Okay, you wanted it! Soz, me forgets about this fic sometimes! ^_^
(Our heroes our walking through New Bark Town after their amazing adventures! Mario has been caught and release, Flower is a Bellossom and…what? Didn’t you know about it? Dude, you should read The Interactive Pokemon Game Show!)
Ty: Flower…since you’re a Bellossom now…are you…still my Human?
Flower: Course I am!
Ty: But…you know…you aren’t…
Flower: But…but…you’re ABANDONING ME?!?!?
Ty: No! No! No! I was jus thinking, maybe we could just be partners.
Flower: (considering this) Eh, okay.
(And so our heroes are now PARTNERS in their quest to become the best human trainers ever!)
Flower: So…how many points do we got?
Ty: Do we have?
Flower: Don’t you go correcting my grammar! I’m the author here!
Ty: Well, we have…if you count Humans that we released or that were transformed…and count Mewchu12 as an author…
Flower: (whacking Ty) Mewchu11 is the only author out of the bunch!
Ty: (rubbing his arm) Fine…12 is a regular trainer…we have…
Flower: Yes…yes?!
Ty: 10 points!
Flower: WOW! And how many does Pikachu have.
Ty: 100
Flower: Okay! Only 90 points to go!
Ty: Glad to see you know your subtracting Flower…
Flower: Shuddaup! So we gonna capture Professor Elm?
Ty: (shrug) Sure why not. He’s worth 3 points.
Flower: And that will bring us to only needing 87 more points!
Ty: Are you some sort of math genius?
Flower: Yes. Yes I am!
Ty: Whatever! On to Elm’s house!!!
(Our two friends head over to the Professor’s house)
Professor Elm: (upon opening the door) Oh my! Well if that isn’t a talking Typhlosion and a talking Bellossom!
Flower: Get real Elm. LOT’S of Pokemon talk now.
Professor Elm: Oh dear! That one talked to me!
Flower: Yah. Ya got a problem?
Professor Elm: And its talking with human slang!
Flower: I used to be an author…get over it already!
Professor Elm: Oh dear! A human turned Pokemon! Who ever heard of such a thing?
Flower: Lots of people…
Professor Elm: I do believe its picking a fight with me! Oh how exciting!
Flower: Oh for the love of MEW! (solarbeams Elm)
Professor Elm: X_X
(The Peopleball wobbles, but then clicks and captures Elm)
Ty: Think that was cheating…having you solarbeam it?
Flower: Nah….kinda like throwing a rock at a Pokemon is Safari Zone…
Ty: Okay.
Flower: So what? Is this the end of the chapter?
Flower: Well…we basically have no plot…
Ty: Yah…but we have a lot of space lef…
(Ty is interrupted by a large balloon in the sky bearing the likeness of a certain 14 year old girl related to Flower)
Ty and Flower: GASP! Its our hated archenemies Dianna and Feraligatr!
(And so it is!)
Dianna: Did ya miss us Flower?
Feraligatr: How ya doing TY?
Flower: BELLA!!!!
Ty: Go away!!!
Dianna: Oh look! My sisters a FLOWER!!! Suits her perfectly, don’t you think, Fera?
Feraligatr: (giggling) Yah!
Dianna: Maybe we should water her, right Fera?
Feraligatr: Yah!
(Fera hits Flower with a powerful water gun, that throws her into a nearby wall…)
Flower: (bursting into tears) THAT HURT!!!!!
Dianna: Oh little sister….are you HURT! What a BABY!!!
Flower: You’re nothing but a big old bully!
Dianna: Uh…DUH?!
Flower: TY!!!
Ty: My pleasure…
(Ty uses Sacred Fire to blow up the balloon and sends Dianna and Fera flying off like Team Rocket)
Flower: (still crying) THAT HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ty: There, there Flower! They’re gone now….
Flower: Hey! I wonder if they’re doing a Human Quest, too?
Ty: Why?
Flower: So we can beat them at it! (strikes a victory pose)
Ty: YAH! (strikes a victory pose)
Flower: Eh, don’t DO that!
Ty: Er…sorry…
(And so ends our day with the heroes and partners, Ty and Flower! Tomorrow will start a new day…but with Fera and Dianna nearby…will it bring good news or bad)
(Hey! I really sounded like the narrator on Pokemon! Woohoo! Go me! Go me!!)
Soz this took awhile…didn’t really have a plot. I even made this up as I went along. ^_^ Soz!