This Game’s Winner Is...
A TwoFic by FerreTrip


This also has NADA to do with my other project, Moonlite Wander. It’s all new. (Doncha just looooove ADHD?!)
    I was flying...I saw a very large city beneath me...I looked up and saw the moon, glistining like a crystal Christmas ornament...Then, suddenly, I blinked and I opened my two-ton eyelids to amber all around me. I felt weak, and confused. Was that a dream? It must have...It felt so damn real, tho...I also wondered where I was, and how I got there. Then I remembered what happened at the tournament. I got very mad, realizing...
    "I've been tricked," I whispered, and suddenly, the glass surrounding me shattered, all on its own. I saw this as conveinent, as I wanted out as soon as I realized what happened. The liquid rushed out and set me down. I felt different tubes and such come away from my body as I fell. I looked up as a lot of scientists rushed over.
    "It's broken free!"
    "But it's only half complete!!"
    I heard them from a mile away, it sounded. Then I realized: I WAS HEARING FROM THE TOP OF MY HEAD. I reached up and felt my head and froze when I felt a furry ear that also felt my hand. I stood and looked down at myself, and my insides were shoved into the freezer. I had a chest that looked like armor, my calves looked a lot larger than usual, my lower body was replaced with a black color of fur(and was larger than usual)...AND I HAD A TAIL, I saw as the scientists got to me. I saw my tail had a large red stripe in the inside, and it was thick with a bulb-like tip. I turned to the scientists.
    "What the mother trucking hell did you DO to me?" I asked, before they did anything. Instead of replying, they immediatly got out clipboards and scribbled down notes, mumbling something about "it can speak, even though he's incomplete." I let them finish, then I raised my hand from where it smacked my forehead. One of them spoke.
    "We took your body and injected it with dna we found and analyzed as a powerful pokèmon. We found it could only become a being again once human dna, young dna, was fused in the empty spaces. Now, we realize you're mad, but..." he looked around, "...Team Rocket isn't here at the moment, so we will allow you to see if you can use any abilities." He led me down, and I was scepticle at first, then decided to trust them slightly. I walked on the floor, and then realized I wasn't walking on my feet, but the balls of them. I decided it must be because I still felt weak...and cold..."Uh, excuse me?" The scientists looked up from their notes. "Can I get something to wear? It's a bit drafty..."
    When I finally got a lab coat and pair of sweats,  I agreed to test out my new body for the time being. I started out with the basics: melee fighting, in which I got used to the fact I had a tail. I caught on quick that I was a lot stronger now, though I didn't look it. Next I tried to do energy ball attacks. It was hard at first, as I didn't know how.
    "I don't know how to do this," I sighed as I was suggested on the idea.
    "Concentrate on all of your energy flowing into an energy ball," Prof. Rose, who was the nicest woman I've ever met outside my family and friends. I nodded.
    Five minutes later, I had to drop my third energy ball, which was worse off then the first ones. "Are you sure?" She nodded. I tried again, and failed.
    Dammit, why can't I get this stupid thing to work? I thought angrily. The energy, which was black with bolts of red, suddenly came to a new strength, not yet full however. I was surprised, and it faded as I stopped focusing. I thought for a second, then turned to Prof. Rose. "Rose? I think I know what to do."
    "What if I focus my energy and anger into my attack?"
    "Hmmm..."*scribble scribble*"...Let's try that. I hope you're right..." I nodded and tried to think of what got me mad. Okay...uh...of course! Gah, I HATE being stuck here, not being able to see my family... -The energy grew brighter- ...DAMN YOU, GIOVONNI!!  The energy grew so bright and large, it definatly earned the right to be declared "full strength." I smiled and tried keeping it up. After a bit, I tried to stop thinking of bad thoughts...AND IT HELD. Once it's full strength, it holds by itself! I turned to Rose. "I did it! It holds!" She made a shout of joy and scribbled furiously on her clipboard. After she was done, she told me to try throwing it. I did. I aimed for the large target, and the ball flew strait at it. It was gonna miss, but I thought RED TARGET!! and it suddenly homed in. I tried more energy balls, with each one beoming easier to make. Soon, I only needed to focus my energy to make them. After the day was done, I was proficent in energy and melee attacks, even some tail attacks.
    I went to the head scientist, Prof. Naka. I asked him what I should do. He said that I will have a trial on living "half-complete." "I will speak with Giovanni about how powerful you are. I will also try to convince him to allow you to demonstrate your power." I wasn't exactly thrilled, but I decided to go to the room they provided. As I set myself down to sleep, I realized I hadn't need the bathroom all day! I had eaten and drank at lunch and supper, but needed no bathroom. SWEET, I DON'T NEED THE BATHROOM ANYMORE!! I geuss my insides were now made to eleminate waste some other way. I was as sweaty as hell, however. I slept and dreamed of what happened today. I also wondered what I should do tommorow...


    After a few days, I found Rose, who had become my best friend in the otherwise see-and-scribble labratory. She said hi.
    "So, what do you want, Hiro?"
    "I want to talk to you in private."
    "Oh..." she led me to her private quarters. "What?"
    "I...Well...I want to know what is going on with my life. What is gonna happen to me?"
    She paused and thought. "Well, it seems that...Well...*sigh*Don't shoot the messenger, but Giovonni wants you either dead, put back into stasis for further development, or brain-washed and brought to him." Her big green eyes looked away as I stumbled back at the news.
    "Okay," I said, getting back a bit, "three words: DUBBAYU TEEE EFF?!" She chuckled.
    "Always trying to make light...Well, I think he knows that you might escape, with this knowledge, and that you might go against him. So he said that you should be fully developed, which includes your memory becoming wiped, or just brain-washed and brought to him for further consideration. You have impressive power, and because you are both human and pokèmon, you have smarts and power. This way he may be able to rule the world." She said "smarts" like it was untrue. It was, because people think pokèmon don't understand humans, but think about this: if pokèmon couldn't understand humans, then why do they understand the attack commands and words trainers use to speak to them? She knew all pokèmon were very smart indeed, except for most Slopoke. I wasn't a Slopoke, bro or king, I was different. I got good grades!!
    "Well...Uh, well I geuss any way we look at it, I'm screwed in veeeeerrry tightly," I said. "Unless..."
    "What? ...Wait..."
    "I can..."
    "...Escape? That's madness! You'll have to go through all of the defenses, and you can barley fly!"
    "True, but I plan on a more ninja-style approach...I know you want out too, right?" She nodded, with a little hate showing. She wanted to be with her family again. "Good," I continued, "then that means I have to take you with. Well, gather your essentials, and here's what we'll do." I started on a plan, and together we created the perfect escape. It was long and tedious, but the safest. The next night seemed years away...


    Night finally settled in. I was in my bed, waiting for everyone to sleep. As soon as I was sure, I went out quietly into the hall. I snuck over to our meeting place, and she was there. She had a small pack, filled with her stuff, and I had on my special-made combat suit, which I wore all the time. It was light, dark and quiet. She had on her outfit she kept secret: A leotard. She was a gymnast in her spare time. It was quiet, and she looked good too. She had her wild pink hair all bunched up in a bun, to minimize movement notification.
    "Ready?" I whispered.
    "Ready," she whispered back.
    "Alright. Now, we need to retreive my belt and balls from the armory room. We need to go...NOW!!" and we started to creep along the walls as quiet as we could. We encountered security cameras, but we went underneath them. I also had to disable one or two. After we got down two halls, we came to the Armory. Two gaurds were patroling the area, and had long, skinny flashlights. The paced their posts, and their flashlights gave out only a focused beam and a little extra radius. We crept along the walls, and we had to stop our breathing when they came close. When one came around to the corner, he simply panned his light at head level and went again.we ducked to evade the light, and crept on. When we had to finally go near him, we sidled and actually crouched as best we could. Rose's pack was a fanny pack, at her side, for eaiser sidling. I had it hard with my tail, and I had to have it in an uncomfortable position. As the gaurd, flashlight down, approched, we stopped moving and breathing untill he passed us. The halls were somewhat narrow, and luckily he didn't see our feet. They were very small lights, see. When he was out of earshot, and his partner too, we silently ran to the door. I senced them come back, and then we'd be caught.
    I had to think fast. I hadn't seen anything to manipulate, as was my original plan, so I quickly reached for an open pocket in the pack and found a pair of dice. Rose liked to gamble with the other scientists at times, so she had some dice. Perfect, I thought, and tossed each one across to the corners and they went past, banked the wall, and went down noisily the halls. The gaurds ran to investigate, and that gave us enougth time to enter the armory. We opened the door as silently as possible, and went in. The gaurds came back with the dice, wondering what happened.
    We were in. I quietly walked over to my belt, three pokèballs still attached, and was about to touch it when I remembered: around each item were lasers, and I stopped to utilize my own mind to trick my eyes to seeing infrared. I saw it in a very puzzleing manner, and carefully used telekinesis to take the belt. As soon as it was out, I strapped it on. I then switched back into my "night vision," which was like that of a cat's. It was obvious whatever dna I had it was catlike. I walked over to Rose, who had removed the grating off the ventilation. It was very wide, and in fact we had to crawl through. I TK'ed the grating back on. We wandered as quiet as we could through the vents, making some wrong turns here and there, untill we finally went to one looking over the corner to a more gaurded area: THE EXIT.
    "Think you should turn back?" I whispered.
    "No. I wanna see my family...And I know you want to see yours as well," she whispered back. We waited untill the gaurd went away the second time from the corner we were on, so we knew how long untill he came back. We used the time to decide weather or not I should snap off the grating, go through with Rose, and snap it on again before he came back, which was risky; or I just use my powers to knock him out. We decided to knock him out. As soon as he turned again, I immediatly created a pure TK stick behind him and quickly used it like a lever. He held his groin and no scream came because I also taxed myself into grabing his vocal chords. He soon fainted and we came out.
    After we got out, he started coming to. I quickly whacked him on the head to knock him unconcious for a while. We crept along again, and had to contend with the gaurds. Luckily, there was a railing nearby to hang off of so we had our work okay. I used my remote veiwing technique to see like a periscope. When the coast was clear, we hoisted up from our hiding place of the railing and got onto the floor. When we hit the floor we immediatly headed for the cover of the walls. They came, and then I realized they were more trained to do this kind of thing.They would not only look normally, but check the walls, too. I thought we were screwed, and started to sweat. Then, as the gaurd came close, he started to look on the wall...Closer...Man, I was gonna die...Closer...I'm and idi- But then, a shout rang out.
    "OI!! JACK'S DOWN!!" They all pointed strait ahead, including the gaurd close to us, and ran to Jack's unconcious body...WHICH WAS THE OPPISITE WAY! We lucked out!
    "Hiro, you're a genious," whispered Rose, as I realized that if I hadn't knocked out Jack, we'd've been TOASTIDOED. I blushed in the darkness, and we quickly crept to the door. We opened the lock, went through, and felt on our faces full of sweat...
    FRESH AIR!! We were out! I looked back at the building, and my happy heart turned to ice. I saw a security camera coming twoards us...LOTS of cameras. Some already saw us. Others were coming to see. I turned to Rose, who had the same paniked expression as I, and we said in unison, "CRAP!!" and scampered top speed outta there!! We ran but stopped as we encountered a ledge. We skidded, and saw what explained the crunching sound fly off. We were in the mountains. And an alarm sounded off behind us. We were done for. Snow and a very dangerous mountain ahead, and the pre-dawn light settling in to make us easy to spot. We were in there on our mission for about five hours. It was almost dawn.
    "Shit, what'll we do?!" I asked Rose. We really hadn't planned into this as well as we could have.
    "We can give in, try flying, or...find a way down quickly..."
    I thought for a bit, analyzing the situation. I saw that I should only fly last-resort, as I only mastered basics. I can't fly well with a load. I looked and saw a tree stump, hollow, thick-barked and...breakable, maybe?
    "Prof. Rose? I think the only way is down. Can you do anything like ski?" I asked, and she nodded.
    "Yes, I actually went snowboarding with the kids a lot. I know how to snowboard very well, indeed."
    I pumped my arm back in the classic "YES!" gesture. "Good, because that log over there looks like it could give you a temporary board. Try breaking some off!" I pointed, and she ran over. She easilly broke some off. Meanwhile, I heard a small ruccus inside the building. I told her to hurry up with the bindings she was making from scarves she got from her pack. When she had them tight and the "board" on her feet, the door bust open and troops came out with net guns. "Freeze," a guy with a bullhorn said. I turned back and said, "Don't worry, if we don't MOVE IT--" we jumped down the ledge, ready to ride "--WE WILL!!" I shouted after. We heard nets shooting, but they either missed, overshot our undershot. It was quite a drop, but it was a fairly deep snowdrift down there.
    "What are you gonna ride?" Rose shouted.
    "What else? My own tail!!" She was surprised, and I put my feet, flat out for the sake of this, on my tail. Its thick body would serve a great board, and we hit the diagonal drift. We were safe, but we had to go FAST. I was a little uneasy  with my tail at first, but soon I was a natural. We rushed down, and actually we found a very good run. It wasn't too full of trees, but hey, it worked. Unfortunatly, we had to hit a lot of jumps, and our psyudo snowboards weren't ment for it well. However, we were lucky and had soft landings. Good, because he had very big air. Soon, we heard ski partol rushing after us. We looked back, looked at eachother, and smiled very wickedly. A fork came ahead, and we split up. The two skiers followed one each. I led mine down a very dangerous slope, with lots of jumps. We were also in a very tree full area. I swerved to avoid them, and I had a hard time with my tail, numb, and tip back. Eventualy, I saw a very large jump ahead, and a fallen tree trunk beside it. I knew it would be suicidal to jump that, so I decided to fake the bastard behind out. I crouched like I would jump, peeked behind, and saw SkiFree behind me do the same. I waited untill the last second...SWERVE and I went onto the log in a 50-50 grind. My tail was so numb, it couldn't feel the friction as I grinded down to another way down. I watched as the skier jumped and flew.
    He fell out of sight.
    "GONE!!" I went over and evetually met up with Rose. She was still tailed, and so I decided to rescue her. I rode up to the skier's side, wound up and knocked him down. He crashed down and we rushed on. We high-fived one another and continued. We eventually made it to the end. We began experincing loss of snow. Rose was okay, but I eventually had to switch to floating. We made it to the rocky part, but the thing is that was a lot of rock and no snow. I glided over and took Rose. The board broke just then, and she barley caught the scarves. I piggybacked all the way down, and eventually, we finally hit the bottom. We glided for a bit, then we stopped. Weak legs guided us to a rock outcropping where we rested for a long time.
    "Well...We made it," I gasped.
    "I...guess so...Hiro," Rose wheezed. We were cold, tired and a long way from home still. My head and tail began to hurt as well. I also was thirsty. I got out StarStriker. She looked very pleased to see me; she knew that I was me no matter what. I asked her to please pour water into the cups Rose brought. We drank and had more untill we were satisfied. I then let out the other pokèmon. They were happy to see me too, and StarStriker gave them water as well. Soon, we were all rested, and began to find out how we should go about on getting home. Rose lived in Sootopolis. I lived in Mossdeep. Far apart, I geuss...I had an idea. I could piggyback Rose for "hops" untill we found the ocean, then we'd ride StarStriker to Sootopolis, drop her off, then ride her home. We agreed and began our journey a few hours later.

    Huh...I geuss that things got a little spy-gamed up a bit, but they're alright. Now, I have gots me a pretty good thing coming down the pipe, and expect some later by summer's end, along w/a new MW!!