Bododbopbop. MORES!!!!!!
Setting: A nice sunny day (Thanks to all the nice Pokemon in the Goldenrod Gym who learned Sunny Day so I can have a nice setting) in Goldenrod City
(Our hero Ty and his loveliest Human Flower are standing outside the Pokemon Center, contemplating how to get their next Human.)
Ty: So….any idea how we're gonna get Nurse Joy?
Flower: Steal or take or buy or trade or…
Ty: STEAL! I like that!
Flower: Actually, that was meant to be a last resort, maybe we should try to trade for her or buy her…
Flower: No, I was thinking we'd catch a Bug Catcher or something..
Flower: No! Maybe MewChu12 even…
Flower: *sigh* Fine then…
Flower: But we need a plan then…
Ty: O.o, but I thought we were gonna steal her?
Flower: Yeah, we are, but an organized…
Ty: Aren't we stealing her?
Flower: Yes, but we need a plan! Like, a well thought out way to steal…
Ty: So we're stealing her!
Flower: Right, but we need…
Ty: WE ARE STEALING NURSE JOY! What part of the plan don't you understand? Honestly, Flower, I think you're deaf.
Flower: O.o
Ty: It was neater when I did it.
Flower: SHUT UP!!!!
Ty: Don't speak to me like that, I'm your master!
(Ty seems to grow larger and holds up Flower's Peopleball.)
Flower: Au Contraire! I am YOUR master!
(Flower grows larger and holds up Ty's Pokeball.)
Ty: *blink* So I guess we cancel each other out.
Flower: No, it just means we're partners.
(Flower puts her arm lovingly around Ty. Ty, upset about this public display of affection, tries to burn her, unsuccessfully.)
Flower: It's that whole trust thing.
Ty: Damn trust.
Flower: Damn right.
Ty: Since when did you swear?
Flower: Since today. I've said shit, crap and damn like, a billion times today.
Ty: FLOWER!!!!
(A large bar of soap appears and moves to Flower's mouth.)
Flower: EEPS! Sorry! Never again!
Ty: You better!
Flower: Now, about Nurse Joy…
Ty: RIGHT! So, we're gonna steal her!
Flower: Shut up. You are going to pretend to be sick, and I'll bring her out, then we'll run away with her in a Peopleball.
Ty: Oooh…Flower…crossing over to the dark side....
Flower: Damn right. OOPS! I mean, darn right. Yeah…
(Flower looks at the big bar of soap, which is hovering close to her mouth.)
Ty: So…
Flower: When do we start…
Ty: Um…now?
Flower: Uh, sure?
Flower: Dude, be sick.
Ty: Uh, right!
(Ty suddenly puts on a big display of agony, before soooo obviously faking passing-out on the ground.)
Flower: *sigh* Horrible actor!
Ty: *whispering* Get on with it
(Hearing Flower's cries, Nurse Joy, the ever-(sickeningly)caring Pokemon Nurse, rushes out of the Pokemon Center.)
Nurse Joy: Where is it?! Where is the patient?!
Flower: Over here! My Ty!!!
(Nurse Joy spots the Typhlosion lying on the ground.)
Nurse Joy: *sigh* No need to worry love. He's just playing around.
Flower: *sigh* Horrible actor!
(Ty gets up as Nurse Joy starts to walk away.)
Ty: NOT SO FAST! You're not getting away, for I have my SUPER um…thingee…gun….yeah..
Nurse Joy: Huh? A talking Typhlosion?
Ty: No, a talking Typhlosion with a SUPER THINGEE GUN!!!!!!!
Nurse Joy: Oh dear.
(Ty aims the gun at Nurse Joy, and it shoots out a net like Team Rocket's gun.)
Flower: Where did ya get that?!
Ty: Uh…
(The scene cuts to Team Rocket, though it looks like Meowth is in charge. They are standing in front of Pikachu and Ash.)
Meowth: Now, I will capture the legendary Human Ash Ketchum with my SUPER THINGEE GUN!
(Meowth pulls out a gun that looks remarkably like Ty's, but when he shoots it…)
Meowth: BULLETS! Oh geez, did I just kill a legendary Human?
Jessie: I don't know, but lets get out of here!
(Back to Ty)
Ty: Noowhere…
Flower: Well, ok, lets go get Whitney.
(And so our heroes walked to Goldenrod Gym, only to find the place up in flames.)
Ty: HEY MILKY! What's going on?!
(Frantically, Miltank threw a Peopleball at Ty, who caught it with ease, even though it was shaking terribly. Then the two gym Pokemon ran off.)
Ty: But don't you want Nurse Joy? No? Oh well!
Flower: Wonder what she did that was so scary?
Ty: The place is up in smoke.
Flower: Oh…
Flower: No, you didn't. You stole Nurse Joy and Whitney was given to you.
Ty: Shut up…
(Flower looks over to the shaking Peopleball and the gym that's burning to the ground.)
Flower: I think I'm gonna like this girl…
(And so our heroes ended their day's journey with two new Humans, with absolutely no price at all, except for wounding the legendary Human Ash.)
Sadly, Ash is not dead. I mean, they'd be on the quest to look for the legendary human that died in Part 3. Stupid…