A/N: Ok…I didn't think that this story would be this long…So I have to make a Chapter Six, still this might be a long one…So on to Chapter Five!
Chapter Five: What's the Worst That Can Happen?
Section One: Through the Night
(It's sorta weird that all this happens in one night…)
Charizard: "Where to kid?"
"Take a right, two lefts, another right and go straight about twenty yards you can't miss it."
Charizard: "You got that all Hou-Hou?"
Hou-Hou: "Yeah, but I think I know where we're headed. To a old martial arts master right?"
"Yep, that's our man."
Houndoom: "So, what's this guy gonna teach us?"
"It's really not teaching, but you'll know how to use powers better with the things he gives you."
Hou-Hou: "We're here!" Satoshi and Houndoom jump off of Charizard and Hou-Hou's backs and walked inside.
Charizard: "Where is he? You said he be here."
"I dunno. He said he'd be here tonight." Then a shadow darted by.
Hou-Hou: "What was that?"
Charizard: "I think we should get the hell outta here!"
Tetsu: "Hiya!"
"Whaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Huh? What the hell? Oh it's you Tetsu-chan. I thought you were some deranged ninja."
Tetsu "Yeah, yeah…same excuse as always. So what is it that you needed from me, that kept me awake that I missed my evening with Boo-Boo?"
" Uh, huh…Um yeah, those items you promised me you would restore. You didn't forget, did you?"
Tetsu: "Don't worry, don't worry I restored them. However, it isn't easy you know. I have to find out what the thing looks like, get the exact restoring ointments, brushes, and all that other stuff. Of course you have to pay me for this."
"Oh I think this should cover all the times that I pulled you out of trouble, with your numerous bookies, women, and unmentionables?"
Tetsu: "Heh, heh…I almost forgot bout' those…Lets just say this is a gift between men, kay'?"
"Riigghhtt…Well we'd better get going before the sun comes up."
Tetsu: "You better, Team Rocketto comes from their drinking bouts this early in the morning. Man you should see um'."
"Really!? How bad is it?"
Tetsu: "Let's just say it's worse than an orgy."
"That bad huh? Well see ya' later."
Tetsu: "Sayonara Sato-chan."
When they get back to the hotel it's nearly dawn. But fortunately everyone decided to wake up at their own times but, you have to be ready to go to Chouji (Mahogany) Town at 10:00pm. However, today won't go quite as planned…
(Remember this is a dream)
Satoshi was running from some thing unmentionable, definable, with a sword (As hard as that is to believe…) not words in the human or Pokemon vocabulary could describe it. After fighting it for a while he couldn't take no more. He hadn't even seen his attacker either.
"AHHHHHH!!!!! Get away from me! Why do you want to kill me?!" " The blade swiped right and left trying to slice him to ribbons. Then he tripped and turned to fall on his back in midair. He could only see the reflection of the blade directly over him.
Hi-Shashu: "Hey! Get away from him you psycho!!" She yelled as she kicked him out the way. "You alright kid?"
"Yeah, but…watch out!!!" But it was already too late, blood splattered everywhere. Fortunately, the sword only got her in the stomach.
"Damn you!" He screamed emitting a dark red light. "You'll pay for that…" He released a round of flames which left the attacker charred to a blackened crisp. He walked over to see who it was that was. "Hiroshi…you hiretsukin…"He said then spit on the corpse of his 'former' friend. Then ran to Hi-Sha's side. "Are you okay?"
Hi-Shashu: "Yeah, remember I'm a Pokemon straight through I can take it. But, you're not…Oh god what's happening to you…?" He realizes that he is sinking into the floor…
(The dream is over.)
Section two: Aces, Straights, and Flushes
"Yawn!! Man, what time is it?" He grabbed the clock, which said 10:00 am. Seeing that Hi-Shashu was still sleeping, it wasn't pretty to see her grouchy. He went out of the bedroom to see if any of his Pokemon were awake.
Charizard: "Hit me."
Houndoom: "Yeah me too."
Hou-Hou: "I'm staying"
Typhlosion: "Alright. Ready? Show them."
Charizard: "I'm out."
Hou-Hou: "I've got twenty. Typhlosion what do you have?"
Typhlosion: "I've got twenty also."
Houndoom: "Another blackjack for me. Come on losers, hand over your money." They all cursed under their breath while giving her their remains of money they had.
Charizard: "The way you're winning is because you're cheating!"
Houndoom: "Pleassse…You guys just suck, and I've got skills." In attempt to break up another fight between the two, Satoshi decided to get in the game.
"Mind if I join?"
Houndoom: "Got any money?"
"How do you think I can afford feeding you three meals a day?"
Houndoom: "Alright, point taken…So do you want to play poker or another game of blackjack?"
"Poker would be fine." After playing a couple rounds, it came down to the final hand…
Houndoom: "Okay everyone, final hand…" She dealt out five cards to everyone.
Charizard: "I'll bet everything I've got." Everyone just stared at him in a way reserved for lunatics.
Typhlosion: "That's what the final hand is dummy! If you're not and high baller, you shouldn't playin' wit the big dawgs."
"Take two of mine, for two in the deck."
Houndoom: "Ready? Show."
Charizard: "I've got a straight."
Typhlosion: "I have a full house."
Hou-Hou: "Four of a kind."
Houndoom: "Ha! I've got a straight flush! I beat you all!"
Hou-Hou: "Wait a minute! We don't know what Satoshi has."
Houndoom: "The only way he could beat me if he has a…" He showed his cards to her. "Royal flush…?" Houndoom's jaws hung open, as if the hinges were loose. "B…but that's impossible!! I've never lost!"
"Well that was fun. Let me get your items. You can keep your money guys." He came back with blackglasses, a handkerchief, four katanas, four rather large pieces of charcoal, two sharp beaks, and (The thing that powers up rock attacks)
Houndoom: "Whoa! Where did you get this stuff? I heard this stuff vanished from sight six years ago.
"Well, it did because I took it, before Team Rocket could get their filthy paws on them."
Houndoom: "So you stole them?"
"You could say that, in another 'lifetime'. So how do you like?"
Charizard: "With this stuff, I feel like I could take down any pokemon!"
"That's the general idea. However…"
Houndoom: "What's the catch?"
"You have to jump start them." All of them sweatdropped and fell over anime style (Of course.)
Charizard: "What does that mean?"
Houndoom: "It means 'smart one', that we have to use our best attacks to power them up. Right?"
"Yeah, but there's one problem. You might have trouble powering them up."
Houndoom: "No sweat! Let's do it guys! Faint Attack and Flamethrower!
Charizard: "Fire Blast! Sky Attack!
Hou-Hou: "Sacred Fire, Ancient Power, and Sky Attack!
Typhlosion: "Flame Wheel, and Fire Blast!" That made the items glow instead of destroying them, absorbing the energy from the attacks, then returned to normal, but the items looked brand new now.
Houndoom: "Been there, done that. So what's next?"
"That went much…quicker than I thought." Rubbing his hand behind his head. "I guess lunch is next. Let's go."
Section Three: Can't We All Just Get Along?
Right Outside Chouji Town…
The two Rocket-dan members were running from the building, to escape Sakaki's wrath, on them.
Musashi: "Pant…pant…there is something seriously wrong with Sakaki."
Kojirou: "I know! Do you think Hiroshi (Richie), Shigeru (Gary), Yamato (Cassidy), and Kosaburou (Butch) have something to do with this?"
Musashi: "Probably…but what are we going to do about it?"
Meowth: "I have one idea, but you twos ain't gonna like it."
"And…why do you need my help for?" Annoyed that they interrupted their brunch, which they were enjoying.
Houndoom: "Ain't you three those show outs from Team Rocketto?"
Musashi: "Actually it's Team Rocket-dan, but that's not important! We need to shut down Team Rocket-dan once and for all!"
Charizard: "Huddle up!"
"So what do you think?"
Houndoom: "I say we blast them all away right now to save ourselves the trouble."
Hou-Hou: "Can't you think of something a bit less violent? Sheeeeh!"
Houndoom: "Sorry! I'm just thinking logically!"
Charizard: "The way I see it is that it'll be easier to getting into the place if they get us inside without a confrontation. Then when their guard is down, we ambush them and slaughter them all!"
Houndoom: "Wow, Charizard actually has half a brain!"
Charizard: "I though so…Hey! Wait a minute…!"
Houndoom: "And, if they turn on us, we'll flame their lying a@#%&! I like the way you think Chari ol' boy. So is all clear wit' you Sato?"
"Yeah, I'll tell the others later. Okay you two we'll help you out."
Musashi: "Um' you're not going like that? Are you?"
Kojirou: "Well, there's a formal dinner and dance held this evening for all trainers who planning to join Team Rocket-dan. And, we were planning to take you all."
Houndoom: "Man, this plan of your's keeps getting better and better! Maybe you're a genius, and I didn't see it. At this rate, it'll be too easy to pull this off!"
Musashi: "Say…where's that Pikachu that you had?"
"Oh boy…"
Hi-Shashu: "So you think you can just run off without telling me where you're going?!" Getting up in his face, as if she were his wife scolding him for playing poker at one of his 'boys' house, without asking for permission.
"Musashi, Kojirou, and Meowth this is Hi-Shashu, but also known as Pikachu." It took a few seconds for it to register in their brains for them to faint.
Hi-Shashu: "Problem?"
"Nope…Just plain normal…plain normal…" After a pain staking hour of trying to wake the trio up, they finally came to, and Satoshi had to explain the whole story.
Meowth: "Well it's not impossible."
"On to more important things. I can't believe I'm saying this…Let's go storehopping!"
Houndoom: "See, it wasn't that bad was it?"
Meowth: "Speak for yerself, I said it the wrong way to Musashi, and look what happened."
Houndoom: "That is not pretty."
Section Four: A Dark Secret of Pikachu
"After spending hours on end at the mall, the with women, and females, it isn't pretty…trust me, it was finally seven o'clock at last. That's the way, me, Houndoom because she acts like a tomboy, Charizard, Kojirou, Weezing and Meowth felt. A simple Armoni suit would have done them good. Women have to take it further…I can't work like this!!!! Ugh!!!" He walks out the room and slams the door, passing Charizard and Houndoom, who were sitting on the couch.
Houndoom: "What's up wit' him?"
Charizard: "Don't even try to touch on the human psyche."
"I heard that Charizard!"
Musashi: "So um Pi….er…um Hi-Sha, you're taking Satoshi to the dinner?" Trying to strike up a conversation. Hi-Shashu wasn't a big talker. Her motto fit her nicely, "Either Put up or Shut up or I'll make you quiet."
Hi-Shashu: "I guess you could say that…But, then again…it could go either way." She said with no emotion in her voice at all. Then, Musashi asked the question that could make people lose their sanity.
Musashi: "You like him don't you?" Her eyes widened, she let in a slight gasp as if she choked up on something in her throat. Then, she turned away from Musashi's gaze.
Hi-Shashu: "It…it…it's not like that…Who do you think you are asking me questions like this?! Now getting up facing her. Hi-Shashu was never good with emotions. No Pokemon ever was.
Musashi: "Why are you reacting like this?! You can't run from your feelings forever!"
Hi-Shashu: "It would never work…I'm a Pokemon! Can't you see that!"
Musashi: That's not exactly true…"
Hi-Shashu: "W…what…did…you say…?"
Musashi: "A couple years ago when Kojirou and I stopped chasing you and your friends, I wanted to know exactly why Sakaki wanted you so much. So, I did so research on my own. Nineteen years ago, when Rocket-dan was in it's infancy, Sakaki, and Rocket-dan scientists Fuji, and Shiranui were leaders of project P. They wanted to make humans half Pokemon too. So, they started with a egg from a Pikachu and a sperm from a human. It went wrong, so they thought. They thought they got another Pokemon no differrent. But, they should have read the DNA/RNA results better… It turned out that the Pichu was 99% human and 1% pokemon. Just enough percentage for it to look, act, speak, evolve, like a Pokemon, until it became a Pikachu. Then it started showing signs of potential strength, and intelligence beyond what a Dragonite or even a Mewtwo could compare to. They thought, "If this keeps up, it might escape and tell about us!" IT was a difficult decision but it had to be made, for the sake of the company. Fortunately, it learned of the plan, and escaped.
Hi-Shashu: "Then what happened?"
Musashi: "Well some years passed, and me and Kojirou joined up with Team Rocket-dan, and did some big heists for a couple years, then he wanted us to find a unique Pokemon we could get our hands on. Well, that's when we met you and the twer…I mean Satoshi, and told the boss about you two, and he said he wanted Satoshi and especially the Pikachu. So that's the whole story…It all goes off from there."
Hi-Shashu: "H…how do I know you're telling the truth…?" Now tears coming down her tears coming down her tear stained red cheaks.
Musashi: "If you don't believe me fine. But, after you read this you'll…see for yourself…" She gave her a folder with tons of paper in it, then left the room leaving Hi-Sha with her thoughts. This time, when Musashi went out the room, she passed Satoshi, Charizard, Typhlosion, Hou-Hou, Lugia, and Noctowl, and Houndoom who were sitting on the couch. Well, Hou-Hou, Noctowl and Lugia sat on the floor.
Hou-Hou: "Who going to see what that was about?"
Houndoom: "You should Satoshi, I mean she's your girlfriend…oops…"
"She's not my girlfriend! But, she's my friend, so I'll go check on her." When he closed the door, Houndoom always had something to say. She nudged Charizard in the side.
Houndoom: "Yeah…sure."
"Hi-Sha, are you in here?"
Hi-Shashu: "Yeah…"
"What's wrong with you…?"
Hi-Shashu: "Nothing…"
"That's not the truth, I know that for a fact…Why won't you tell me what's wrong with you…?"
Hi-Shashu: "B…because you…wouldn't understand…"
"Try me…" She related all the things that Musashi told her. "So that's it…you don't need to fret about those things baby girl."
Hi-Shashu: "I thought you'd love me less, or think I'm some mutant, or something like that."
"Come on…You don't think I'm that shallow. I love you just the way you are."
Hi-Shashu: "Y…you love me?"
"Yeah…But enough of this lovey, dovey stuff. We have a battle to think about."
Hi-Shashu: "That's right! Oops, I'm starting to sound like Meowth." They both laughed at that until they rolled off the bed and fell on top of each other, and she hugged him. Then they finally came out the room.
Houndoom: "So…did you two have any kids yet?"
Hi-Shashu: "Houndoom…"She growled under her breath. She released a Thunderbolt on Houndoom, but it was too powerful and it shocked everyone in the room. "Oops I didn't mean to shock everyone…"
"All that matters is…that you're working at it." Then Satoshi fainted.
"Sheesh why do we have to dress up for this?"
Houndoom: "It's all bout' tradition, kid."
"Why do you keep on calling me 'kid'?"
Houndoom: "For one thing, I'm five years your senior, and I've had more life experience than you."
"Yeah I keep forgeting. But, are you really going to look like that?"
Houndoom: "What's so wrong tryin' to go for the gangster look? That's what I am. You ain't got a problem wit' that do you?"
"Whatever…" He rolled his eyes, and bit his lip a bit, in frustration. "Wish you'd act more femin…oops…" A lot of blood went out of his face when he realized what he said.
Houndoom: "Feminine huh? I'll give you feminine!" Outside the door the shattering of vases, screaming, roars of a seriously pissed off Houndoom, and fighting could be heard. By Charizard, Hi-Shashu, Typhlosion, Hou-Hou, Lugia, Noctowl, Musashi, Kojirou, and Meowth, who were outside the door.
Charizard: "What's going on in there?"
Hou-Hou: "He said the 'F' word to Houndoom."
Charizard: "Nahhhh, Satoshi would never do that. He's completely different from Shigeru."
Hi-Shashu: "She means the other 'F' word! Dummy…"
Charizard: "I wanna go see!"
Typhlosion: "Wait a minute…!" Charizard was already inside before she finish. "Too late…Sigh…maybe…nah won't happen."
Houndoom: "More victims?"
"Uh, Charizard, the girl's on a rampage, did you come inside to help me?" His eyes grew larger than teacups because, of his Pokemon's loyalty.
Charizard: "No, cause' I wanted to see the fight." Satoshi fell over, and sweatdropped.
"My hero…" (sarcastically) After an hour of fighting, they got tired of it. When the others outside mustered enough courage to open the door, they found that the two were playing Blackjack, and instruments that were used to make the fight sound real.
Hi-Shashu: "So this was a hoax?!"
"Yeah! Pretty funny huh?"
Hi-Shashu : "Well, it ain't gonna be so funny, when I punch your teeth out!" And, the afternoon continued that way. They fought over every petty thing each other said or did. Up until the late evening…
Hi-Shashu: "So how do I look?" (I'll provide pictures later. But if you want them soooo bad, just e-mail me! Now back to the story!) For every male in the room except Satoshi, there was a river of drool on the floor.
Houndoom: "Oh yuck! They got my paws wet! Satoshi, do all men act this way?"
"Ummm…well I'm not sure about that. But my friend Takeshi sure does…Heck, I don't know how he survives!" Then he paused for a second. "Let me repeat for all you guys to hear, this mission, if we fail, if we are unsuccessful, we have no future…So if you want to pull out now it would be a good time."
Musashi: "Look twerp, we're not going to pull out now."
Hi-Shashu: "We all got a score to settle with Sakaki."
Charizard: "He's had a a** kickin' waitin' for him a long time!"
Typhlosion: "Amen to that brotha'!"
Team Rocket-dan Headquarters, Chouji Town
Hi-Shashu: "Hey look at this guys, there's a note. It says, "Sorry for the sudden change, but the party, is rescheduled for tomorrow at my mansion in Tokiwa (Viridian) City behind the Tokiwa City Gym." Everyone fell over.
Hi-Shashu: "Does that mean we have to go back to Kanto?"
Meowth: "Seems dat' way."
"Hmmm…smart move, this guy's smarter than I took him for…" So they had another day to go, but most of it was spent going to Kanto. The trip took them through Enju (Ecruteak), Kogane (Goldenrod) Kikyou (Violet) Yoshino (Cherrygrove) Wakaba (New Bark) Mt. Shirogane (Silver Cave) which going east leads to Sekiei Highlands (Indigo Plateau), where the group stopped to rest for a while. Satoshi separated from the group to explore a bit.
Wataru (Lance): "Well, look who it is. No time, no see. Haven't seen you ever since the Lake of Rage, and when you beat me during the Pokemon League. I still can't believe you beat the whole Shitennou (Elite Four. I hope you've updated to Gold, Silver, or Crystal)."
"Still keeping the riff raff out for me?"
Itsuki (Will): "We still haven't had any good battles since you challenged us."
Karen (Karin): "Since you are the most powerful trainer in the world, what does a guy like you do these days?"
"Well, today we're going to Tokiwa City."
Wataru: "Why would you want to go there? You've already beaten Sakaki."
"Hmph…Sakaki has to be stopped if we expect to survive…"
Karin: "If you need our help just ask. When are you going to strike?"
"When the moon is new…and the last new moon is tonight before it starts waxing again. Trust me you'll hear about it. But, if you would do me this, contact all the gym leaders from Kanto, and Johto except from Niki (Pewter) and Hanada (Cerulean) City. They've been captured by Sakaki. And, you might want contact the Ofisa-Jusar (Officer Jenny) and all the Joh-is (Joh-i = Nurse Joy) from Kanto and Johto, and have them meet here. We're going to need all the help we can get. Can you guys do all that?"
Shiba (Bruno): "We can do it. If we can't no one can!"
"Well, I've gotta' run, see ya' later!" So our heroes continued on Route 2 until it lead to Tokiwa City. As they entered a wicked smile curved its way on to Satoshi's face.
"Now it begins…"
Finally I'm done, with Chapter Five…Here comes Chapter Six the concluding chapter… Questions? Comments? Send them to bigmasterrai@hotmail.com See ya' later!