Wassap!!!! this is my first ever fanfic and its finally finished, yaay, so please be easy on the negative comments, k?
Disclaimer: I don't own Pok'emon, of course, and only a few of the characters in my story belong to me (Flame for one) but the plot is all mine.
"These are thoughts."."These are spoken words"
Flames Rise
Part 1: Beginnings
A member was running from the Pok'emon transport center to a door with the word "Giovanni" imprinted on it. He barged in and was greeted by a black room with monitors everywhere. A sleeping Persian was curled up at Team Rocket's leader, Giovanni's side
“Giovanni, sir!” The man saluted, “We have attained some new Pok’emon that you might be interested in! An odd colored Ryhorn and a rare miniature Ditto.” His boss seemed to be sleeping, but after a few seconds, his chair turned around slowly. Even Giovanni's Persian woke up, and with a blink of its large eyes it was up and being pampered by its master.
“Grunt, my Persian and I were having a nice little nap until you interrupted it, but I suppose I'll overlook it because you have brought me such wonderful news.” He turned toward a monster with a female grunt and then he said, “Get me Flame, Jenny.”
“Right away, sir.” She said and she turned to a computer behind her and up came a monitor with a young 12 year old red-headed boy. There was a bottle of root beer in front of him. Then he looked up at Giovanni
“Giovanni, sir.” He said, “What do you need?” He knew Giovanni never called him unless he needed him.
“I need you to examine the new shipment of Pok’emon to make sure they’re real. The grunts say that one of them is an odd color and one of them is an odd size. Of course, I can't be entirely sure they’re real until you, my chief in Pok’emon examination, have studied them.”
“Yes sir.” He pulled a robe of the wall, his robe that showed he was a high class member of the Team Rocket, and was to be respected. Then he drained the last of his bottle of root beer, and put the necklace that was attached to a golden poke’ ball, which held his starting Pok’emon, Charizard, on and walked out a door.
He walked down the stairs and came to floor level 42, and then two Rocket grunts caught his eye. They were staring at him. He immediately recognized them as Butch and Cassidy.
“Flame.” Butch said in an icy tone. Butch and Cassidy were going to be promoted to Giovanni's right-hand Rockets, (which were Flame's job) but Giovanni chose him instead, so Butch and Cassidy hated him for it.
“Bush (Flame said Butcher’s name wrong on purpose) and Cassidy.” Flame said to them.
“Butch, The name's Butch!!!” Butch yelled at him.
Cassidy let out a annoyed sigh. "Come on Butch, we've got better things to do than hang around here." She said and turned to a door on their right.
“Those two are such idiots.” Flame thought to himself. “They’re just jealous because I have the job they wanted.” Then he chuckled to himself.
He continued down the stairs and looked out of a large glass window at the ocean. He watched a seagull fly down and catch a fish. Then he sighed. “So this is my life leads me. Funny, I always thought I'd be accepted into the Elite Four, or at least become a gym leader, but I never thought I'd end up like this. It's odd how fate decides your future.” Flame thought to himself. He stared at the ocean for a few more minutes, and then he continued down the stairs again.
He finally reached floor 23, or the Pok’emon shipment center, and saw about 4 grunts around a cage containing a miniature Ditto and a red Ryhorn.
They were all babbling disdainfully and either didn’t see Flame walk into the room, or they just didn’t care. He became angry and he yelled. “Don't you grunts have any respect?” his yelling caught them off-guard apparently, because they jumped when they heard his voice. “Stand up straight and stop chatting! Now, you, big guy, get over here” he glared at a large grunt. “Now tell me where you found this Pok’emon and if you stole them, who you stole them from.”
The grunt told him about finding them in the in a market place and mugging the guy who had them. Then Flame checked them in case they were fake, and a last came to the decision that they were real. He ordered the grunts to take the Pok’emon to Giovanni and left up the stairs to his room. When he got there he laid down on his bed, because it was 10:00 P.M., but he didn't go to sleep.
(Later that night)
Flame couldn't get to sleep. He had been planning to leave Team Rocket for about two months, when he overheard Giovanni talking to one of his guards.
“I was pleased when you brought me the new shipment of Pok’emon from that pathetic Aryan Elementas.” Flame heard Giovanni say. “He’s finally gone, thanks to you and your assassins, now that he is dead there is no one who can stand in my way of dominating the world now.”
What Giovanni didn’t know was that Flame was the son of Aryan Elementas, the reason he didn’t know that was because he was given a new last name because the orphanage woman couldn’t tell Giovanni his last name for she herself had no idea what it was, but Flame knew from the will his father had wrote, leaving everything in his name. So he was called Flame Fireworan. Flame knew about his past though and his father was Team Rocket’s number one enemy.
He finally knew what happened to his parents, they were murdered, and by the very man that their son was working for.
(End of flashback)
He had made a bike for a fast getaway, too. He even decided to leave for his homeland, The Rainbow Element Islands, and find his old childhood friend, May. Though the reason he couldn't get to sleep was because of some odd doubting thoughts that were constantly racing through his mind. "Do I have everything planned out? I have the vehicle, and I even know where I'll go, but I still fell like I shouldn’t go. Should I? Of course I should! I need to leave, and soon...very soon...like tomorrow night. Then it's settled, I'll leave tomorrow night."
(The next morning)
Flame had an unsettling feeling the whole day trying to figure out when that night he should leave. He wanted to go out with a bang, so he thought of stealing something or breaking something. Then it hit him, he should leave a bomb and give Giovanni a hell of a surprise.
So at about 3:00 in the afternoon, he planted time-activated bombs and hide his hover-bike perfectly. That way, at 4:00 in the afternoon, he would leave Team Rocket.
When 4:00 came around, he left for the hidden entrance to Team Rocket's lair, where he hid his bike or the Fire-Splitter as he called it.
“No turning back now.” He thought as he climbed on his bike. He revved it once, and then the time-bombs reached zero and made an explosion that made the entire base shake.
When he finally got out of the TR base, the first thing he did was shout, “FINALLY FREEDOM!!!”, Then he looked back at the Rocket grunts chasing after him and yelled,” TELL GIOVANNI I QUIT!!! SEE YA LATER ROCKETS!!!”, then he threw off his Rocket cloak and revealed a black tank top and his normal black pants.
And so Flame set off into the horizon, along with the 40 Rocket grunts chasing after him. “So it’s finally over.” He though, but he couldn’t be more wrong. His path would enter twin with Team Rocket again very soon.
So how’s that for the first part? I wanted a little more, but I thought you would get bored with it. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at Dylanmccombs@aol.com.