Pokemon Odyssey

Pokemon Odyssey
[By Flygon]
Chapter 1

Legal stuff: I do not own Pokemon, Game Freak, Creatures, Nintendo, or any of the Affiliated companies. This fic is pure free stuff for you to read. I do hope that you enjoy it. It will be a long one.

Work to finish


Douglas Thorne exited the taxi, paying his fare and giving a ten dollar tip to the driver. He pulled out his two suitcases, watched the driver pull away, and then turned to the house. The first thing he noticed was that Jason was not on the porch. He then noted that Bradley was not working at his car either. Walking to the door, he was wondering what was happening. Douglas opened the door, and put both his bags down next to the sofa in the living room and heard some noises in the kitchen. He had originally planned to surprise his wife, Carol, but not if she was working in the kitchen. He simply called out.

"I'm Home." He waited.

"In the kitchen." He heard his wife call to him, but her voice seemed slightly different.

Douglas moved into the kitchen and found his wife finishing up some sandwiches. Three plates worth. Her light blonde hair was in a pony tail, and her brown eyes showed signs of recent crying. He went to her, hugged her and asked the question with his eyes.

"Three days ago," She began, sniffing a bit. "Jason went to the Pokemon lab to give a tour to a reporter. When he came back." her eyes filled. "It was like he was almost back to his old self. Since that time, Bradley and he have been in his workshop doing something." She looked up at her husband. "Doug, he's smiling, laughing and joking like he used to. Lisa has come over each day and they have got something going on in there. He is working with his tools again." She fell into his arms and cried into his shoulder for a bit. "Doug, our Jase is back."

Douglas spent the next fifteen minutes with his wife, then told her he would take the sandwiches to the crew. Pushing the wheeled cart down the hallway to the carport door he heard noise coming from the room. He heard a pneumatic driver running, and the boys talking to each other. And over this, he heard Jasons music. That easy, yet fast pace music from one of his favorite new age bands. He had not heard that in over a year. He knocked on the door, and heard Jason call out to come in, and please mind the floor. He opened the door and stared at the room in wonder.

The rack where his dune buggy normally sat was not occupied by one of the older electric wheelchairs, while the dune buggy was stripped down and parts were scattered all over the floor. The chair had the balloon like tires on them, and was off the ground with Jason sitting in a regular wheelchair under it. He had the pneumatic driver held and was resetting it before he put it to the dune buggys suspension coils and finished driving the bolt into the chair. Bradley was at the table across from Jason, with a precision soldering iron and heavy magnification lens working on a circuit board. Lisa was helping Jason by holding the suspension coil up with a towel covered shoulder.

"Thanks Lisa." he heard Jason say. "I got it seated."

"Jase." He heard Allison call out from the front. "I got the last generator placed, and hand tightened." He saw her sneaker clad feet under the rack. "You want to check it now, or wait till after lunch?"

"After lunch," Came Jason's reply. "I am starved. Thanks mo..." His voice trailed off as he looked and saw his father standing there with the cart. "Welcome home dad."

Fifteen minutes later they all sat around a table, with the exception of Allison who begged off stating that she needed a shower and she would be going to her friends house to have lunch there. Douglas fired off question after question to his two sons, and the young girl, Lisa. What were they doing? Why, and finally, what problems did they have that he could help with.

Jason was happy to hear the last. His father was a VP with the Devon Corporation's R&D section and he could figure out many answers. He showed him the list. Several items were crossed off, and Douglas saw power recharging was the first item that had been crossed off.

"How did you solve that one?" He said with wide eyes. "We have a project or two at the main plant where that has us stumped."

"Simple really." He stuffed the last corner of his sandwich into his mouth and wheeled himself to the rack. His father following. "See, That is what Alli was doing." He pointed to something that went into the wheel itself.

Douglas looked and saw a generator, similar to a bikes generator to power the front and rear lights. The wires from this went into a metal box that was welded to the side part of the frame of the chair, then another wire came from the other side of that and continued to the area where a battery would be for the chair.

"Each wheel has it's own generator," he began to explain. "And each generator sends it's current through this," He tapped the box. "It's a step-up transformer.". He grinned at his fathers wide eyed look. "Each wheel can generate close to sixty volts, when the chair is going five miles an hour. The Step-up transformer cranks it up three times it's original and that can charge the battery, or keep it topped off." Then he pointed to the brakes. "And I took the idea of the braking recharge action from the car industry. Took me a whole day, to get the prototype done for the chair here."

"You got diagrams and schematics for this written down?" His father asked quickly.

"Yep." Came a quick reply. "Got the generators from the junk-yard. They are normally used on Electric fork-lifts." He wheeled over to another table with his father following. "Got the plans here." He handed the plans to his father.

Douglas looked over the plans with wonder. His son had said it. Simple. He didn't know how his team had overlooked the possible solution. He looked at his son.

"Here is what I want you guys to do." He stated, laying the plans down and handing his pen to Jason. "Each of you print your name in the lower right corner. I am going to fax these to the main plant, All of you get credit for it, and a commission." He saw their eyes light up a bit. "And hold off on this project for one week." He held out a hand. "I think I know where you are going with this, and I think that I have something that will help. It may take up to a week, but most likely, closer to three to four days. You can continue working on it, just don't try to test it fully for that week, OK?"

They nodded, and he grinned. They all put their names on it, as Jason explained.

"Lisa came up the the base idea of the generator, like what she used on her bike. Alli thought of the larger units that are used. Bradley picked them up from the junk-yard for us and thought of the step-up transformer. I just remodelled them to fit." He added Alli's name to the thing, and they watched, slightly perplexed as their father left with the plans.


Carol watched as her husband came out of the room carrying several sheets of paper and promptly set them into the small fax machine. He punched in the codes, and the machine started to transfer the images immediately. Douglas picked up the phone, which he thanked heavens was connected to a separate line. He heard it ring twice before it was picked up.

"Stratton." A voice announced.

"Hal, it's Doug." He told the man. "I'm sending some faxes to you, line 3."

"This I can see." Hal quipped back. "What the hell did you do on that plane back to Sinnoh, work like crazy?"

"Nope, I slept." He chuckled. "Plans belong to my two sons, my daughter, and one young friend. Got home to find them working on something that is on page eight. They solved the last problem we had, and they did that one first. Get the Sylph half of the team back there, stat, send the travel team with their psychics to speed things up. Recall the Devon half of the team, same priority. I will be back in one hour, via my gardevoir."

"Doug, we need to get Mr. Devons approval, first."

"No," he countered. "On this project we have carte blanche, Mr. Devon's orders on that. Oh, and get ready to prototype and get a quick infomercial ready. We have the final piece done and just need to incorporate it. Set the utility balls out and get ready to break out the bubbly."

"Will do." Hal told him. "You'll be back her in an hour, then?"

He saw his wife looking at him with a look that she hadn't had in a while, and smiled.

"Make that three hours." and he hung up the phone, without taking his eyes off of Carol once.


In the workshop Jason and Lisa sat looking over the circuit boards, when Bradley came back with a grin on his face.

"Mom and dad are in their room with 'the sign' on the door." He chuckled as he saw Jase grin.

"What does that mean?" Lisa asked, perplexed, until she saw both of the boys turn scarlet. "Oh, that." And she reddened a bit.


Short chapter I know. But I would rather have a short chapter or two then a major problem with breaking a chapter in half.

NEXT: The kids find out the secret project, and a special offer is made to Jason.