Two Different Worlds
Part 9
By R.C. Angel
I hope all of you realized my name change. So I hope you don’t have that hard of a time trying to find my fanfictions. Well, my life is boring, as I study for finals in the mean time. I hope all of you high schoolers that have them study sometime in the nearby future. Not that I’m trying to bug you. I just don’t want anyone getting F’s, because that is (shudder) sooo horrible. Well email me at with a review. Thankies!
Dear Journal,
Well, as you probably know, we are now in Violet City! Yay! Now, before you butt into my inside thoughts, Ash has been acting just a little strange lately. I’m not the only one noticing, thankfully. You see Ash has been flirting with Jen for the last few days! Brock is going out of his mind with jealously now. I’ve been ignoring it, and not saying anything to you because I thought this would eventually pass. I guess not. So I’m miserable. My inside thoughts are just filled with misery, so don’t bother looking around! Ok, I’m in a bad mood. Ignore it… it’ll pass. Hopefully.
I close my journal and sigh. Brock is sitting next to me, also acting miserable.
" Hey Ren! Why are you so depressed? What is with you and Brock?" Jen says, bouncing up to me.
" Oh nothing." I say.
" It’s something." Jen says, with a funny glance. Ash walks up behind me.
" Hi guys. I got the hotel rooms. I thought maybe us three could share a room, and Brock and Mist could share a room." Ash says. I look up at him and give him a mean glare. He notices this.
" What?" Ash asks.
" Oh nothing, she’s depressed." Jen tells him.
" I do have a voice you know." I tell Jen.
" I’ve got a better idea." Brock says. " Why don’t Rennie and I share a room, and you, Jen, and Misty share the other." I blink in confusion.
" Uh, I guess. You’re ok with that, right Rennie?" Ash asks.
" Yeah. Sure!" I say. " Come on Brock." We gather our stuff and get our keys. We head up to room 243.
" Rennie, what is up with Jen?" Brock asks as I open the door.
" I wanna know the same thing with Ash." I say. " I think they like each other."
" Yeah, I think that too." Brock says.
" I don’t know why Ash would all of a sudden turn me down like that." I tell him. We set our stuff on the single king sized bed.
" Me neither. You are really nice… and all." Brock says, I look him in the eye.
" Not to be mean or anything, but I could picture Jen dumping you." I say.
" It’s ok. She is somewhat like that." Brock says.
" You know, I was so happy to finally get to Violet City, I must not really act like it though." I say.
" It’s ok. Hey, I got an idea. Why don’t we get away from the other three right now, and go do something on our own. Go to a movie, dance club, or eat. Something like that." Brock says. I smile.
" You know, I’d really like that." I say. We change into different clothes, and walk out. We quietly walk past the other room our friends were staying in. We get outside.
" So, why don’t we just take our own tour of the city?" Brock asks.
" Sure, sounds fun." I say. We walk around for a long time. We found a few dance clubs, a movie theater, and some nice restaurants.
" Why don’t we get something to eat first?" Brock suggests.
" Ok, I’m starving!" I say.
" You sound like Ash." Brock says. We laugh. We walk in the restaurant and order some food. We talk while we wait.
" You know, I really haven’t gotten to know you much since I’ve met you." I say.
" Yeah, same here." Brock says. " So what do you like to do?"
" I like to read, and I really like battling. I used to draw a lot. I really don’t have the time to anymore." I say.
" You draw?" Brock asks." What do you draw?"
" Anime, or what we are now." I say.
" Huh?"
" I don’t expect you to know what I meant." I say with a smile.
" Cute." Brock says.
" What do you mean?" I ask.
" That smile is really cute." Brock says. I blush.
" Uh, thanks." I say. We get our food and we eat without talking pretty much. After we eat, we stand up.
" So, where to next?" I ask.
" Why don’t we go to a movie?" Brock asks.
" Ok." I say. Then all of a sudden, Brock takes my hand. I look at him as we walk out of the restaurant. I lace my fingers around his, and he looks at me back. I give him that cute smile he liked.
" Havin’ fun?" Brock asks.
" Yeah, I’m having a lot of fun." I say. As we were walking to the movie theater, the sun was starting to set.
" It’s really pretty outside." Brock says, while gripping my hand a bit tighter.
" Yeah, I guess so." I say.
" You know, screw the movie. Let’s go to the lake." Brock says with a smile.
" Ok." So we head for the lake, which was supposed to be near the gym. We get there in about 10 minutes. We sit down in the sand bank next to the water.
" So, this is nice…" Brock says. I nod. Things stay kinda quiet for a while. We continue to watch the sun set.
" So Ren, I think I should tell you something." Brock says, snapping me out of my daydream.
" What?" I ask.
" I broke up with Jen." He says. My eyes pop open.
" Why?" I ask. He grips my other hand, and looks at me, staring into my eyes carefully.
" Because I love you." He tells me. I just about faint. TOO much shock for a night.
" You love… me?" I ask.
" Yeah. I never did love Jen very much." Brock tells me.
" So, now what?" I ask. Brock grins.
" I know…" He says and kisses me. We break the kiss. Then we hear voices. Familiar voices.
" Is that… Ash and Jen?" I ask.
" Sound’s like it." Brock says. We hide behind a large rock, and peek above it. We were right. Ash and Jen, on the beach, HOLDING HANDS!
" How dare he!" I whisper. We watch them, nearing closer. Then, they start to kiss. I get up.
" Rennie! Get down!" Brock whispers.
" No!" I yell. I walk over to Ash and Jen. I start to yell, " ASH HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME!!!" They break their kiss in shock and look up at me.
" I can explain." They both say in unison.
" So can I! Ash, our relationship is over!" I yell. I march back to Brock in anger.
" Brock! Let’s go!" I say. Ash runs up and touches my shoulder. I whack him in the face. " Ash! Leave me alone!" I yell. Brock looks at me, with tears streaming down my face. I start to run off. Brock follows me.
" Ren, are you ok?" Brock asks, as we slow down as we walk into the hotel.
" No… not really." I say. Brock takes my hand. We walk up to our hotel room. We get there and go inside. I sit down on the bed and start to cry. Brock comes up and hugs me.
" It’ll be ok." Brock tells me, while rubbing my shoulder. I look at him.
" Hey, wait a sec! How come all of a sudden you like me?" I ask.
" Well jeez, you sure change emotions fast…" Brock says.
" Get to the point." I say.
" I don’t know, you’re sweet. Is that enough? I’m bad with communication." Brock says, rubbing his head.
" It’s ok." I say.
" Thanks." Brock says.
" Uh, no problem." I say. There is a moment of silence.
" So Rennie, wanna be my girlfriend?" Brock asks.
" Sure. I’d really like that." I say. Brock smiles.
" I promise I won’t let you down like Ash did, k?" He tells me.
" Thanks." I say. I kiss him, then we go to bed.
K, part 9 is done. Yay! I’m sooo enthusiastic. Well, review me!