "There for Misty, right?"
"You got it." Ash said, pulling out the handkerchief and wrapping the flattish box in that. "And you don't tell her any of this, ok?"
"Oh, a surprise?" he winked.
"Yea, a big surprise." Ash said with a smile. He put the other two boxes in the bottom of his backpack, near the larger box that contained the locket.
The doctor brought Eddie back just as they finished and he even volunteered to take the cart back to the station for pick up. He told Ash that while it seemed a bit early, Eddie seemed to have realized that he was not to blame. The guilt was gone. Then It was just Tommy, Eddie and Ash and their three pokemon. The two pichu seemed to want to play together, and Pikachu kept watch over her two children. Ash and his brothers sat watching television, and listening to Ash give them hints and tips about pokemon battling.
Misty arrived back with Gary, both loaded down with stuff they had picked up just as Ash was giving some more advice.
"You can use an attack that normally used offensively, in a defensive way too," He was tell the two.
"How?" Tommy asked.
"Well," Misty put in, as she was putting down the stuff that she had, "I've seen Ash have pikachu use quick attack as a dodging move. She's even dodged a swift attack that way."
"And swift attacks are supposed to be undodgeable because of their speed." Gary interjected while he put down his load. "Both your pichu have quick attack,"
"They're right." Ash said smiling at the two. "And your Riolu both have bullet punch as an egg move," He mimed striking his fist into the ground. "If they use it into the ground in front of them, they can throw up a cloud of dust and debris that can lessen or even block some attacks. At the very least, they will be invisible for a short time, and you can use those moments to turn a battle around."
"Even an attack like Thunderbolt can be used like that." Gary sat on the floor. "if you have your pokemon slam a thunderbolt into the ground between you and your opponent you get the same effect. Both of your pichu have that move too."
"Gary, how do you know so much about our pichu?" Eddie asked. "I thought that they were from Ash's pokemon."
"You forget," Gary responded. "I work at my Grandpa's lab." He looked at Ash. "I happen to know that your Pikachu, and another Pikachu that we were checking out there got friendly, and the eggs are the results."
"Which pikachu?" Ash was always curious about that.
"Richy's Pikachu, Sparky." Gary replied in a matter of fact tone. "You two got babies from two of the most powerful pikachus that we have ever seen. So take care of them."
"We will," Tommy said picking up his pichu. "whatcha say we don't put you back in that poke ball, Volt? Ya wanna ride on my shoulder, like your mom does with Ash?"
"You too, Sparks." Eddie said, putting the little pokemon on his shoulder. "Ya like that Idea?"
Both of the electric pokemon gave off a string of 'pi...pi...pi... sounds and leaned into their respective trainers heads.
"Get used to the occasional shock from them though," Ash cautioned with a laugh. "Especially if you accidentally roll over onto them in your sleep."
Brock and Susie arrived and they all started to fix the packs with the new gear. Another nurse came with a delivery for the group from Professor Oak. It was a new tent packed into one of the camper balls. This one slept eight, and had two separate sleeping areas on either side of a eight by eight central area. The letter that came with it explained.
"Ash," he began to read. "This tent is the newest of the line. one side is for you (and Misty, if you wish, though don't tell Delia), and the other is for either Misty or the boys. For your peace of mind, I used some of the money from the Flour container. The rest I deposited in an account at the bank that most of the Pokemon trainers use. two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is a lot to have laying around like that. Details are included with this letter.
Good luck, and have fun.
Love Samuel Oak.
PS. Tell the boys that we love them too.
"I better tell him the other containers have money too," Ash said with a twist to his mouth. "Each of those remaining containers should have two hundred fifty thousand in em."
Gary, Tommy and Eddie stared at Ash in shock.
"Just how much do you have, Ash?" Gary finally managed.
"Well, let's see..." He thought about it for a few moments. "With the winnings that I got in Johto, The Orange Islands, and in Hoenn, plus the Battle Frontier. I emptied the cookie jar of the five hundred twelve thousand, and that leaves the flour, sugar, and coffee container with two fifty each."
"That's one point two million." Tommy gasped. "How?"
"The Gyms, individual trainers, and of course the League competition." Then he looked at Gary. "Hey, they changed the rules after we started in Johto, Gary, you should have something from your wins."
"I'll have to check." Gary said, still somewhat shocked. "I didn't realize that my uncle Ash was rich, as well as famous."
"What pokemon do you have with you, besides your Pichus?" Ash asked as he turned back to his brothers.
"I brought my Feebas, dratini," Tommy began, coming out of shock. "Both eevee's and my riolu."
"Me," Eddie piped in, "I got my dratini, riolu, meditite, duskull, and the shuppet."
"OK," Ash began, bringing out a map. "We'll be heading towards Hearthome City and the gym there so I can get my next badge. Then on to Veilstone, and then Pastoria. We'll run into a lot of trainers along the way so we all can get in some battle practice."
"Except me." Eddie said glumly.
"Wrongo, uncle Edward." Gary said while he hung up his phone. "Just got off the phone with Lance, and he told me that my winnings are in an account, and have been building interest for two years. Got a little over two hundred six, in it. Said that he would transfer it by Wednesday next week." Then he turned to Eddie who was puzzled. "Remember when Lance stepped in while Ash was doing your pokedex?"
Eddie thought for a minute, then nodded.
"Your listed as a Junior trainer," Gary continued. "At Sinnoh Stadium, you and thirty one other Junior trainers will compete, for the Junior League cup, and a bagon, compliments of Drake of the Hoenn Elite four. It is the Sinnoh fifty year celibration of the League." he chuckled. "Lance regged you at that time. As long as Ash, Misty, or Brock ref the battle, and approve it, you have full reign. Battle to your hearts content." He laid down on the floor and suddenly Eddies pichu hopped onto his stomach making him huff his breath out. Everybody laughed save Eddie who was stunned.
"He said that I couldn't compete." he blurted out.
"He told me that they just changed the rules, because of the fifty year celibration" Gary stated from the floor, scratching the pichu's head. "Junior trainers can battle as long as there is a member of the League present and he or she is willing to ref the game." He winked at Eddie. "Isn't it great to have a big brother who is a member? Not to mention travelling with Brock and Misty, who are members too? If any of them ok it, you can battle all you want. And you can compete in the Junior league, during the same time as Ash does in the Sinnoh League. And you'll be on television."
"Way to go, Eddie!" Tommy cheered, clapping his slightly stunned younger brother on the back. "There are gonna be two Ketchums in the competitions."
"One Ketchum, and one Oak you mean, something like in Jhoto." Ash corrected.
"Now your wrong, Ashey boy." Gary quipped from his position on the floor. "Your mom decided to keep her old name, and Gramps was OK with it. Eddie and Tommy chose to have that as their last name, and again Gramps was fine with it, since the triplets will have the name Oak. Lance had to change the name since you automatically put in Oak as their last name." He winked at Ash. "So if you and Misty got married today, if you could that is, your group could be known as the Ketchum crew."
The next day Gary and Duplica took their leave saying that they wanted to get back to their research.
"When your in Kanto, for the Indigo Plateau competition, look us up." Gary told them, "We'll be at the Lab, and remember, you have rooms there too." Then to Tommy and Eddie. "You two, train well, and listen to Ash, he can help you. And learn what moves your pokemon have. knowing that is half the battle."