Rocket Girl
This is my new Pokemon fic, what I’ll work on until I get the answers from the Interactive Pokemon Game Show! So enjoy!
"Come on! Come on!" Amber hissed, jabbing the keypad frantically. The Pokeball she wore around her neck shuddered and glowed. She shook it gently. "Stop it! We’re almost in!"
She pushed random numbers in, jogging her memory. 78925! Was that it? She had seen that Butch guy push the numbers in only that morning. How could her memory be this bad?
"Calm down, it’s just because your scared. And you’re not the kind of girl to get scared. You’re AMBER!" She took a deep breath and held the Pokeball tight, "Think girl! Think!"
The ball shuddered and she hushed it, breathing deeply. She cleared her mind and spoke as if in a trance, "78562." As she said this, she pushed the numbers in with her short stubby fingers.
She put her ear to the door and heard the click as the lock opened. "Yes!" She said, tossing her long brown hair out of her face, "Finally!"
The Pokeball let out a long shudder and glowed brightly, the gold coloring reflecting off the walls. She shushed it, "Shh! We’re almost into daddy’s…" She trailed off, glancing up as the door opened.
The boss of Team Rocket stood in front of her, Giovanni. He towered above her, his hair clicked back and his shoes tapping annoyingly on the polished floor.
She gave a weak smile, "Hello Daddy. Fancy finding you here!"
Giovanni glared at her and then grinned back, a forced kind of grin, and then pulled her by the arm.
"Amber, my darling daughter, what are you doing down here?" He said, still forcing the smile, "You know that Daddy’s office is only for his employees!"
Amber struggled free of the grip. She was thirteen! She didn’t need this, but she better play it safe, "I know Daddy, I just wanted a look…"
"Were you thinking of sneaking some information out to your police officer friends" He hissed, pulling her back.
"Of course not Daddy! I just wanted to see!" She was scared now. Her father was the only person in the world who could frighten her.
"To see what, I wonder!?!" He gripped her arm tighter. Fear was definitely showing in her eyes. They welled up with tears and he dropped her to the ground, rubbing his temples. His beloved pet Persian appeared behind him, purring around his legs.
"Amber, Amber, Amber. What ARE we going to do with you? You are MY daughter, so I suppose I should make you into a TRUE Rocket. But if you keep trying to sneak in and get info to the Pokemon League, this can never happen!" He picked up the Persian, leaving Amber of the floor with the feeling that he loved the cat more than her.
"Perhaps we should team you up with one of the other Team Rocket teams," He said, stroking the Pokemon’s ears, "Yes, yes, we shall do that! Lets see. We should start small…how about…"
"Go Squirtle!" The young boy cries out. She tosses out a random Pokeball. She can work with anything.
"Scyther," She nods as it comes out, "I can win this easily."
The Squirtle rushes towards the Scyther, spraying a Watergun at it at its master’s will. The Scyther sends it flying back with a Slash attack, hitting the Squirtle in the face with his own attack. The Squirtle tries for a Skull Bash, and hits, but the Scyther springs back with a Fury Cutter, never stopping for minutes, until the Squirtle looks weak. Still, it attempts a Bubblebeam, which the Scyther dodges. The Bug-Pokemon sends a Wing Attack flying his way.
She recalls it and looks up, patting the Pokeball affectionately, "KO."
Meowth stuffed a berry into his mouth and swallowed, "Any idea what the bosses secret mission is for us?"
James stuffs his mouth with the remains of a noodle carton found on the ground, shaking his head as a no.
Jesse tosses her long red hair back, "Obviously something very important! And we can’t have you two eating like pigs when we enter!"
James swallowed, "Sorry Jess, but we’re just so hungry! We haven’t eaten in days! And you wouldn’t want the boss to hear our empty stomachs, do you?"
As if on cue, Jesse’s stomach rumbles. She blushes and pulls a spare noodle out of the carton, "Well if you must eat like farm animals, eat like a civilized one, like a swan or something."
Coming around the corner, Jesse suddenly pushed them back. She peeked around the corner once more, then turned back to a chorus of ows.
"SHH! The twerps are right over there! If we plan carefully we can steal Pikachu and hand him over to the Boss as we accept our mission!" She replied to the rubbing of elbows.
"Planning? Well I plan that we run out there and swipe that rodent without wasting time for the motto. Ever notice that if we say it, they electrocute us or something so we blast far, far away?" Meowth said, rubbing his nose.
"NO MOTTO!" Jesse exclaimed, "But that says who we are! It announces that the evil Team Rocket is here to steal the day, and their Pokemon."
"We don’t need no announcing!" Meowth screeched, swiping at her face. James backed off quickly, "They know who we are! We’ve tried to steal that blasted Pikamon, what, 100 times now?"
James nodded in agreement, "He’s right Jess. Maybe we should just let the motto wait till after we get Pikachu!"
Jesse growled angrily, but then said, "Alright, then, but lets do this now!"
They all nodded and ran out past the group of kids, grabbing Pikachu as they passed.
"HEY!" Someone shouted, but they didn’t turn back. Or at least, Meowth and James didn’t. Unfortunately, it was Jesse who had grabbed the electric-Pokemon.
"Aha!" She said happily, "we’ve finally gotten Pikachu and there’s nothing you can do about it!" She turned to James and Meowth, "NOW can we do the motto?"
"Make it snappy!" Snapped Meowth.
The two humans repeated the motto perfectly:
Prepare for trouble, we’ve robbed you
And make it double, cause we’ve got Pikachu
To protect the world from devastation
To unite all peoples within our nation
To denounce the beauty of truth and love
To extend our reach to the stars above
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth sighed, "No lets get out of here!"
"Not so fast!" The youngest twerp said, but Team Rocket turned and went off. The twerp yelled from behind, "Pikachu, Thundershock!"
The team stopped. They had forgotten their rubber gloves, the electric-resistance equipment. Too late. Pikachu exploded with electricity, sending them soaring into the sky.
It all depends on if she wants to win. Does she want to win? To keep her title? Yes, she does.
She glances at the next opponent, a young boy. He demands one on one. She sighs and tosses out a Pokeball, as he does the same, calling out the name of his Eevee. Slightly more interesting than before.
She has tossed out a Pidgeotto. She waves at it, and it flies up into the air, soaring high above Eevee, who aims a Swift and hits. The Pidgeotto does not break its concentration. It flies higher and higher, enduring Swift after Swift. Soon it is not visible to the human eye. The Eevee gives up with the attacks and watches the sky to see where it has gone. Then like a bomb, it drops down from the sky, beak down, ready to impale the young Eevee. It slows down enough to only KO it, and not fatally injure it.
She recalls the bird, cooing softly, "Wonderful."
Amber had just reached the front door of her Dad’s Johto office when she noticed three dots moving closer towards the earth in the sky.
"What the…?" She asked, her hand on the doorknob.
The dots crashed to the ground in front of her, jumped up and brushed themselves up. Amber saw that the dots were really a man, a woman, and Meowth, the humans dressed up in Team Rocket uniforms.
They looked up and saw where they were. The Meowth pointed to the top of the building, "Rocket Enterprises! Hey, the twerps helped us out for once."
Amber glanced at the Meowth, "Cool. Cute Meowth. And it talks, too. If my Daddy hadn’t promised me one I would buy it from you."
She opened the door and walked in, holding it open for the Team Rocket members and the talking Meowth.
"Are you here to see Giovanni?" She asked swiftly, opening another door to the right and walking in.
"Uh…yeah." They replied in unison.
Amber nodded, "Cool. Right this way."
They walked through hall after hall, room after room, floor after floor before Amber finally stopped at the door she was at the night before. She entered the numbers in, her fingers moving elegantly over the keypad. The door whooshed open and she stepped in, waving for the other members to follow.
They followed her into the dark room. She stepped forward into the only patch of light, her brown hair sparkling in the sun, "Daddy! I’m here!"
A desk and chair suddenly became visible, as did the person sitting in the chair, "And I see you brought company."
Amber frowned, "I figured they were Team Rocket members, seeing their outfits."
The lights came on in the room, and Giovanni took a good luck at the members, "Jesse. James. Meowth. Great. You’re here. I see you’ve met Amber."
The woman, who Amber assumed was Jesse, spoke, "Who’s Amber?"
Giovanni smiled, that forced smile he had shown Amber last night, "Your new mission."
Not good, but better than Betrayal Between Friends. Please no flames this time! Well, at least not too bad ones! Hoping it doesn’t turn into a clichéd Giovanni’s daughter fic. This one is going to be different, I hope. Next up by Flower Powerer: Episode Nine of the Interactive Pokemon Game Show!
Flower Powerer^_^***