Decisions for Life
[By Flygon]
Legal stuff: I do not own Pokemon, Game Freak, Creatures, Nintendo, or any of the Affiliated companies. This fic is pure free stuff for you to read. I do hope that you enjoy it. It will be a long one.
Author's note: I got this idea a while back, inspired by many fics I have read in the past from many different places. I rate this one at PG-13 to R due to some of the violence, some language, some discriptive scenes, mentions of situations dealing with drugs, sex, and a few others. This is NOT a lemon, though. I may at some point do one, but This isn't it.
Daniel Balken was at his favourite place. Sitting with his back to a tree in a small park near the south branch of the Chicago river. It was evening and he was here for many reasons. All seemed to be bad. He had just turned ten, he just had a fight with his older brother, check that, he thought, foster brother. Hank thought that he was too much into a dead game, as he called it. Daniel hated many of the other games like Half-Life 2, The new versions of Quake, RainBow six, Need for speed, add your version number here, he thought. He hated to deal with sports, but could throw a baseball and hit a target every time. So what happened, his foster dad signed him up for little league and as a pitcher. His foster mother was so much into style and clothes that his closet looked like a prime clothing outlet store. He liked clothes that fit well and were comfortable. He didn't care about what label was on it, but his 'mom' would argue with him for hours over the fact his favourite gym shoes were off the rack from Pay-Less, and not a designer label.
His foster brother had told him that he was embarrassed to be with him since he was so much into this ten year old game that was dead. He said that the rest of the kids made fun of him because of it. They called him the poke freak. Hank told him that he should learn to enjoy the real games, and drop this old kiddie crap. And to that end, Hank had invaded his room and literally thrown out all his pokemon stuff. His collection of cards, his poke balls with the pokemon from McDonald's, The promotional stuff. He even tore off the bedding with pokemon on it and threw that out. The only thing left of the pokemon that he had was his games which he carried around in his backpack with him. His 'brother' told him it was for his own good. That now he could make friends and move on, instead of sitting there alone in the room playing a game, or going to the local McDonald's to see if anybody else was a nerd on this crap.
"Almost," he muttered, looking at the sky to see the small reddish dot that was Mars, right next to the bright white disk that was Jupiter.
He was waiting for the alignment. Mars, Jupiter, Earth Venus and Mercury would be lined up, and that was something that only happened every few centuries. Then his thoughts drifted to earlier that day. He had finally found somebody who was into Pokemon and he wanted to trade some pokemon and battle, so both went to the McDonald's ordered off the dollar menu and sat for almost two hours trading pokemon. He had filled out his pokedex on the game and was now trying to help Chase do the same. The guy needed only two pokemon. And he had a way to get them to him. He traded him his mismagnius for an onyx, and then gave the onyx a metal coat. Then he started to trade back when he heard two voices.
"Damn, I told you to give that shit up, Chase." An older boy said and grabbed the DS from him.
He turned it off, and then popped out the pokemon diamond cartridge, which he cracked in half and tossed into the basket.
"Now maybe you'll get into some real games and stop embarrassing me." He told the boy who broke into tears right there.
"And as for you," He heard his foster brother's voice. "I'll take that garbage and pitch it where it belongs."
Dan acted. He hugged the DS into his chest, stood, and kicked the chair backwards catching his 'brother' in the shins with it. Then he ran for the door. He ducked under one kids arm who tried to stop him when his 'brother' shouted, and got out onto the street. He simply ran to a bus stop where he saw a bus pull up, waiving his arms wildly he got on and put the bus card into the fare box. He looked back to see five large kids with his brother come out of the McDonald's and start to run. The driver saw them too, and was waiting.
"Those big kids are trying to steal my DS, and beat me up." He practically wheezed at the Driver who took one look at him before closing the door and leaving the stop and his brother in a cloud of dust.
"I hate bullies that pick on little kids." The heavyset black man said with a big grin. "My son is about your age, nine, right?"
"Ten," Dan huffed, winded. "Today."
"Well happy birthday kid." The driver laughed. "What stop do you want?"
Danny thought a moment. If he took the bus to the end of the line, then he could cross over into the suburbs and rest in the park. Then he had remembered the alignment. The park would allow him to see the planets and more stars since it was further away from the lights of Chicago. He told the driver.
"Sit back, and enjoy the ride then kid." The driver told him. "It will be about an hour."
Dan sat back, with a smile. He didn't realize his cell phone was on, nor the orange blinking light that would have told him the GPS was active.
"Cool man," Sam said as Hank got off the phone asking for the GPS activation on his brothers phone.
"Yea, pop thought it would be a good idea." He replied.
He watched as a little dot appeared on his phones screen and was moving down the street quickly. He just wanted to help his brother. Why did the little dweeb have to be so hooked on this pokemon crap anyhow?
Danny looked up to see the planetary disks almost centred.
"Just a minute or two more." He muttered, then he saw a shadow in front of him and two on either side of him.
"Thank heavens for Tech." Hank said with a lopsided smile and held his phone in front of the boy.
He tried to jump to the side but felt his arms grabbed. Then his brother picked up his pack and dangled it just in front of him.
"I am trying to help you." He chided the boy. "It's not right that you stay with a game that is only dying. Every one of your friends in the neighbourhood has moved on, and here you sit still buried in a loser dead game that no sane person plays. I'm gonna help you grow up, kiddo."
Again he acted on pure instinct. He kicked his foot up, catching Hank right in the crotch, Hank's eyes bugged out of his head, and he yelled. Then Danny bent his head to the first teen on his right arm and bit, hard, tasting a salty sweet liquid. The boy released his arm with a howl that would have frightened a pit bull. Then he felt the boy on his right arm tighten his grip, but that was OK, he saw the boy was standing on some sand from the playgrounds sand box and he simply spun. The teen was caught off balance and seemed to loose his footing in the shifting sand, the next thing he knew he was face first into a tree, and he felt one of his front teeth crack.
Danny grabbed the pack from Hank, and started to run,
"I ain't coming back to your whacked out family, Hank, so don't worry."
"That little shit bit me." The one boy raged, cradling his hand. "Get him, I want to beat the shit out of him for this."
"Hey, let him go," Hank said, seeing his one friend with rage plain on his face. "I just wanted to try to help him, if he is so dorky, let him go."
"I'll let him go, man." The teen snarled at Hank. "Right into a freaking hole in the ground. He bit me, man." and he gave chase.
Danny was running now, and he could hear several behind him. One voice scared him more then anything else.
"Bite me, will you." the teen puffed out. "I'll feed you your own fingers and you can bite them. I'll cut you into pieces so small that even a pigeon won't find them."
Danny ran. He saw the road ahead. He knew that across that road was a large field with really tall grass, and beyond that, a corn field. If he could make it, he would be home free. He knew that area better then any since he used to go there and pretend he was hunting pokemon. He just needed to get across the highway. He bolted across the inbound lanes nearly getting hit, and hearing a loud horn behind him he turned. He never saw the truck on the outbound lane. He felt a quick moment of pain, then he had the feeling that he was flying. When he stopped, he saw his brother horror stricken looking down at him along with a group of other faces that seemed to fade into a sea of black as he rolled over onto his face in a roadway.
Danny lay there, wondering what was happening. He raised his head, totally amazed that he could, and saw a gray background everywhere. Gray on the ground, gray in the distance every where he looked, and gray in the sky above him. He started to shake.
*Don't be afraid* A voice seemed to go into his mind. *You are safe here for now.*
"Who are you?" he asked, still afraid, and he began to stand. "And where am I."
*You are nowhere, for now.* the thought came in. *As for who I am*
Two figures seemed to appear from the grayness. One was standing on two feet, if you could call them that, while the other floated above the ground in a small shimmering sphere. Pinkish skin coloured both of them, and while one had a long, thin, sinuous tail, the other had a much thicker sinuous tail. He recognized them both though, from the animé he loved to watch. Mew and Mew Two. He shook his head quickly, and took a step back.
'Man, I have cracked now.' He thought to himself. 'Either that or I am dreaming."
*Neither* The thought bulleted into his head, and he stared at these two impossibilities. *Mew has watched your world for a long time, and I have just started to. Our worlds lay close to each other, so close that we can sometimes send thoughts to your people. Mew has done this many times, and picked one who created a game in your world that mirrors our own.*
"You mean Pokemon?" He said.
*Yes* Mew Two thought back at him. *Mew gave the idea to a man who came up with the game, and kept giving him ideas to keep it going. Mew gave accounts of this world to the minds of people in your world to try to make the game and, this animé you speak of, live in your world, but the barrier between our worlds cannot be crossed by a body. And to the minds of your young, it comes as dreams. Tonight, however there is a great thinning of the veil between our worlds. The aligned planets is what has caused it. Mew has enjoyed watching you play the game, but now there is something that you have to decide on.*
"What?" Danny replied, fear tinging his voice.
*In your world* Mew Two thought back at him. *You were hit by that truck. Should you wish it, Mew and I can give you the energy you would need to survive that. But, if you should wish it, then we could also plant your mind into somebody here, in our world.*
Danny gaped at him.
*In our world, a young boy of six was also in an accident.* Mew Two sent. *He was also named Daniel, like you. However he was put into a coma, and has been that way for two years. His mind is now gone, though, so only his body remains, held in a state that is not death by a machine, and doctors of your type of people see to it that his body gets movement to keep the muscles from dying. If you wish we can place your mind, and spirit, into this boys body and you can live again, though here. This is the decision you must make. And you must be quick, because the veil will close when the planets are no longer aligned.*
"What about the boys family?" he asked. "How would they react?"
*The boy has no family, now.* Mew Two told him. *They died in the accident. The boy was very injured, and the doctors healed him, but by that time his mind fled. Now they watch an empty shell. A shell you could fill. I caution you on one thing. Should you return to your original world, instead of coming here, you will not be able to walk. Too much damage was done. Now you Must choose.*
What will Danny choose? Next chapter.