Icky. BAD writers block. ICKY writers block….
Setting: Another cold rainy day at Indigo Plateau.
(The Elite Four’s Pokemon sit together again)
Will’s Xatu: You know what would be a good idea?
Lance’s Dragonite: What?
Will’s Xatu: To have legendary humans other than Ash…
Lance’s Dragonite: Like Espeon2 and DClick?
Will’s Xatu: YAH!
Lance’s Dragonite: Great idea!
Other E4 Pokemon: (raise eyebrows) Suuuuure…whatever… *cough*…Drunk…*cough*
(Back near some random town Ty and Flower appear at…I think this town is called…Googlysplat Town. Only losers live here…look, its you!)
(Okay, keep reading! I was just kidding! Geesh…)
Flower: I’m bored.
Ty: Let’s catch a human!!
Flower: Sure!!
(Ty throws a Peopleball at a random person…but the person pops out quickly)
Random Person: What was THAT?!??! (walks away)
Ty: …
Flower: …
Ty: …
Flower: I don’t think that worked.
Ty: Ya think?
Flower: Yes. Yes I do.
(Suddenly an Xatu and Dragonite are seen soaring through the sky…they’re wobbling kinda…wow…so THAT’S what drunk Flying Pokemon look like…)
Will’s Xatu: (lands with a thud at Flower’s feet) Er…heeeeeyyyyy Fwwwwoooower…
Ty: (glares at the Xatu who KO’d him when he was little) Hello…
Lance’s Dragonite: (lands with a thud at Ty’s feet) juuu…just here to tell-tell you…tell you about… (hiccup)
Flower: Yes? (cocks head and waits for him to finish)
Lance’s Dragonite: (hiccup) Tell you about…the…leeeeeegendarrrry Humans!
Flower: Other than Ash?
Will’s Xatu: Ooooother than Ash. (nods head in confirmation)
Ty: For Mew’s sake! (picks up Flower’s Magic Wand Microphone and zaps the two sober)
L’s Dragonite: Why thank you. Ahem. (cough) Well…we just wanted to tell you about the new Legendary Humans- DClick and Espeon2.
Flower: Hmm…I have a vague memory of this…
W’s Xatu: (hurriedly) Well you shouldn’t! (fluffs up his feathers)
Flower: (shrug) Okay. Well then. Bye.
W’s Xatu and L’s Dragonite: (blink and stare at her for a minute) Um…okay. (fly off)
Ty: (watches them soar off) Well that was a bite pointless, wasn’t it.
Flower: Probably. Now lets go catch some Legendary Humans!!
(And so Flower and Ty walk off to find some…um…Author bait?)
Flower: Now then…I’ll show you how to catch an Author…
Ty: Okay! (pulls out video camera) This could come in handy…(smirks)
Flower: Well…there are three things that attract Authors…their characters…
(With that, Ty tosses several of DClick’s original characters into a hole)
Flower: Their foe…
(Ty tosses in Tracy)
Tracy: Hey!
Flower: (duct tapes his mouth shut) And insanity and sanity mixed together.
Ty: Hmmm…. I KNOW! Give me your Magic Wand Microphone Flower!
Flower: (huggles it protectively) No mine! But I think I know what you’re thinking… (conjures up Dianna and Fera)
Dianna: Well if it isn’t my little sister…Flow…
(Ty pushes Dianna into the hole, along with Fera)
Ty: There goes the evil sanity.
Flower: (claps hands happily) Now all we need is ins…
(With that, Ty pushes Flower into the pit, then jumps in himself)
Flower: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……. (lands with a thud at the bottom of the hole)
Ty: Now we just sit and wait for DC or Espeon2 to show up!
Flower: I guess…
Dianna: (snort) If you’ll live that long…
(Flower turns to slowly to Dianna)
Flower: What is THAT supposed to mean?
Dianna: ROOOOAR!
(Dianna evolves into a…Piloswine!)
Dianna: SILENCE! (Ice Beams Flower, so she’s Frozen)
Flower: Ehhhhh!
Ty: Why you! (Fire Blasts Dianna)
Dianna: Eep.
Fera: Leave my human alone! (Bubble Beams Ty)
Ty: wwwwaatter…
Flower: (unthaws) No you don’t! (Solarbeams Fera)
(This goes on for several hours…meanwhile, above the hole)
DClick: (stumbles by) Oooh loook…characters, Tracey, and insanity and sanity mixed together!
Espeon2: Oooh…wooooww…
DClick: Maybe we should jump down there and see what they’re doing.
Espeon2: No…that’s okay. We’ll be late.
DClick: Right.
(And so DClick and Espeon2 walked off into a new day, or into a new town, new adventure, whatever sounds nice, leaving Flower and her fighting friends/foes in a hole. What great day!)
Icky. I still have writers block. -_- r/r please!